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83 lines (67 loc) · 2.74 KB


File metadata and controls

83 lines (67 loc) · 2.74 KB

import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

🛠️ Prerequisites

Symfony is a modern PHP framework that makes it easy to build web applications. It's flexible, scalable, and easy to use. It's also a great way to learn PHP and web development.

In their own words:

Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components... ...and a PHP framework for web projects

:::tip You can even try their cloud platform without installing anything! :::

PHP Tools

```bash brew install php ``` ```bash sudo apt-get install php ``` Download the [official PHP installer](
  • Composer - Symfony uses Composer to manage its dependencies. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. You can download Composer from the official Composer website.
```bash brew install composer ``` ```bash sudo apt-get install composer ``` Download the [official Composer installer](
  • Symfony CLI - Symfony provides a command-line tool called the Symfony CLI. It's a great way to create new Symfony applications, manage dependencies, and run your application. You can download the Symfony CLI from the official Symfony website.
```bash curl -sS | bash ``` ```bash wget -O - | bash ``` Download the [official Symfony CLI installer](

MongoDB Atlas cluster

Please follow our quick start with Atlas to create a free cluster if you don't have one already.

By the end of this page you will have

  • PHP tools to start a Symfony project
  • A MongoDB Atlas cluster to connect to with a connection string URI (see more here)