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Wild Oasis React Website

Wild Oasis Logo

I'm excited to share with you the development details of Wild Oasis, a React.js website I built using a variety of tools and libraries.


Wild Oasis is a dynamic web application aimed at providing users with information and resources about wildlife conservation efforts, nature exploration, and outdoor activities.

Technologies Used

Here's a breakdown of the tools and libraries I utilized in building Wild Oasis:

  • React.js: The core framework for building the user interface.
  • React Router DOM: For managing navigation and routing within the application.
  • React Query (Tanstckquery): Utilized for data fetching and state management, providing a seamless experience for handling asynchronous data.
  • Supabase: Implemented for database management and user authentication, ensuring secure and efficient data handling.
  • Styled Components: Used for styling components with CSS-in-JS, allowing for more maintainable and scalable styling solutions.
  • React Hot Toast: Integrated for displaying alerts and notifications in response to user actions or system events.
  • React Hook Form: Employed for form handling and validation, enabling a smooth user experience during data input.
  • Recharts: Utilized for data visualization and representation, allowing for the creation of interactive and visually appealing charts.
  • Date Fns: Integrated for date and number formatting, enhancing the presentation of temporal and numerical data.

Build Tool

  • Vite: Utilized as the build tool for Wild Oasis, offering fast and efficient development and production builds.


Wild Oasis represents a culmination of various technologies and best practices in modern web development. By leveraging these tools, I aimed to create a responsive, intuitive, and visually compelling website for users interested in exploring and supporting wildlife conservation efforts.