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375 lines (370 loc) · 26.2 KB

File metadata and controls

375 lines (370 loc) · 26.2 KB

Test Inventory

Fields Description

  • Command: the MongoDB Atlas CLI command without atlas
  • E2E Atlas:
    • Possible values: ('Y'|'N')
    • Indicates if an e2e test for the command is present ('Y') or not present ('N') for Atlas
  • Atlas:
    • Possible values: ('Y'|'N'|' ')
    • Indicates if the command supports ('Y') or not support ('N'|' ') Atlas


Command E2E Atlas Atlas
alerts config create Y Y
alerts config delete Y Y
alerts config fields type Y Y
alerts config list Y Y
alerts acknowledge Y Y
alerts unacknowledge Y Y
alerts list Y Y
alerts describe Y Y
alerts global list
accessList create Y Y
accessList delete Y Y
accessList list Y Y
backup snapshots create Y Y
backup snapshots delete Y Y
backup snapshots describe Y Y
backup snapshots list Y Y
backup snapshots watch Y Y
backup exports buckets create Y Y
backup exports buckets list Y Y
backup exports buckets describe Y Y
backup exports buckets delete Y Y
backup exports jobs create Y Y
backup exports jobs list Y Y
backup exports jobs describe Y Y
backup exports jobs delete Y Y
backup exports jobs watch Y Y
backup restores list Y Y
backup restores describe Y Y
backup restores start Y Y
backup restores watch Y Y
backup schedule describe Y Y
backup schedule delete Y Y
backup schedule update Y Y
backup compliancepolicy describe Y Y
backup compliancepolicy enable Y Y
backup compliancepolicy copyprotection Y Y
backup compliancepolicy setup Y Y
backup compliancepolicy pointintimerestore enable Y Y
backup compliancepolicy policies describe Y Y
backup compliancepolicy encryptionAtRest enable N N
backup compliancepolicy encryptionAtRest disable N N
cloudProvider aws accessRoles authorize N Y
cloudProvider aws accessRoles deauthorize N Y
cloudProvider aws accessRoles create Y Y
cloudProvider accessRoles list Y Y
cluster connectionString describe Y Y
cluster index create Y Y
cluster create Y Y
cluster delete Y Y
cluster describe Y Y
cluster list Y Y
cluster start N Y
cluster pause N Y
cluster update Y Y
cluster watch Y Y
cluster onlineArchive create Y Y
cluster onlineArchive delete Y Y
cluster onlineArchive describe Y Y
cluster onlineArchive list Y Y
cluster onlineArchive pause Y Y
cluster onlineArchive start Y Y
cluster onlineArchive update Y Y
cluster search index create Y Y
cluster search index delete Y Y
cluster search index describe Y Y
cluster search index list Y Y
cluster search index update Y Y
cluster search nodes list Y Y
cluster search nodes create Y Y
cluster search nodes update Y Y
cluster search nodes delete Y Y
cluster advancedSettings describe Y Y
cluster advancedSettings update Y Y
dbrole create Y Y
dbrole delete Y Y
dbrole describe Y Y
dbrole list Y Y
dbrole update Y Y
customDns aws describe Y Y
customDns aws disable Y Y
customDns aws enable Y Y
datalake create Y Y
datalake delete Y Y
datalake describe Y Y
datalake list Y Y
datalake update Y Y
dbuser certs create Y Y
dbuser certs list Y Y
dbuser create Y Y
dbuser delete Y Y
dbuser describe Y Y
dbuser list Y Y
dbuser update Y Y
integration create DATADOG Y Y
integration create FLOWDOCK Y Y
integration create OPS_GENIE Y Y
integration create PAGER_DUTY Y Y
integration create VICTOR_OPS Y Y
integration create WEBHOOK Y Y
integration create VICTOR_OPS Y Y
integration create VICTOR_OPS Y Y
integration delete Y Y
integration describe Y Y
integration list Y Y
logs download Y Y
accesslogs list Y Y
maintenanceWindow clear Y Y
maintenanceWindow defer N Y
maintenanceWindow describe Y Y
maintenanceWindow update Y Y
metric database describe Y Y
metric database list N Y
metric disk describe Y Y
metric disk list N Y
metric processes Y Y
networking container delete N Y
networking container list N Y
networking peering create aws N Y
networking peering create azure N Y
networking peering create gcp N Y
networking peering delete N Y
networking peering list N Y
networking peering watch N Y
privateEndpoint aws interface create N Y
privateEndpoint aws interface delete N Y
privateEndpoint aws interface describe N Y
privateEndpoint aws create Y Y
privateEndpoint aws delete Y Y
privateEndpoint aws describe Y Y
privateEndpoint aws list Y Y
privateEndpoint aws watch Y Y
privateEndpoint azure interface create N Y
privateEndpoint azure interface delete N Y
privateEndpoint azure interface describe N Y
privateEndpoint azure create Y Y
privateEndpoint azure delete Y Y
privateEndpoint azure describe Y Y
privateEndpoint azure list Y Y
privateEndpoint azure watch Y Y
privateEndpoint gcp create Y Y
privateEndpoint gcp delete Y Y
privateEndpoint gcp list Y Y
privateEndpoint gcp descibe Y Y
privateEndpoint gcp watch Y Y
privateEndpoint dataLake aws create Y Y
privateEndpoint dataLake aws list Y Y
privateEndpoint dataLake aws delete Y Y
privateEndpoint dataLake aws describe Y Y
privateEndpoint interface create N Y
privateEndpoint interface delete N Y
privateEndpoint interface describe N Y
privateEndpoint regionalMode describe Y Y
privateEndpoint regionalMode enable Y Y
privateEndpoint regionalMode disable Y Y
process list Y Y
quickstart Y Y
security customercert create N Y
security customercert disable N Y
security customercert describe N Y
security ldap delete Y Y
security ldap describe Y Y
security ldap save Y Y
security ldap status Y Y
security ldap verify Y Y
security ldap watch Y Y
streams connection
streams connection create Y Y
streams connection delete Y Y
streams connection describe Y Y
streams connection list Y Y
streams connection update Y Y
streams instance
streams instance create Y Y
streams instance delete Y Y
streams instance describe Y Y
streams instance list Y Y
streams instance update Y Y
streams instance log Y Y
completion Y Y
config delete Y Y
config list Y Y
config describe Y Y
config rename Y Y
config set
event list Y Y
globalAccessList create
globalAccessList delete
globalAccessList describe
globalAccessList list
globalApiKey create
globalApiKey delete
globalApiKey describe
globalApiKey list
globalApiKey update
orgs apiKey accessList create Y Y
orgs apiKey accessList delete Y Y
orgs apiKey accessList list Y Y
orgs apiKey create Y Y
orgs apiKey delete Y Y
orgs apiKey describe Y Y
orgs apiKey list Y Y
orgs apiKey update Y Y
orgs users list N Y
orgs create
orgs delete N Y
orgs describe Y Y
orgs list Y Y
orgs invitations list Y Y
orgs invitations describe Y Y
orgs invitations invite Y Y
orgs invitations update Y Y
orgs invitations delete Y Y
project apiKey create Y Y
project apiKey delete Y Y
project apiKey describe N Y
project apiKey list Y Y
project apiKey assign Y Y
project users list Y Y
project users delete N Y
project team add N Y
project team delete N Y
project team list N Y
project team update N Y
project create Y Y
project delete N Y
project describe N Y
project list N Y
project invitations list Y Y
project invitations describe Y Y
project invitations invite Y Y
project invitations update Y Y
project invitations delete Y Y
team user add Y Y
team user delete Y Y
team user list Y Y
team create Y Y
team delete Y Y
team describe Y Y
team list Y Y
user invite N Y
user delete N Y
user describe Y Y
admin backup blockstore create
admin backup blockstore delete
admin backup blockstore describe
admin backup blockstore list
admin backup blockstore update
admin backup fileSystem create
admin backup fileSystem delete
admin backup fileSystem describe
admin backup fileSystem list
admin backup fileSystem update
admin backup oplog create
admin backup oplog delete
admin backup oplog describe
admin backup oplog list
admin backup oplog update
admin backup s3 create
admin backup s3 delete
admin backup s3 describe
admin backup s3 list
admin backup s3 update
admin backup sync create
admin backup sync delete
admin backup sync describe
admin backup sync list
admin backup sync update
agent apikeys create
agent apikeys delete
agent apikeys list
agent version list
agent list
agent upgrade
automation describe
automation status
automation update
automation watch
cluster apply
cluster create
cluster delete
cluster describe
cluster list
cluster restart
cluster shutdown
cluster startup
cluster unmanage
cluster update
cluster reclaimFreeSpace
cluster index create
dbuser create
dbuser delete
dbuser list
diagnose-archive download
featurePolicy list
featurePolicy update
logs jobs collect
logs jobs download
logs jobs delete
logs jobs list
logs decrypt
logs keyProvider list
maintenanceWindows create
maintenanceWindows delete
maintenanceWindows list
maintenanceWindows update
database describe
database list
disk describe
disk list
process describe
process list
security enable
monitoring enable
monitoring disable
monitoring stop
owner create
server list
softwareComponent list
versionManifest update
serverUsage orgs hosts list
serverUsage orgs serverType get
serverUsage orgs serverType set
serverUsage project hosts list
serverUsage project serverType get
serverUsage projet serverType set
serverUsage capture
serverUsage download
performanceAdvisor namespace list Y Y
performanceAdvisor slowQueryLogs list Y Y
performanceAdvisor suggestedIndexes list Y Y
performanceAdvisor slowOT enable Y Y
performanceAdvisor slowOT disable Y Y
serverless create Y Y
serverless delete Y Y
serverless describe Y Y
serverless list Y Y
serverless watch Y Y
serverless update Y Y
serverless backup snapshots list Y Y
serverless backup snapshots describe Y Y
serverless backup snapshots watch Y Y
livemigrations link create Y Y
livemigrations link delete Y Y
livemigrations validation create Y
livemigrations create Y
livemigrations cutover N Y
completion bash Y Y
completion zsh Y Y
completion fish Y Y
completion powershell Y Y
setup Y Y
register N Y
kubernetes config generate Y Y
kubernetes config apply Y Y
kubernetes operator install Y Y