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📦 potojson

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Pofile to JSON conversion without pain.


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pip install potojson



# pofile_to_json(content, fallback_to_msgid=False, fuzzy=False, pretty=False, indent=2, language=None, plural_forms=None, as_dict=False) ⇒ str

Converts a pofile passed as string or filepath and returns a JSON formatted output. Given this pofile:


#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

msgid "msgid"
msgstr "msgstr"

msgctxt "msgctxt"
msgid "msgid"
msgstr "msgstr"

msgid "msgid"
msgid_plural "msgid_plural"
msgstr[0] "msgstr[0]"
msgstr[1] "msgstr[1]"

msgctxt "msgctxt"
msgid "msgid"
msgid_plural "msgid_plural"
msgstr[0] "msgstr[0]"
msgstr[1] "msgstr[1]"

... the output will be:

  "": {
    "language": "es",
    "plural-forms": "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;",
  "msgid": "msgstr",
  "msgctxt": {
    "msgid": "msgstr",
  "msgid": ["msgstr[0]", "msgstr[1]"],
  "msgctxt": {
    "msgid": ["msgstr[0]", "msgstr[1]"],

This output can be customized tuning the parameters of the function:

  • content (str) Content or filepath of the pofile to convert.
  • fallback_to_msgid (bool) Use msgid if translation is missing.
  • fuzzy (bool) Include fuzzy messages.
  • pretty (bool) Pretty-print JSON output.
  • sort_keys (bool) Sort dictionary by key. Combined with as_dict parameter, returns an instance of collections.OrderedDict.
  • indent (int) Number of spaces for indentation used pretty-printing JSON output. Only takes effect if pretty is enabled.
  • language (str) Language for the translations. Will be inserted in the empty key of the JSON output. If not provided and the passed pofile includes the "Language" header, will be extracted from it.
  • plural_forms (str) Plural forms for the language of the translations. Will be inserted in the empty key of the JSON output. If not provided and the passed pofile includes the "Plural-Forms" header, will be extracted from it.
  • as_dict (bool) Returns the output as a Python dictionary.
  • encoding (str) The encoding to use reading the pofile. By default will be auto-detected.


usage: potojson [-h] [-v] [-m] [-f] [-p] [-k] [-i N] [-l LANGUAGE] [-s PLURAL_FORMS] [-e ENCODING] [PO_FILEPATH_OR_CONTENT ...]

Pofile to JSON conversion without pain.

positional arguments:
                        Path to pofile or pofile content as string. If the input file stream is interactive, will be read from STDIN.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         Show program version number and exit.
  -m, --fallback-to-msgid
                        Use msgid if translation is missing.
  -f, --fuzzy           Include fuzzy messages.
  -p, --pretty          Pretty-print JSON output.
  -k, --sort-keys       Sort JSON output by keys.
  -i N, --indent N      Number of spaces for indentation used pretty-printing JSON output. Only takes effect passing the "--pretty" option.
  -l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
                        Language for the translations. Will be inserted in the empty key of the JSON output. If not provided and the passed pofile includes the "Language" header, will be extracted from it.
  -s PLURAL_FORMS, --plural-forms PLURAL_FORMS
                        Plural forms for the language of the translations. Will be inserted in the empty key of the JSON output. If not provided and the passed pofile includes the "Plural-Forms" header, will be extracted from it.
  -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
                        The encoding to use reading the pofile. By default will be auto-detected.