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28 lines (20 loc) · 805 Bytes

File metadata and controls

28 lines (20 loc) · 805 Bytes


Download source audio: youtube-dl -i -f 249 --yes-playlist PL4A2F331EE86DCC22&index=1

generate subtitles: for FILE in ./target_folder/*; do python3 $FILE >$; done

sort all subtitles in folder for word frequenzy sed 's/.//g;s/(.*)/\L\1/;s/\ /\n/g' *.srt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n > wordfreq_all.txt

remove timestamps from list: sed -i '/pattern to match/d' ./wordfreq_all.txt

cat word_test.txt | grep '[aábcdeéfghiíjklmnoóöőpqrstuúüűvwxyz]+'

reformat timestamps in files in folder so it sorts better: #! /bin/bash for f in *.srt ; do new=${f:6:4}${f:5:1}${f:3:3}${f:0:3}${f:10} if [[ -f $new ]] ; then echo "Can't rename $f: $new already exists!" >&2 else mv "$f" "$new" fi done