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Wayne Roddy edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 3 revisions

A slider is a basic section of rotating images

The MXT Feature Call to be placed where you want it rendered:


that contains this:

    &parents=`-1` &resources=`[[*slider_ids:is=`default`:then=`[[++mxt.default_slider]]`:else=`[[*slider_ids]]`]]` 
    &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1` &tvPrefix=`tv.`
    [[*slider_ids:notempty=`&sortby=`FIELD(, [[*slider_ids]] )` &sortdir=`ASC``]]

Which says if you have something in the TV continue. If you put "default" get the default ID's from the context setting, else get the ID's from the Resource.

We have a YouTube Video to explain this feature.

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