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Polymorph Components Guide - Polymer 3.0

UPDATE As of DEC. 05, 2018: We are currently in the process of updating Morph Components to use lit-element as its base class. Most of the Morph Copmponents already have this new lit-element version and are found in the 'lit' branch and some are already merge in 'master' at same time we updated the version used in the npm registry.

This getting started guide is for out Morph Components recently updated to Polymer 3.0

  • The Polymer 3.0 version resides in the polymer3 branch until merge to our master branch

Install the Polymer-CLI

First, make sure you have installed the Polymer CLI.

Our examples are demonstrated with specific morph components such as <morph-button>. Please change them with your desired component that you want to clone and use



  npm install --save @moduware/morph-button

In an HTML file

      <script type="module">
        import '@moduware/morph-button';

      <morph-button filled big>submit</morph-button>

In a Polymer 3 element

  import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';

  import '@moduware/morph-button.js';

  class ExampleElement extends PolymerElement {
    static get template() {
      return html'
        <morph-button filled big >submit</morph-button>

  customElements.define('example-element', ExampleElement);

Getting Started on development

You can clone the desired repository to create a local copy on your computer.

  1. Navigate to the main page of the repository in Github

  2. Click Clone or download and copy the clone URL for the repository

  3. Open your Terminal and change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made and Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 2.

NOTE: For this step we will only clone the polymer3 branch.

As an example, we will clone our <morph-button> component polymer3 branch.

git clone --single-branch -b master
  1. Then $ cd morph-button/

  2. Run $ npm install to install all packages in your package.json and any packages that it depends on in the local /node_modules folder

Running A Local Server

To Run local server on your machine

  1. Open another tab or window of your terminal

  2. Use npm start or polymer serve --npm --module-resolution=node

and if running correctly, this message will appear

info:   Files in this directory are available under the following URLs
      reusable components:

Running the demo locally

Copy and paste the reusable components URL to your browser and open developer console and select either an IOS or Android device to see the component's render correctly.

Note: You will not see the component's render properly unless you have set the device type (iOS or Android).

  1. Important: Running this local server is needed for running Polymer Test. More about this below.

Running Test

NOTE: Due to current limitations by Polymer3 running test in the CLI or terminal, please run server and view all test in a browser.

  • To start Polymer Unit Test you can run npm start and go to and inspect element and view the console.

Once the issues of running test in the terminal is wrinkle free, we can run our morph component tests using web-component-tester or WCT for short. Our tests is setup to use --expanded: true configuration for creating a more readable output of test results in the console. It will show all the test that were run and also show all the test that failed if any. Additional configuration for WCT can be found and further configured in the wct-conf.json file in the root of your desired component's directory.

A local server is needed to be started and running for the test to properly run.

Morph Components are also built with wct-instabub for code coverage. If you have polymer-cli installed, run the test on the terminal with command


This command will run the test and give test coverage report on the terminal and also have '/coverage' folder for code test coverage related files

To create new test, change to the test/ directory. See file structure below.

As an example, we will use our <morph-button> component.

├── node_modules/
├── demo/
├── test/
│    │
│    └── morph-button_test.html
├── morph-button.js
  • Then either add new test to existing fixture and context, or add new fixture and create new test context for new property or group of tests. Refer to WCT documentation for more detailed explanation about fixtures.

  • Example test for <morph-button>.

    example test fixtures
    <test-fixture id="BasicAndroidFixture">
        <morph-button platform="android">Android</morph-button>

    <test-fixture id="BasicIosFixture">
        <morph-button platform="ios">Submit</morph-button>

    other fixtures are omitted...

      describe('morph-button', function() {
        // declare colors for testing in the whole button testing suite
        const androidBlue = 'rgb(33, 150, 243)';
        const iosblueBackground = 'rgb(0, 122, 255)'
        const white = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
        const iosBorderRadius = '27px';

        // testing default Android Buttons properties
        context('Android Default Usual Buttons', function() {
          // declare variable for button in this context only
          let button, morphRipple, rippleStyle;

          // Create a test fixture
          beforeEach(function() {
            // assigning button fixture for this context. This will automatically removed on the teardown phase of this test context
            button = fixture('BasicAndroidFixture');

            // getting style our morph-ripple
            morphRipple = button.root.querySelector('morph-ripple');
            rippleStyle = getComputedStyle(morphRipple);

          it('instantiating the button on android platform with default properties works', function() {
            // testing for default colors and which platform was set in html markup

          it('should have <morph-ripple> display = "block" ', function() {


  • For brief overview of Polymer Testing please go to this page Polymer Test

  • To learn more about the other Polymorph Components, please check out this repository.