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42 lines (35 loc) · 2.7 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (35 loc) · 2.7 KB trains networks that can transfer styles from artwork into images.


  • --checkpoint-dir: Directory to save checkpoint in. Required.
  • --style: Path to style image. Required.
  • --train-path: Path to training images folder. Default: data/train2014.
  • --test: Path to content image to test network on at at every checkpoint iteration. Default: no image.
  • --test-dir: Path to directory to save test images in. Required if --test is passed a value.
  • --epochs: Epochs to train for. Default: 2.
  • --batch-size: Batch size for training. Default: 4.
  • --checkpoint-iterations: Number of iterations to go for between checkpoints. Default: 2000.
  • --vgg-path: Path to VGG19 network (default). Can pass VGG16 if you want to try out other loss functions. Default: data/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat.
  • --content-weight: Weight of content in loss function. Default: 7.5e0.
  • --style-weight: Weight of style in loss function. Default: 1e2.
  • --tv-weight: Weight of total variation term in loss function. Default: 2e2.
  • --learning-rate: Learning rate for optimizer. Default: 1e-3.
  • --slow: For debugging loss function. Direct optimization on pixels using Gatys' approach. Uses test image as content value, test_dir for saving fully optimized images. evaluates trained networks given a checkpoint directory. If evaluating images from a directory, every image in the directory must have the same dimensions.


  • --checkpoint: Directory or ckpt file to load checkpoint from. Required.
  • --in-path: Path of image or directory of images to transform. Required.
  • --out-path: Out path of transformed image or out directory to put transformed images from in directory (if in_path is a directory). Required.
  • --device: Device used to transform image. Default: /cpu:0.
  • --batch-size: Batch size used to evaluate images. In particular meant for directory transformations. Default: 4.
  • --allow-different-dimensions: Allow different image dimensions. Default: not enabled transforms videos into stylized videos given a style transfer net.


  • --checkpoint-dir: Directory or ckpt file to load checkpoint from. Required.
  • --in-path: Path to video to transfer style to. Required.
  • --out-path: Path to out video. Required.
  • --tmp-dir: Directory to put temporary processing files in. Will generate a dir if you do not pass it a path. Will delete tmpdir afterwards. Default: randomly generates invisible dir, then deletes it after execution completion.
  • --device: Device to evaluate frames with. Default: /gpu:0.
  • --batch-size: Batch size for evaluating images. Default: 4.