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Proof harnesses

Rémi Delmas edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 10 revisions

This section gives simple examples of writing a proof harness for CBMC. The purpose of a proof harness is to build a model of the environment of the function under test. The purpose of this model (the proof harness) is to collect in one place all of the assumptions required for the proof to hold.

Modeling input

For simple functions, the model of the environment is just the input to the function.

Suppose we have a library library1.c

#include <assert.h>

int alpha1(int a) {
    return a+1;

int beta1(int b) {
    int bb = alpha1(b);
    assert(bb == b);

and we want to test function beta1. The input to function beta1 is an integer b. We write a proof harness harness1.c

int beta1(int b);

main() {
   int x;

that allocates an unconstrained integer named x and invokes beta1 on x.

We run CBMC on the result with

goto-cc -o library1.goto library1.c
goto-cc -o harness1.goto harness1.c
goto-cc -o proof1.goto library1.goto harness1.goto
cbmc proof1.goto

and we see a violation of the assertion bb == b. Correcting this assertion to bb == b + 1 fixes the problem.

Modeling global state

Sometimes a function depends on global state. A common example is low-level system code that depends on a system table, and we want to know the code works no matter what has been stored in the system table.

Suppose we have a library library2.c

#include <assert.h>

int counter = 0;

int alpha2(int a) {
    counter = counter + 1;
    return a+counter;

int beta2(int b) {
    int bb = alpha2(b);
    assert(bb == b + 1);

and we want to test function beta2. This time the function beta2 depends on its input b, but it also depends on a global variable counter that is initialized to 0 but is changed with each invocation of beta2. We want to know that beta2 always works, no matter how many times beta2 has been invoked in the past.

We do this by writing a proof harness that choses an unconstrained value for both the function input b and the global variable counter. We write a proof harness harness2.c

extern int counter;
int beta2(int b);

main() {
    int cnt;
    counter = cnt;

    int x;

We run CBMC on the result with

goto-cc -o library2.goto library2.c
goto-cc -o harness2.goto harness2.c
goto-cc -o proof2.goto library2.goto harness2.goto
cbmc proof2.goto

and see a violation of the assertion bb == b + 1. We correct this to bb >= b + 1 and we are done.

Modeling interfaces

Sometimes a function depends on an implementation of an interface that we don't care to test. A common example is a function the depends on a network communication protocol like HTTP with send and receive methods. We want our code to work independent of the protocol implementation, so we replace the implementations of the functions in the protocol interface with stubs that over-approximate the behaviors of the implementations.

Suppose we have a library library3.c

#include <assert.h>

void send(int msg);
int receive();

int alpha(int x) {
    int y = receive();
    assert(y > 0);
    return y+1;

that depends on send and receive methods from a network interface. We stub out the network interface with network3.c

int receive() {
    // model receiving an unconstrained integer value from the network
    int msg;
    return msg;

void send(int msg) {
    // model sending an integer over the network (nothing to do)

We write the proof harness harness3.c

int alpha(int x);

main() {
    int x;

We run CBMC with

goto-cc -o network3.goto network3.c
goto-cc -o library3.goto library3.c
goto-cc -o harness3.goto harness3.c
goto-cc -o proof3.goto network3.goto library3.goto harness3.goto
cbmc proof3.goto

and we get a failure of the assertion y > 0.

Suppose the mistake is in our model of the network. Suppose our network only transmits positive integers. Then we can fix our stub of the receive method to return not an unconstrained integer but an unconstrained positive integer. We change our stubs for the network to network3a.c

int receive() {
    // model receiving an unconstrained POSTIVE integer value from the network
    int msg;
    __CPROVER_assume(msg > 0);
    return msg;

void send(int msg) {
    // model sending an integer over the network (nothing to do)

We run CBMC with

    goto-cc -o network3a.goto network3a.c
    goto-cc -o library3.goto library3.c
    goto-cc -o harness3.goto harness3.c
    goto-cc -o proof3.goto network3a.goto library3.goto harness3.goto
    cbmc proof3.goto

and declare victory at the successful verification.

Allocating data

For projects where functions take pointers to data on the heap, we recommend writing functions to allocate unconstrained values on the heap of the appropriate types for use in proof harnesses.

Consider a string buffer defined by

typedef struct { size_t length; char* buffer; } strbuf;

and consider a function that takes a pointer to a string buffer and caches the fifth character in the buffer into a global variable

char cache;
void cache_fifth_char(strbuf* str) { cache = str->buffer[4]; }

Let's try to prove that this function is memory safe (although, obviously, it is not). Memory safety means that we never dereference an invalid pointer and we never try to access data outside the bounds of a valid object. We can do this by calling CBMC with the flags --pointer-check and --bounds-check. Let's prove this even in the case where malloc can fail and return NULL instead of a pointer. The default model of malloc in CBMC never fails, but we can change to a model of mailloc that can fail and return NULL by calling CBMC with the flags --malloc-may-fail and --malloc-fail-null.

The function cache_fifth_char takes a pointer to a string buffer on the heap, so let write a function that allocates a string buffer.

strbuf* strbuf_allocate(size_t length) {
  strbuf* str = malloc(sizeof(strbuf));
  if (str == NULL) return NULL;
  str->length = length;
  str->buffer = malloc(length);
  return str;

Now we can write a proof harness for the function

main() {
  size_t len;
  strbuf* str = strbuf_allocate(len);


Pulling all of this together into a single file strbuf1.c, we can run cbmc on this file with

cbmc --pointer-check --bounds-check --malloc-may-fail --malloc-fail-null strbuf1.c

and the result is a slew of verification failures including

[cache_fifth_char.pointer_dereference.1] line 7 dereference failure: pointer NULL in str->buffer: FAILURE
[cache_fifth_char.pointer_dereference.7] line 7 dereference failure: pointer NULL in str->buffer[(signed long int)4]: FAILURE
[cache_fifth_char.pointer_dereference.11] line 7 dereference failure: pointer outside object bounds in str->buffer[(signed long int)4]: FAILURE

The first is saying that str may be NULL, the second is saying that str->buffer may be NULL, and the third is saying that str->buffer may not have 5 character in it.

We are obviously going to have to make some assumptions about the string buffer before we can prove that the function is memory safe.

Validating data

For projects that require allocating objects of various types on the heap, we recommend writing predicates that say what well-formed objects of these types look like.

In the case of our example, a valid pointer to a string buffer must be nonnull, and a valid string buffer must have a buffer that is nonnull.

bool strbuf_is_valid(strbuf* str) {
  if (str == NULL) return false;
  if (str->buffer == NULL) return false;
  return true;

With this predicate, we can write a proof harness that assumes the string buffer allocated on the heap is valid before calling the function. We can also assert that the string buffer remains valid after calling the function. And we can assume that the buffer has at least 5 characters in it. In fact, we can prove the this remains true after the function invocation, meaning that the function preserves the validity of its input.

main() {
  size_t len;
  strbuf* str = strbuf_allocate(len);

  __CPROVER_assume(str->length > 4);


  __CPROVER_assert(strbuf_is_valid(str), "String buffer remains valid");
  __CPROVER_assert(str->length > 4, "String buffer remains length >4");

Pulling all of this together into strbuf2.c, we can run CBMC

cbmc --pointer-check --bounds-check --malloc-may-fail --malloc-fail-null strbuf2.c

and rejoice in the successful validation.

Proofs make assumptions

Notice that in our last proof harness, we worked hard to make as explicit as possible all of the assumptions required for memory safety to hold: The pointer must be a valid pointer to a valid string buffer with at least five characters in it. It is the responsibility of the programmer to make certain that these assumptions are true when the function is called. If the function is every called in a context where one of these assumptions is false, the proof of memory safety has no meaning. All bets are off.