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Client Side Encryption Tests


This document describes the format of the driver spec tests included in the JSON and YAML files included in the legacy sub-directory. Tests in the unified directory are written using the Unified Test Format.

The timeoutMS.yml/timeoutMS.json files in this directory contain tests for the timeoutMS option and its application to the client-side encryption feature. Drivers MUST only run these tests after implementing the Client Side Operations Timeout specification.

Additional prose tests, that are not represented in the spec tests, are described and MUST be implemented by all drivers.

Running spec and prose tests require that the driver and server both support Client-Side Field Level Encryption. CSFLE is supported when all of the following are true:

  • Server version is 4.2.0 or higher. Legacy spec test runners can rely on runOn.minServerVersion for this check.
  • Driver has libmongocrypt enabled
  • At least one of crypt_shared and/or mongocryptd is available.

Spec Test Format

The spec tests format is an extension of the transactions spec legacy test format with some additions:

  • A json_schema to set on the collection used for operations.
  • An encrypted_fields to set on the collection used for operations.
  • A key_vault_data of data that should be inserted in the key vault collection before each test.
  • Introduction autoEncryptOpts to clientOptions
  • Addition of $db to command in command_started_event
  • Addition of $$type to command_started_event and outcome.

The semantics of $$type is that any actual value matching one of the types indicated by either a BSON type string or an array of BSON type strings is considered a match.

For example, the following matches a command_started_event for an insert of a document where random must be of type binData:

- command_started_event:
      insert: *collection_name
        - { random: { $$type: "binData" } }
      ordered: true
    command_name: insert

The following matches a command_started_event for an insert of a document where random must be of type binData or string:

- command_started_event:
      insert: *collection_name
        - { random: { $$type: ["binData", "string"] } }
      ordered: true
    command_name: insert

The values of $$type correspond to these documented string representations of BSON types.

Each YAML file has the following keys:

  • runOn Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
  • database_name Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
  • collection_name Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
  • data Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
  • json_schema A JSON Schema that should be set on the collection (using createCollection) before each test run.
  • encrypted_fields An encryptedFields option that should be set on the collection (using createCollection) before each test run.
  • key_vault_data The data that should exist in the key vault collection under test before each test run.
  • tests: An array of tests that are to be run independently of each other. Each test will have some or all of the following fields:
    • description: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
    • skipReason: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
    • useMultipleMongoses: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
    • failPoint: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
    • clientOptions: Optional, parameters to pass to MongoClient().
      • autoEncryptOpts: Optional
        • kmsProviders A dictionary of KMS providers to set on the key vault ("aws" or "local")
          • aws The AWS KMS provider. An empty object. Drivers MUST fill in AWS credentials (accessKeyId, secretAccessKey) from the environment.
          • azure The Azure KMS provider credentials. An empty object. Drivers MUST fill in Azure credentials (tenantId, clientId, and clientSecret) from the environment.
          • gcp The GCP KMS provider credentials. An empty object. Drivers MUST fill in GCP credentials (email, privateKey) from the environment.
          • local or local:name2 The local KMS provider.
            • key A 96 byte local key.
          • kmip The KMIP KMS provider credentials. An empty object. Drivers MUST fill in KMIP credentials (endpoint, and TLS options).
        • schemaMap: Optional, a map from namespaces to local JSON schemas.
        • keyVaultNamespace: Optional, a namespace to the key vault collection. Defaults to "keyvault.datakeys".
        • bypassAutoEncryption: Optional, a boolean to indicate whether or not auto encryption should be bypassed. Defaults to false.
        • encryptedFieldsMap An optional document. The document maps collection namespace to EncryptedFields documents.
    • operations: Array of documents, each describing an operation to be executed. Each document has the following fields:
      • name: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
      • object: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.. Defaults to "collection" if omitted.
      • collectionOptions: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
      • command_name: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
      • arguments: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
      • result: Same as the Transactions spec test format with one addition: if the operation is expected to return an error, the result document may contain an isTimeoutError boolean field. If true, the test runner MUST assert that the error represents a timeout due to the use of the timeoutMS option. If false, the test runner MUST assert that the error does not represent a timeout.
    • expectations: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.
    • outcome: Unchanged from Transactions spec tests.


Test credentials are available in AWS Secrets Manager. See for more background on how the secrets are managed.

Test credentials to KMS are located in "drivers/csfle".

Test credentials to create environments are available in "drivers/gcpkms" and "drivers/azurekms".

Use as integration tests

Do the following before running spec tests:

  • If available for the platform under test, obtain a crypt_shared binary and place it in a location accessible to the tests. Refer to: Using crypt_shared
  • Start the mongocryptd process.
  • Start a mongod process with server version 4.2.0 or later.
  • Place credentials somewhere in the environment outside of tracked code. (If testing on evergreen, project variables are a good place).
  • Start a KMIP test server on port 5698 by running drivers-evergreen-tools/.evergreen/csfle/

Load each YAML (or JSON) file using a Canonical Extended JSON parser.

If the test file name matches the regular expression fle2\-Range\-.*\-Correctness, drivers MAY skip the test on macOS. The fle2-Range tests are very slow on macOS and do not provide significant additional test coverage.

Then for each element in tests:

  1. If the skipReason field is present, skip this test completely.
  2. If the key_vault_data field is present:
    1. Drop the keyvault.datakeys collection using writeConcern "majority".
    2. Insert the data specified into the keyvault.datakeys with write concern "majority".
  3. Create a MongoClient.
  4. Create a collection object from the MongoClient, using the database_name and collection_name fields from the YAML file. Drop the collection with writeConcern "majority". If a json_schema is defined in the test, use the createCollection command to explicitly create the collection:

    {"create": <collection>, "validator": {"$jsonSchema": <json_schema>}}

    If encrypted_fields is defined in the test, the required collections and index described in Create and Drop Collection Helpers must be created:

    • Use the dropCollection helper with encrypted_fields as an option and writeConcern "majority".
    • Use the createCollection helper with encrypted_fields as an option.
  5. If the YAML file contains a data array, insert the documents in data into the test collection, using writeConcern "majority".
  6. Create a new MongoClient using clientOptions.
    1. If autoEncryptOpts includes aws, awsTemporary, awsTemporaryNoSessionToken, azure, gcp, and/or kmip as a KMS provider, pass in credentials from the environment.
      • awsTemporary, and awsTemporaryNoSessionToken require temporary AWS credentials. These can be retrieved using the csfle script.
      • aws, awsTemporary, and awsTemporaryNoSessionToken are mutually exclusive.

        aws should be substituted with:

        "aws": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>

        awsTemporary should be substituted with:

        "aws": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
             "sessionToken": <set from environment>

        awsTemporaryNoSessionToken should be substituted with:

        "aws": {
            "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
            "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>

        gcp should be substituted with:

        "gcp": {
            "email": <set from environment>,
            "privateKey": <set from environment>,

        azure should be substituted with:

        "azure": {
            "tenantId": <set from environment>,
            "clientId": <set from environment>,
            "clientSecret": <set from environment>,

        local should be substituted with:

        "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> }

        kmip should be substituted with:

        "kmip": { "endpoint": "localhost:5698" }

        Configure KMIP TLS connections to use the following options:

        The method of passing TLS options for KMIP TLS connections is driver dependent.

    2. If autoEncryptOpts does not include keyVaultNamespace, default it to keyvault.datakeys.
  7. For each element in operations:
    • Enter a "try" block or your programming language's closest equivalent.
    • Create a Database object from the MongoClient, using the database_name field at the top level of the test file.
    • Create a Collection object from the Database, using the collection_name field at the top level of the test file. If collectionOptions is present create the Collection object with the provided options. Otherwise create the object with the default options.
    • Execute the named method on the provided object, passing the arguments listed.
    • If the driver throws an exception / returns an error while executing this series of operations, store the error message and server error code.
    • If the result document has an "errorContains" field, verify that the method threw an exception or returned an error, and that the value of the "errorContains" field matches the error string. "errorContains" is a substring (case-insensitive) of the actual error message.

      If the result document has an "errorCodeName" field, verify that the method threw a command failed exception or returned an error, and that the value of the "errorCodeName" field matches the "codeName" in the server error response.

      If the result document has an "errorLabelsContain" field, verify that the method threw an exception or returned an error. Verify that all of the error labels in "errorLabelsContain" are present in the error or exception using the hasErrorLabel method.

      If the result document has an "errorLabelsOmit" field, verify that the method threw an exception or returned an error. Verify that none of the error labels in "errorLabelsOmit" are present in the error or exception using the hasErrorLabel method.

    • If the operation returns a raw command response, eg from runCommand, then compare only the fields present in the expected result document. Otherwise, compare the method's return value to result using the same logic as the CRUD Spec Tests runner.
  8. If the test includes a list of command-started events in expectations, compare them to the actual command-started events using the same logic as the Command Monitoring spec legacy test runner.
  9. For each element in outcome:
    • If name is "collection", create a new MongoClient without encryption and verify that the test collection contains exactly the documents in the data array. Ensure this find reads the latest data by using primary read preference with local read concern even when the MongoClient is configured with another read preference or read concern.

The spec test MUST be run with and without auth.

Using crypt_shared

On platforms where crypt_shared is available, drivers should prefer to test with the crypt_shared library instead of spawning mongocryptd.

crypt_shared is released alongside the server. crypt_shared is only available in versions 6.0 and above.

mongocryptd is released alongside the server. mongocryptd is available in versions 4.2 and above.

Drivers MUST run all tests with mongocryptd on at least one platform for all tested server versions.

Drivers MUST run all tests with crypt_shared on at least one platform for all tested server versions. For server versions < 6.0, drivers MUST test with the latest major release of crypt_shared. Using the latest major release of crypt_shared is supported with older server versions.

Note that some tests assert on mongocryptd-related behaviors (e.g. the mongocryptdBypassSpawn test).

Drivers under test should load the crypt_shared library using either the cryptSharedLibPath public API option (as part of the AutoEncryption extraOptions), or by setting a special search path instead.

Some tests will require not using crypt_shared. For such tests, one should ensure that crypt_shared will not be loaded. Refer to the client-side-encryption documentation for information on "disabling" crypt_shared and setting library search paths.


The crypt_shared dynamic library can be obtained using the mongodl Python script from drivers-evergreen-tools:

$ python3 --component=crypt_shared --version=<VERSION> --out=./crypt_shared/

Other versions of crypt_shared are also available. Please use the --list option to see versions.

Prose Tests

Tests for the ClientEncryption type are not included as part of the YAML tests.

In the prose tests LOCAL_MASTERKEY refers to the following base64:


Perform all applicable operations on key vault collections (e.g. inserting an example data key, or running a find command) with readConcern/writeConcern "majority".

1. Custom Key Material Test

  1. Create a MongoClient object (referred to as client).
  2. Using client, drop the collection keyvault.datakeys.
  3. Create a ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption) with client set as the keyVaultClient.
  4. Using client_encryption, create a data key with a local KMS provider and the following custom key material (given as base64):
  1. Find the resulting key document in keyvault.datakeys, save a copy of the key document, then remove the key document from the collection.
  2. Replace the _id field in the copied key document with a UUID with base64 value AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== (16 bytes all equal to 0x00) and insert the modified key document into keyvault.datakeys with majority write concern.
  3. Using client_encryption, encrypt the string "test" with the modified data key using the AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic algorithm and assert the resulting value is equal to the following (given as base64):

2. Data Key and Double Encryption

First, perform the setup.

  1. Create a MongoClient without encryption enabled (referred to as client). Enable command monitoring to listen for command_started events.
  2. Using client, drop the collections keyvault.datakeys and db.coll.
  3. Create the following:

    • A MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)
    • A ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption)

    Configure both objects with the following KMS providers:

       "aws": {
          "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
          "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
       "azure": {
          "tenantId": <set from environment>,
          "clientId": <set from environment>,
          "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
       "gcp": {
          "email": <set from environment>,
          "privateKey": <set from environment>,
       "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> },
       "kmip": { "endpoint": "localhost:5698" }

    Configure KMIP TLS connections to use the following options:

    The method of passing TLS options for KMIP TLS connections is driver dependent.

    Configure both objects with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

    Configure the MongoClient with the following schema_map:

      "db.coll": {
        "bsonType": "object",
        "properties": {
          "encrypted_placeholder": {
            "encrypt": {
              "keyId": "/placeholder",
              "bsonType": "string",
              "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random"

    Configure client_encryption with the keyVaultClient of the previously created client.

For each KMS provider (aws, azure, gcp, local, and kmip), referred to as provider_name, run the following test.

  1. Call client_encryption.createDataKey().
    • Set keyAltNames to ["<provider_name>_altname"].
    • Set the masterKey document based on provider_name.

      For "aws":

        region: "us-east-1",
        key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"

      For "azure":

        "keyVaultEndpoint": "",
        "keyName": "key-name-csfle"

      For "gcp":

        "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
        "location": "global",
        "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
        "keyName": "key-name-csfle"

      For "kmip":


      For "local", do not set a masterKey document.

    • Expect a BSON binary with subtype 4 to be returned, referred to as datakey_id.
    • Use client to run a find on keyvault.datakeys by querying with the _id set to the datakey_id.
    • Expect that exactly one document is returned with the "masterKey.provider" equal to provider_name.
    • Check that client captured a command_started event for the insert command containing a majority writeConcern.
  2. Call client_encryption.encrypt() with the value "hello <provider_name>", the algorithm AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic, and the key_id of datakey_id.
    • Expect the return value to be a BSON binary subtype 6, referred to as encrypted.
    • Use client_encrypted to insert { _id: "<provider_name>", "value": <encrypted> } into db.coll.
    • Use client_encrypted to run a find querying with _id of "<provider_name>" and expect value to be "hello <provider_name>".
  3. Call client_encryption.encrypt() with the value "hello <provider_name>", the algorithm AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic, and the key_alt_name of <provider_name>_altname.
    • Expect the return value to be a BSON binary subtype 6. Expect the value to exactly match the value of encrypted.
  4. Test explicit encrypting an auto encrypted field.
    • Use client_encrypted to attempt to insert { "encrypted_placeholder": <encrypted> }
    • Expect an exception to be thrown, since this is an attempt to auto encrypt an already encrypted value.

3. External Key Vault Test

Run the following tests twice, parameterized by a boolean withExternalKeyVault.

  1. Create a MongoClient without encryption enabled (referred to as client).
  2. Using client, drop the collections keyvault.datakeys and db.coll. Insert the document external/external-key.json into keyvault.datakeys.
  3. Create the following:

    • A MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)
    • A ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption)

    Configure both objects with the local KMS providers as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure both objects with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

    Configure client_encrypted to use the schema external/external-schema.json for db.coll by setting a schema map like: { "db.coll": <contents of external-schema.json>}

    If withExternalKeyVault == true, configure both objects with an external key vault client. The external client MUST connect to the same MongoDB cluster that is being tested against, except it MUST use the username fake-user and password fake-pwd.

  4. Use client_encrypted to insert the document {"encrypted": "test"} into db.coll. If withExternalKeyVault == true, expect an authentication exception to be thrown. Otherwise, expect the insert to succeed.
  5. Use client_encryption to explicitly encrypt the string "test" with key ID LOCALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== and deterministic algorithm. If withExternalKeyVault == true, expect an authentication exception to be thrown. Otherwise, expect the insert to succeed.

4. BSON Size Limits and Batch Splitting

First, perform the setup.

  1. Create a MongoClient without encryption enabled (referred to as client).
  2. Using client, drop and create the collection db.coll configured with the included JSON schema limits/limits-schema.json.
  3. Using client, drop the collection keyvault.datakeys. Insert the document limits/limits-key.json
  4. Create a MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)

    Configure with the local KMS provider as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure with the keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

Using client_encrypted perform the following operations:

  1. Insert { "_id": "over_2mib_under_16mib", "unencrypted": <the string "a" repeated 2097152 times> }.

    Expect this to succeed since this is still under the maxBsonObjectSize limit.

  2. Insert the document limits/limits-doc.json concatenated with { "_id": "encryption_exceeds_2mib", "unencrypted": < the string "a" repeated (2097152 - 2000) times > } Note: limits-doc.json is a 1005 byte BSON document that encrypts to a ~10,000 byte document.

    Expect this to succeed since after encryption this still is below the normal maximum BSON document size. Note, before auto encryption this document is under the 2 MiB limit. After encryption it exceeds the 2 MiB limit, but does NOT exceed the 16 MiB limit.

  3. Bulk insert the following:

    • { "_id": "over_2mib_1", "unencrypted": <the string "a" repeated (2097152) times> }
    • { "_id": "over_2mib_2", "unencrypted": <the string "a" repeated (2097152) times> }

    Expect the bulk write to succeed and split after first doc (i.e. two inserts occur). This may be verified using command monitoring.

  4. Bulk insert the following:

    • The document limits/limits-doc.json concatenated with { "_id": "encryption_exceeds_2mib_1", "unencrypted": < the string "a" repeated (2097152 - 2000) times > }
    • The document limits/limits-doc.json concatenated with { "_id": "encryption_exceeds_2mib_2", "unencrypted": < the string "a" repeated (2097152 - 2000) times > }

    Expect the bulk write to succeed and split after first doc (i.e. two inserts occur). This may be verified using command logging and monitoring.

  5. Insert { "_id": "under_16mib", "unencrypted": <the string "a" repeated 16777216 - 2000 times>.

    Expect this to succeed since this is still (just) under the maxBsonObjectSize limit.

  6. Insert the document limits/limits-doc.json concatenated with { "_id": "encryption_exceeds_16mib", "unencrypted": < the string "a" repeated (16777216 - 2000) times > }

    Expect this to fail since encryption results in a document exceeding the maxBsonObjectSize limit.

Optionally, if it is possible to mock the maxWriteBatchSize (i.e. the maximum number of documents in a batch) test that setting maxWriteBatchSize=1 and inserting the two documents { "_id": "a" }, { "_id": "b" } with client_encrypted splits the operation into two inserts.

5. Views Are Prohibited

  1. Create a MongoClient without encryption enabled (referred to as client).
  2. Using client, drop and create a view named db.view with an empty pipeline. E.g. using the command { "create": "view", "viewOn": "coll" }.
  3. Create a MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)

    Configure with the local KMS provider as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure with the keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

  4. Using client_encrypted, attempt to insert a document into db.view. Expect an exception to be thrown containing the message: "cannot auto encrypt a view".

6. Corpus Test

The corpus test exhaustively enumerates all ways to encrypt all BSON value types. Note, the test data includes BSON binary subtype 4 (or standard UUID), which MUST be decoded and encoded as subtype 4. Run the test as follows.

  1. Create a MongoClient without encryption enabled (referred to as client).
  2. Using client, drop and create the collection db.coll configured with the included JSON schema corpus/corpus-schema.json.
  3. Using client, drop the collection keyvault.datakeys. Insert the documents corpus/corpus-key-local.json, corpus/corpus-key-aws.json, corpus/corpus-key-azure.json, corpus/corpus-key-gcp.json, and corpus/corpus-key-kmip.json.
  4. Create the following:

    • A MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)
    • A ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption)

    Configure both objects with aws, azure, gcp, local, and kmip KMS providers as follows:

        "aws": { <AWS credentials> },
        "azure": { <Azure credentials> },
        "gcp": { <GCP credentials> },
        "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> },
        "kmip": { "endpoint": "localhost:5698" } }

    Configure KMIP TLS connections to use the following options:

    The method of passing TLS options for KMIP TLS connections is driver dependent.

    Where LOCAL_MASTERKEY is the following base64:


    Configure both objects with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

  5. Load corpus/corpus.json to a variable named corpus. The corpus contains subdocuments with the following fields:

    • kms is aws, azure, gcp, local, or kmip
    • type is a BSON type string names coming from here)
    • algo is either rand or det for random or deterministic encryption
    • method is either auto, for automatic encryption or explicit for explicit encryption
    • identifier is either id or altname for the key identifier
    • allowed is a boolean indicating whether the encryption for the given parameters is permitted.
    • value is the value to be tested.

    Create a new BSON document, named corpus_copied. Iterate over each field of corpus.

    • If the field name is _id, altname_aws, altname_local, altname_azure, altname_gcp, or altname_kmip copy the field to corpus_copied.
    • If method is auto, copy the field to corpus_copied.
    • If method is explicit, use client_encryption to explicitly encrypt the value.

      • Encrypt with the algorithm described by algo.
      • If identifier is id
        • If kms is local set the key_id to the UUID with base64 value LOCALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==.
        • If kms is aws set the key_id to the UUID with base64 value AWSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==.
        • If kms is azure set the key_id to the UUID with base64 value AZUREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==.
        • If kms is gcp set the key_id to the UUID with base64 value GCPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==.
        • If kms is kmip set the key_id to the UUID with base64 value KMIPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==.
      • If identifier is altname
        • If kms is local set the key_alt_name to "local".
        • If kms is aws set the key_alt_name to "aws".
        • If kms is azure set the key_alt_name to "azure".
        • If kms is gcp set the key_alt_name to "gcp".
        • If kms is kmip set the key_alt_name to "kmip".

      If allowed is true, copy the field and encrypted value to corpus_copied. If allowed is false. verify that an exception is thrown. Copy the unencrypted value to to corpus_copied.

  6. Using client_encrypted, insert corpus_copied into db.coll.
  7. Using client_encrypted, find the inserted document from db.coll to a variable named corpus_decrypted. Since it should have been automatically decrypted, assert the document exactly matches corpus.
  8. Load corpus/corpus_encrypted.json to a variable named corpus_encrypted_expected. Using client find the inserted document from db.coll to a variable named corpus_encrypted_actual.

    Iterate over each field of corpus_encrypted_expected and check the following:

    • If the algo is det, that the value equals the value of the corresponding field in corpus_encrypted_actual.
    • If the algo is rand and allowed is true, that the value does not equal the value of the corresponding field in corpus_encrypted_actual.
    • If allowed is true, decrypt the value with client_encryption. Decrypt the value of the corresponding field of corpus_encrypted and validate that they are both equal.
    • If allowed is false, validate the value exactly equals the value of the corresponding field of corpus (neither was encrypted).
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 with a local JSON schema. I.e. amend step 4 to configure the schema on client_encrypted with the schema_map option.

7. Custom Endpoint Test


For each test cases, start by creating two ClientEncryption objects. Recreate the ClientEncryption objects for each test case.

Create a ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption)

Configure with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys, and a default MongoClient as the keyVaultClient.

Configure with KMS providers as follows:

      "aws": {
         "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
         "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
      "azure": {
         "tenantId": <set from environment>,
         "clientId": <set from environment>,
         "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
         "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
      "gcp": {
         "email": <set from environment>,
         "privateKey": <set from environment>,
         "endpoint": ""
      "kmip" {
         "endpoint": "localhost:5698"

Create a ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption_invalid)

Configure with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys, and a default MongoClient as the keyVaultClient.

Configure with KMS providers as follows:

      "azure": {
         "tenantId": <set from environment>,
         "clientId": <set from environment>,
         "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
         "identityPlatformEndpoint": "doesnotexist.invalid:443"
      "gcp": {
         "email": <set from environment>,
         "privateKey": <set from environment>,
         "endpoint": "doesnotexist.invalid:443"
      "kmip": {
         "endpoint": "doesnotexist.local:5698"

Configure KMIP TLS connections to use the following options:

The method of passing TLS options for KMIP TLS connections is driver dependent.

Test cases

  1. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      region: "us-east-1",
      key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

  2. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      region: "us-east-1",
      key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
      endpoint: ""

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

  3. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      region: "us-east-1",
      key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
      endpoint: ""

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

  4. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      region: "us-east-1",
      key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
      endpoint: ""

    Expect this to fail with a socket connection error.

  5. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      region: "us-east-1",
      key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
      endpoint: ""

    Expect this to fail with an exception.

  6. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      region: "us-east-1",
      key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
      endpoint: "doesnotexist.invalid"

    Expect this to fail with a network exception indicating failure to resolve "doesnotexist.invalid".

  7. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "azure" as the provider and the following masterKey:

       "keyVaultEndpoint": "",
       "keyName": "key-name-csfle"

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

    Call client_encryption_invalid.createDataKey() with the same masterKey. Expect this to fail with a network exception indicating failure to resolve "doesnotexist.invalid".

  8. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "gcp" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
      "location": "global",
      "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
      "keyName": "key-name-csfle",
      "endpoint": ""

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

    Call client_encryption_invalid.createDataKey() with the same masterKey. Expect this to fail with a network exception indicating failure to resolve "doesnotexist.invalid".

  9. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "gcp" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
      "location": "global",
      "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
      "keyName": "key-name-csfle",
      "endpoint": "doesnotexist.invalid:443"

    Expect this to fail with an exception with a message containing the string: "Invalid KMS response".

  10. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      "keyId": "1"

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

    Call client_encryption_invalid.createDataKey() with the same masterKey. Expect this to fail with a network exception indicating failure to resolve "doesnotexist.local".

  11. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      "keyId": "1",
      "endpoint": "localhost:5698"

    Expect this to succeed. Use the returned UUID of the key to explicitly encrypt and decrypt the string "test" to validate it works.

  12. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the following masterKey:

      "keyId": "1",
      "endpoint": "doesnotexist.local:5698"

    Expect this to fail with a network exception indicating failure to resolve "doesnotexist.local".

8. Bypass Spawning mongocryptd


CONSIDER: To reduce the chances of tests interfering with each other, drivers MAY use a different port for each test in this group, and include it in --pidfilepath. The interference may come from the fact that once spawned by a test, mongocryptd stays up and running for some time.

Via loading shared library

The following tests that loading crypt_shared bypasses spawning mongocryptd.


IMPORTANT: This test requires the crypt_shared library be loaded. If the crypt_shared library is not available, skip the test.

  1. Create a MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)

    Configure the required options. Use the local KMS provider as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure with the keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

    Configure client_encrypted to use the schema external/external-schema.json for db.coll by setting a schema map like: { "db.coll": <contents of external-schema.json>}

    Configure the following extraOptions:

      "mongocryptdURI": "mongodb://localhost:27021/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=1000",
      "mongocryptdSpawnArgs": [ "", "--port=27021"],
      "cryptSharedLibPath": "<path to shared library>",
      "cryptSharedLibRequired": true

    Drivers MAY pass a different port if they expect their testing infrastructure to be using port 27021. Pass a port that should be free.

  2. Use client_encrypted to insert the document {"unencrypted": "test"} into db.coll. Expect this to succeed.
  3. Validate that mongocryptd was not spawned. Create a MongoClient to localhost:27021 (or whatever was passed via --port) with serverSelectionTimeoutMS=1000. Run a handshake command and ensure it fails with a server selection timeout.


IMPORTANT: If crypt_shared is visible to the operating system's library search mechanism, the expected server error generated by the Via mongocryptdBypassSpawn, Via bypassAutoEncryption, Via bypassQueryAnalysis tests will not appear because libmongocrypt will load the crypt_shared library instead of consulting mongocryptd. For the following tests, it is required that libmongocrypt not load crypt_shared. Refer to the client-side-encryption document for more information on "disabling" crypt_shared. Take into account that once loaded, for example, by another test, crypt_shared cannot be unloaded and may be used by MongoClient, thus making the tests misbehave in unexpected ways.

Via mongocryptdBypassSpawn

The following tests that setting mongocryptdBypassSpawn=true really does bypass spawning mongocryptd.

  1. Insert the document external/external-key.json into keyvault.datakeys with majority write concern. This step is not required to run this test, and drivers MAY skip it. But if the driver misbehaves, then not having the encryption fully set up may complicate the process of figuring out what is wrong.
  2. Create a MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)

    Configure the required options. Use the local KMS provider as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure with the keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

    Configure client_encrypted to use the schema external/external-schema.json for db.coll by setting a schema map like: { "db.coll": <contents of external-schema.json>}

    Configure the following extraOptions:

      "mongocryptdBypassSpawn": true
      "mongocryptdURI": "mongodb://localhost:27021/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=1000",
      "mongocryptdSpawnArgs": [ "", "--port=27021"]

    Drivers MAY pass a different port if they expect their testing infrastructure to be using port 27021. Pass a port that should be free.

  3. Use client_encrypted to insert the document {"encrypted": "test"} into db.coll. Expect a server selection error propagated from the internal MongoClient failing to connect to mongocryptd on port 27021.

Via bypassAutoEncryption

The following tests that setting bypassAutoEncryption=true really does bypass spawning mongocryptd.

  1. Create a MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)

    Configure the required options. Use the local KMS provider as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure with the keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

    Configure with bypassAutoEncryption=true.

    Configure the following extraOptions:

      "mongocryptdSpawnArgs": [ "", "--port=27021"]

    Drivers MAY pass a different value to --port if they expect their testing infrastructure to be using port 27021. Pass a port that should be free.

  2. Use client_encrypted to insert the document {"unencrypted": "test"} into db.coll. Expect this to succeed.
  3. Validate that mongocryptd was not spawned. Create a MongoClient to localhost:27021 (or whatever was passed via --port) with serverSelectionTimeoutMS=1000. Run a handshake command and ensure it fails with a server selection timeout.

Via bypassQueryAnalysis

Repeat the steps from the "Via bypassAutoEncryption" test, replacing "bypassAutoEncryption=true" with "bypassQueryAnalysis=true".

9. Deadlock Tests

The following tests only apply to drivers that have implemented a connection pool (see the Connection Monitoring and Pooling specification).

There are multiple parameterized test cases. Before each test case, perform the setup.


Create a MongoClient for setup operations named client_test.

Create a MongoClient for key vault operations with maxPoolSize=1 named client_keyvault. Capture command started events.

Using client_test, drop the collections keyvault.datakeys and db.coll.

Insert the document external/external-key.json into keyvault.datakeys with majority write concern.

Create a collection db.coll configured with a JSON schema external/external-schema.json as the validator, like so:

{"create": "coll", "validator": {"$jsonSchema": <json_schema>}}

Create a ClientEncryption object, named client_encryption configured with: - keyVaultClient=client_test - keyVaultNamespace="keyvault.datakeys" - kmsProviders={ "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

Use client_encryption to encrypt the value "string0" with algorithm="AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" and keyAltName="local". Store the result in a variable named ciphertext.

Proceed to run the test case.

Each test case configures a MongoClient with automatic encryption (named client_encrypted).

Each test must assert the number of unique MongoClient objects created. This can be accomplished by capturing TopologyOpeningEvent, or by checking command started events for a client identifier (not possible in all drivers).

Running a test case

  • Create a MongoClient named client_encrypted configured as follows:
    • Set AutoEncryptionOpts:
      • keyVaultNamespace="keyvault.datakeys"
      • kmsProviders={ "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }
      • Append TestCase.AutoEncryptionOpts (defined below)
    • Capture command started events.
    • Set maxPoolSize=TestCase.MaxPoolSize
  • If the testcase sets AutoEncryptionOpts.bypassAutoEncryption=true:
    • Use client_test to insert { "_id": 0, "encrypted": <ciphertext> } into db.coll.
  • Otherwise:
    • Use client_encrypted to insert { "_id": 0, "encrypted": "string0" }.
  • Use client_encrypted to run a findOne operation on db.coll, with the filter { "_id": 0 }.
  • Expect the result to be { "_id": 0, "encrypted": "string0" }.
  • Check captured events against TestCase.Expectations.
  • Check the number of unique MongoClient objects created is equal to TestCase.ExpectedNumberOfClients.

Case 1

  • MaxPoolSize: 1
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=false
    • keyVaultClient=unset
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured four CommandStartedEvent:
      • a listCollections to "db".
      • a find on "keyvault".
      • an insert on "db".
      • a find on "db"
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 2

Case 2

  • MaxPoolSize: 1
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=false
    • keyVaultClient=client_keyvault
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured three CommandStartedEvent:
      • a listCollections to "db".
      • an insert on "db".
      • a find on "db"
    • Expect client_keyvault to have captured one CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "keyvault".
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 2

Case 3

  • MaxPoolSize: 1
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=true
    • keyVaultClient=unset
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured three CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "db"
      • a find on "keyvault".
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 2

Case 4

  • MaxPoolSize: 1
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=true
    • keyVaultClient=client_keyvault
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured two CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "db"
    • Expect client_keyvault to have captured one CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "keyvault".
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 1

Case 5

Drivers that do not support an unlimited maximum pool size MUST skip this test.

  • MaxPoolSize: 0
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=false
    • keyVaultClient=unset
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured five CommandStartedEvent:
      • a listCollections to "db".
      • a listCollections to "keyvault".
      • a find on "keyvault".
      • an insert on "db".
      • a find on "db"
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 1

Case 6

Drivers that do not support an unlimited maximum pool size MUST skip this test.

  • MaxPoolSize: 0
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=false
    • keyVaultClient=client_keyvault
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured three CommandStartedEvent:
      • a listCollections to "db".
      • an insert on "db".
      • a find on "db"
    • Expect client_keyvault to have captured one CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "keyvault".
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 1

Case 7

Drivers that do not support an unlimited maximum pool size MUST skip this test.

  • MaxPoolSize: 0
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=true
    • keyVaultClient=unset
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured three CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "db"
      • a find on "keyvault".
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 1

Case 8

Drivers that do not support an unlimited maximum pool size MUST skip this test.

  • MaxPoolSize: 0
  • AutoEncryptionOpts:
    • bypassAutoEncryption=true
    • keyVaultClient=client_keyvault
  • Expectations:
    • Expect client_encrypted to have captured two CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "db"
    • Expect client_keyvault to have captured one CommandStartedEvent:
      • a find on "keyvault".
  • ExpectedNumberOfClients: 1

10. KMS TLS Tests

The following tests that connections to KMS servers with TLS verify peer certificates.

The two tests below make use of mock KMS servers which can be run on Evergreen using the mock KMS server script. Drivers can set up their local Python environment for the mock KMS server by running the virtualenv activation script.

To start two mock KMS servers, one on port 9000 with ca.pem as a CA file and expired.pem as a cert file, and one on port 9001 with ca.pem as a CA file and wrong-host.pem as a cert file, run the following commands from the .evergreen/csfle directory:

. ./
python -u --ca_file ../x509gen/ca.pem --cert_file ../x509gen/expired.pem --port 9000 &
python -u --ca_file ../x509gen/ca.pem --cert_file ../x509gen/wrong-host.pem --port 9001 &


For both tests, do the following:

  1. Start a mongod process with server version 4.2.0 or later.
  2. Create a MongoClient for key vault operations.
  3. Create a ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption) with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

Invalid KMS Certificate

  1. Start a mock KMS server on port 9000 with ca.pem as a CA file and expired.pem as a cert file.
  2. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

       "region": "us-east-1",
       "key": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
       "endpoint": "",

    Expect this to fail with an exception with a message referencing an expired certificate. This message will be language dependent. In Python, this message is "certificate verify failed: certificate has expired". In Go, this message is "certificate has expired or is not yet valid". If the language of implementation has a single, generic error message for all certificate validation errors, drivers may inspect other fields of the error to verify its meaning.

Invalid Hostname in KMS Certificate

  1. Start a mock KMS server on port 9001 with ca.pem as a CA file and wrong-host.pem as a cert file.
  2. Call client_encryption.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

       "region": "us-east-1",
       "key": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
       "endpoint": "",

    Expect this to fail with an exception with a message referencing an incorrect or unexpected host. This message will be language dependent. In Python, this message is "certificate verify failed: IP address mismatch, certificate is not valid for ''". In Go, this message is "cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs". If the language of implementation has a single, generic error message for all certificate validation errors, drivers may inspect other fields of the error to verify its meaning.

11. KMS TLS Options Tests


Start a mongod process with server version 4.2.0 or later.

Four mock KMS server processes must be running:

  1. The mock KMS HTTP server.

    Run on port 9000 with ca.pem as a CA file and expired.pem as a cert file.


    python -u --ca_file ../x509gen/ca.pem --cert_file ../x509gen/expired.pem --port 9000
  2. The mock KMS HTTP server.

    Run on port 9001 with ca.pem as a CA file and wrong-host.pem as a cert file.


    python -u --ca_file ../x509gen/ca.pem --cert_file ../x509gen/wrong-host.pem --port 9001
  3. The mock KMS HTTP server.

    Run on port 9002 with ca.pem as a CA file and server.pem as a cert file.

    Run with the --require_client_cert option.


    python -u --ca_file ../x509gen/ca.pem --cert_file ../x509gen/server.pem --port 9002 --require_client_cert
  4. The mock KMS KMIP server.

Create the following ClientEncryption objects.

Configure each with keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys, and a default MongoClient as the keyVaultClient.

  1. Create a ClientEncryption object named client_encryption_no_client_cert with the following KMS providers:

          "aws": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
          "azure": {
             "tenantId": <set from environment>,
             "clientId": <set from environment>,
             "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
             "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
          "gcp": {
             "email": <set from environment>,
             "privateKey": <set from environment>,
             "endpoint": ""
          "kmip" {
             "endpoint": ""

    Add TLS options for the aws, azure, gcp, and kmip providers to use the following options:

    • tlsCAFile (or equivalent) set to ca.pem. This MAY be configured system-wide.
  2. Create a ClientEncryption object named client_encryption_with_tls with the following KMS providers:

          "aws": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
          "azure": {
             "tenantId": <set from environment>,
             "clientId": <set from environment>,
             "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
             "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
          "gcp": {
             "email": <set from environment>,
             "privateKey": <set from environment>,
             "endpoint": ""
          "kmip" {
             "endpoint": ""

    Add TLS options for the aws, azure, gcp, and kmip providers to use the following options:

    • tlsCAFile (or equivalent) set to ca.pem. This MAY be configured system-wide.
    • tlsCertificateKeyFile (or equivalent) set to client.pem
  3. Create a ClientEncryption object named client_encryption_expired with the following KMS providers:

          "aws": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
          "azure": {
             "tenantId": <set from environment>,
             "clientId": <set from environment>,
             "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
             "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
          "gcp": {
             "email": <set from environment>,
             "privateKey": <set from environment>,
             "endpoint": ""
          "kmip" {
             "endpoint": ""

    Add TLS options for the aws, azure, gcp, and kmip providers to use the following options:

    • tlsCAFile (or equivalent) set to ca.pem. This MAY be configured system-wide.
  4. Create a ClientEncryption object named client_encryption_invalid_hostname with the following KMS providers:

          "aws": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
          "azure": {
             "tenantId": <set from environment>,
             "clientId": <set from environment>,
             "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
             "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
          "gcp": {
             "email": <set from environment>,
             "privateKey": <set from environment>,
             "endpoint": ""
          "kmip" {
             "endpoint": ""

    Add TLS options for the aws, azure, gcp, and kmip providers to use the following options:

    • tlsCAFile (or equivalent) set to ca.pem. This MAY be configured system-wide.
  5. Create a ClientEncryption object named client_encryption_with_names with the following KMS providers:

          "aws:no_client_cert": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
          "azure:no_client_cert": {
             "tenantId": <set from environment>,
             "clientId": <set from environment>,
             "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
             "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
          "gcp:no_client_cert": {
             "email": <set from environment>,
             "privateKey": <set from environment>,
             "endpoint": ""
          "kmip:no_client_cert": {
             "endpoint": ""
          "aws:with_tls": {
             "accessKeyId": <set from environment>,
             "secretAccessKey": <set from environment>
          "azure:with_tls": {
             "tenantId": <set from environment>,
             "clientId": <set from environment>,
             "clientSecret": <set from environment>,
             "identityPlatformEndpoint": ""
          "gcp:with_tls": {
             "email": <set from environment>,
             "privateKey": <set from environment>,
             "endpoint": ""
          "kmip:with_tls": {
             "endpoint": ""

    Support for named KMS providers requires libmongocrypt 1.9.0.

    Add TLS options for the aws:no_client_cert, azure:no_client_cert, gcp:no_client_cert, and kmip:no_client_cert providers to use the following options:

    • tlsCAFile (or equivalent) set to ca.pem. This MAY be configured system-wide.

    Add TLS options for the aws:with_tls, azure:with_tls, gcp:with_tls, and kmip:with_tls providers to use the following options:

    • tlsCAFile (or equivalent) set to ca.pem. This MAY be configured system-wide.
    • tlsCertificateKeyFile (or equivalent) set to client.pem

Case 1: AWS

Call client_encryption_no_client_cert.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

   region: "us-east-1",
   key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"
   endpoint: ""

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_tls.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

   region: "us-east-1",
   key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"
   endpoint: ""

Expect an error from libmongocrypt with a message containing the string: "parse error". This implies TLS handshake succeeded.

Call client_encryption_expired.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

   region: "us-east-1",
   key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"
   endpoint: ""

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an expired certificate.

Call client_encryption_invalid_hostname.createDataKey() with "aws" as the provider and the following masterKey:

   region: "us-east-1",
   key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"
   endpoint: ""

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an invalid hostname.

Case 2: Azure

Call client_encryption_no_client_cert.createDataKey() with "azure" as the provider and the following masterKey:

{ 'keyVaultEndpoint': 'doesnotexist.local', 'keyName': 'foo' }

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_tls.createDataKey() with "azure" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error from libmongocrypt with a message containing the string: "HTTP status=404". This implies TLS handshake succeeded.

Call client_encryption_expired.createDataKey() with "azure" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an expired certificate.

Call client_encryption_invalid_hostname.createDataKey() with "azure" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an invalid hostname.

Case 3: GCP

Call client_encryption_no_client_cert.createDataKey() with "gcp" as the provider and the following masterKey:

{ 'projectId': 'foo', 'location': 'bar', 'keyRing': 'baz', 'keyName': 'foo' }

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_tls.createDataKey() with "gcp" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error from libmongocrypt with a message containing the string: "HTTP status=404". This implies TLS handshake succeeded.

Call client_encryption_expired.createDataKey() with "gcp" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an expired certificate.

Call client_encryption_invalid_hostname.createDataKey() with "gcp" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an invalid hostname.

Case 4: KMIP

Call client_encryption_no_client_cert.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the following masterKey:

{ }

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_tls.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect success.

Call client_encryption_expired.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an expired certificate.

Call client_encryption_invalid_hostname.createDataKey() with "kmip" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed due to an invalid hostname.

Case 5: tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck is permitted

This test does not apply if the driver does not support the the option tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck.

Create a ClientEncryption object with the following KMS providers:

      "aws": {
         "accessKeyId": "foo",
         "secretAccessKey": "bar"

Add TLS options for the aws with the following options:

  • tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck (or equivalent) set to true.

Expect no error on construction.

Case 6: named KMS providers apply TLS options

Named AWS

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "aws:no_client_cert" as the provider and the following masterKey.

   region: "us-east-1",
   key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"
   endpoint: ""

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "aws:with_tls" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error from libmongocrypt with a message containing the string: "parse error". This implies TLS handshake succeeded.

Named Azure

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "azure:no_client_cert" as the provider and the following masterKey:

{ 'keyVaultEndpoint': 'doesnotexist.local', 'keyName': 'foo' }

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "azure:with_tls" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error from libmongocrypt with a message containing the string: "HTTP status=404". This implies TLS handshake succeeded.

Named GCP

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "gcp:no_client_cert" as the provider and the following masterKey:

{ 'projectId': 'foo', 'location': 'bar', 'keyRing': 'baz', 'keyName': 'foo' }

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "gcp:with_tls" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect an error from libmongocrypt with a message containing the string: "HTTP status=404". This implies TLS handshake succeeded.

Named KMIP

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "kmip:no_client_cert" as the provider and the following masterKey:

{ }

Expect an error indicating TLS handshake failed.

Call client_encryption_with_names.createDataKey() with "kmip:with_tls" as the provider and the same masterKey.

Expect success.

12. Explicit Encryption

The Explicit Encryption tests require MongoDB server 7.0+. The tests must not run against a standalone.


MongoDB Server 7.0 introduced a backwards breaking change to the Queryable Encryption (QE) protocol: QEv2. libmongocrypt 1.8.0 is configured to use the QEv2 protocol.

Before running each of the following test cases, perform the following Test Setup.

Test Setup

Load the file encryptedFields.json as encryptedFields.

Load the file key1-document.json as key1Document.

Read the "_id" field of key1Document as key1ID.

Drop and create the collection db.explicit_encryption using encryptedFields as an option. See FLE 2 CreateCollection() and Collection.Drop().

Drop and create the collection keyvault.datakeys.

Insert key1Document in keyvault.datakeys with majority write concern.

Create a MongoClient named keyVaultClient.

Create a ClientEncryption object named clientEncryption with these options:

class ClientEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultClient: <keyVaultClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } },

Create a MongoClient named encryptedClient with these AutoEncryptionOpts:

class AutoEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } },
   bypassQueryAnalysis: true,

Case 1: can insert encrypted indexed and find

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted indexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Indexed",
   contentionFactor: 0,

Store the result in insertPayload.

Use encryptedClient to insert the document { "encryptedIndexed": <insertPayload> } into db.explicit_encryption.

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted indexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Indexed",
   queryType: "equality",
   contentionFactor: 0,

Store the result in findPayload.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter { "encryptedIndexed": <findPayload> }.

Assert one document is returned containing the field { "encryptedIndexed": "encrypted indexed value" }.

Case 2: can insert encrypted indexed and find with non-zero contention

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted indexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Indexed",
   contentionFactor: 10,

Store the result in insertPayload.

Use encryptedClient to insert the document { "encryptedIndexed": <insertPayload> } into db.explicit_encryption.

Repeat the above steps 10 times to insert 10 total documents. The insertPayload must be regenerated each iteration.

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted indexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Indexed",
   queryType: "equality",
   contentionFactor: 0,

Store the result in findPayload.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter { "encryptedIndexed": <findPayload> }.

Assert less than 10 documents are returned. 0 documents may be returned. Assert each returned document contains the field { "encryptedIndexed": "encrypted indexed value" }.

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted indexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Indexed",
   queryType: "equality",
   contentionFactor: 10,

Store the result in findPayload2.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter { "encryptedIndexed": <findPayload2> }.

Assert 10 documents are returned. Assert each returned document contains the field { "encryptedIndexed": "encrypted indexed value" }.

Case 3: can insert encrypted unindexed

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted unindexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Unindexed",

Store the result in insertPayload.

Use encryptedClient to insert the document { "_id": 1, "encryptedUnindexed": <insertPayload> } into db.explicit_encryption.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter { "_id": 1 }.

Assert one document is returned containing the field { "encryptedUnindexed": "encrypted unindexed value" }.

Case 4: can roundtrip encrypted indexed

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted indexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Indexed",
   contentionFactor: 0,

Store the result in payload.

Use clientEncryption to decrypt payload. Assert the returned value equals "encrypted indexed value".

Case 5: can roundtrip encrypted unindexed

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the value "encrypted unindexed value" with these EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "Unindexed",

Store the result in payload.

Use clientEncryption to decrypt payload. Assert the returned value equals "encrypted unindexed value".

13. Unique Index on keyAltNames

The following setup must occur before running each of the following test cases.


  1. Create a MongoClient object (referred to as client).
  2. Using client, drop the collection keyvault.datakeys.
  3. Using client, create a unique index on keyAltNames with a partial index filter for only documents where keyAltNames exists using writeConcern "majority".

The command should be equivalent to:

     createIndexes: "datakeys",
     indexes: [
         name: "keyAltNames_1",
         key: { "keyAltNames": 1 },
         unique: true,
         partialFilterExpression: { keyAltNames: { $exists: true } }
     writeConcern: { w: "majority" }
  1. Create a ClientEncryption object (referred to as client_encryption) with client set as the keyVaultClient.
  2. Using client_encryption, create a data key with a local KMS provider and the keyAltName "def".

Case 1: createDataKey()

  1. Use client_encryption to create a new local data key with a keyAltName "abc" and assert the operation does not fail.
  2. Repeat Step 1 and assert the operation fails due to a duplicate key server error (error code 11000).
  3. Use client_encryption to create a new local data key with a keyAltName "def" and assert the operation fails due to a duplicate key server error (error code 11000).

Case 2: addKeyAltName()

  1. Use client_encryption to create a new local data key and assert the operation does not fail.
  2. Use client_encryption to add a keyAltName "abc" to the key created in Step 1 and assert the operation does not fail.
  3. Repeat Step 2, assert the operation does not fail, and assert the returned key document contains the keyAltName "abc" added in Step 2.
  4. Use client_encryption to add a keyAltName "def" to the key created in Step 1 and assert the operation fails due to a duplicate key server error (error code 11000).
  5. Use client_encryption to add a keyAltName "def" to the existing key, assert the operation does not fail, and assert the returned key document contains the keyAltName "def" added during Setup.

14. Decryption Events

Before running each of the following test cases, perform the following Test Setup.

Test Setup

Create a MongoClient named setupClient.

Drop and create the collection db.decryption_events.

Create a ClientEncryption object named clientEncryption with these options:

class ClientEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultClient: <setupClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } },

Create a data key with the "local" KMS provider. Storing the result in a variable named keyID.

Use clientEncryption to encrypt the string "hello" with the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId: <keyID>,
   algorithm: "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic",

Store the result in a variable named ciphertext.

Copy ciphertext into a variable named malformedCiphertext. Change the last byte to a different value. This will produce an invalid HMAC tag.

Create a MongoClient named encryptedClient with these AutoEncryptionOpts:

class AutoEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } },

Configure encryptedClient with "retryReads=false". Register a listener for CommandSucceeded events on encryptedClient. The listener must store the most recent CommandSucceededEvent reply for the "aggregate" command. The listener must store the most recent CommandFailedEvent error for the "aggregate" command.

Case 1: Command Error

Use setupClient to configure the following failpoint:

    "configureFailPoint": "failCommand",
    "mode": {
        "times": 1
    "data": {
        "errorCode": 123,
        "failCommands": [

Use encryptedClient to run an aggregate on db.decryption_events.

Expect an exception to be thrown from the command error. Expect a CommandFailedEvent.

Case 2: Network Error

Use setupClient to configure the following failpoint:

    "configureFailPoint": "failCommand",
    "mode": {
        "times": 1
    "data": {
        "errorCode": 123,
        "closeConnection": true,
        "failCommands": [

Use encryptedClient to run an aggregate on db.decryption_events.

Expect an exception to be thrown from the network error. Expect a CommandFailedEvent.

Case 3: Decrypt Error

Use encryptedClient to insert the document { "encrypted": <malformedCiphertext> } into db.decryption_events.

Use encryptedClient to run an aggregate on db.decryption_events with an empty pipeline.

Expect an exception to be thrown from the decryption error. Expect a CommandSucceededEvent. Expect the CommandSucceededEvent.reply to contain BSON binary for the field cursor.firstBatch.encrypted.

Case 4: Decrypt Success

Use encryptedClient to insert the document { "encrypted": <ciphertext> } into db.decryption_events.

Use encryptedClient to run an aggregate on db.decryption_events with an empty pipeline.

Expect no exception. Expect a CommandSucceededEvent. Expect the CommandSucceededEvent.reply to contain BSON binary for the field cursor.firstBatch.encrypted.

15. On-demand AWS Credentials

These tests require valid AWS credentials. Refer: Automatic AWS Credentials.

For these cases, create a ClientEncryption object C with the following options:

class ClientEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultClient: <setupClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "aws": {} },

Case 1: Failure

Do not run this test case in an environment where AWS credentials are available (e.g. via environment variables or a metadata URL). (Refer: Obtaining credentials for AWS)

Attempt to create a datakey with C using the "aws" KMS provider. Expect this to fail due to a lack of KMS provider credentials.

Case 2: Success

For this test case, the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY must be defined and set to a valid set of AWS credentials.

Use the client encryption to create a datakey using the "aws" KMS provider. This should successfully load and use the AWS credentials that were defined in the environment.

16. Rewrap

Case 1: Rewrap with separate ClientEncryption

When the following test case requests setting masterKey, use the following values based on the KMS provider:

For "aws":

   "region": "us-east-1",
   "key": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"

For "azure":

   "keyVaultEndpoint": "",
   "keyName": "key-name-csfle"

For "gcp":

   "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
   "location": "global",
   "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
   "keyName": "key-name-csfle"

For "kmip":


For "local", do not set a masterKey document.

Run the following test case for each pair of KMS providers (referred to as srcProvider and dstProvider). Include pairs where srcProvider equals dstProvider.

  1. Drop the collection keyvault.datakeys.
  2. Create a ClientEncryption object named clientEncryption1 with these options:

    class ClientEncryptionOpts {
       keyVaultClient: <new MongoClient>,
       keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
       kmsProviders: <all KMS providers>,
  3. Call clientEncryption1.createDataKey with srcProvider and these options:

    class DataKeyOpts {
       masterKey: <depends on srcProvider>,

    Store the return value in keyID.

  4. Call clientEncryption1.encrypt with the value "test" and these options:

    class EncryptOpts {
       keyId : keyID,
       algorithm: "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic",

    Store the return value in ciphertext.

  5. Create a ClientEncryption object named clientEncryption2 with these options:

    class ClientEncryptionOpts {
       keyVaultClient: <new MongoClient>,
       keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
       kmsProviders: <all KMS providers>,
  6. Call clientEncryption2.rewrapManyDataKey with an empty filter and these options:

    class RewrapManyDataKeyOpts {
       provider: dstProvider,
       masterKey: <depends on dstProvider>,

    Assert that the returned RewrapManyDataKeyResult.bulkWriteResult.modifiedCount is 1.

  7. Call clientEncryption1.decrypt with the ciphertext. Assert the return value is "test".
  8. Call clientEncryption2.decrypt with the ciphertext. Assert the return value is "test".

Case 2: RewrapManyDataKeyOpts.provider is not optional

Drivers MAY chose not to implement this prose test if their implementation of RewrapManyDataKeyOpts makes it impossible by design to omit RewrapManyDataKeyOpts.provider when RewrapManyDataKeyOpts.masterKey is set.

  1. Create a ClientEncryption object named clientEncryption with these options:

    class ClientEncryptionOpts {
       keyVaultClient: <new MongoClient>,
       keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
       kmsProviders: <all KMS providers>,
  2. Call clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey with an empty filter and these options:

    class RewrapManyDataKeyOpts {
       masterKey: {}

    Assert that clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey raises a client error indicating that the required RewrapManyDataKeyOpts.provider field is missing.

17. On-demand GCP Credentials

Refer: Automatic GCP Credentials.

For these cases, create a ClientEncryption object C with the following options:

class ClientEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultClient: <setupClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "gcp": {} },

Case 1: Failure

Do not run this test case in an environment with a GCP service account is attached (e.g. any GCE equivalent runtime). This may be run in an AWS EC2 instance.

Attempt to create a datakey with C using the "gcp" KMS provider and following DataKeyOpts:

class DataKeyOpts {
   masterKey: {
      "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
      "location": "global",
      "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
      "keyName": "key-name-csfle",

Expect the attempt to obtain "gcp" credentials from the environment to fail.

Case 2: Success

This test case must run in a Google Compute Engine (GCE) Virtual Machine with a service account attached. See drivers-evergreen-tools/.evergreen/csfle/gcpkms for scripts to create a GCE instance for testing. The Evergreen task SHOULD set a batchtime of 14 days to reduce how often this test case runs.

Attempt to create a datakey with C using the "gcp" KMS provider and following DataKeyOpts:

class DataKeyOpts {
   masterKey: {
      "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
      "location": "global",
      "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
      "keyName": "key-name-csfle",

This should successfully load and use the GCP credentials of the service account attached to the virtual machine.

Expect the key to be successfully created.

18. Azure IMDS Credentials

Refer: Automatic Azure Credentials

The test cases for IMDS communication are specially designed to not require an Azure environment, while still exercising the core of the functionality. The design of these test cases encourages an implementation to separate the concerns of IMDS communication from the logic of KMS key manipulation. The purpose of these test cases is to ensure drivers will behave appropriately regardless of the behavior of the IMDS server.

For these IMDS credentials tests, a simple stand-in IMDS-imitating HTTP server is available in drivers-evergreen-tools, at .evergreen/csfle/ is a very simple application. For the easiest use, it is recommended to execute it through (which is a sibling file in the same directory):

python .evergreen/csfle/ fake_azure:imds

This will run the imds Bottle application defined in the fake_azure Python module. accepts additional command line arguments to control the bind host and TCP port (use --help for more information).

For each test case, follow the process for obtaining the token as outlined in the automatic Azure credentials section with the following changes:

  1. Instead of the standard IMDS TCP endpoint of, communicate with the running fake_azure HTTP server.
  2. For each test case, the behavior of the server may be controlled by attaching an additional HTTP header to the sent request: X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams.

Case 1: Success

Do not set an X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams header.

Upon receiving a response from fake_azure, the driver must decode the following information:

  1. HTTP status will be 200 Okay.
  2. The HTTP body will be a valid JSON string.
  3. The access token will be the string "magic-cookie".
  4. The expiry duration of the token will be seventy seconds.
  5. The token will have a resource of ""

Case 2: Empty JSON

This case addresses a server returning valid JSON with invalid content.

Set X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams to case=empty-json.

Upon receiving a response:

  1. HTTP status will be 200 Okay
  2. The HTTP body will be a valid JSON string.
  3. There will be no access token, expiry duration, or resource.

The test case should ensure that this error condition is handled gracefully.

Case 3: Bad JSON

This case addresses a server returning malformed JSON.

Set X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams to case=bad-json.

Upon receiving a response:

  1. HTTP status will be 200 Okay
  2. The response body will contain a malformed JSON string.

The test case should ensure that this error condition is handled gracefully.

Case 4: HTTP 404

This case addresses a server returning a "Not Found" response. This is documented to occur spuriously within an Azure environment.

Set X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams to case=404.

Upon receiving a response:

  1. HTTP status will be 404 Not Found.
  2. The response body is unspecified.

The test case should ensure that this error condition is handled gracefully.

Case 5: HTTP 500

This case addresses an IMDS server reporting an internal error. This is documented to occur spuriously within an Azure environment.

Set X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams to case=500.

Upon receiving a response:

  1. HTTP status code will be 500.
  2. The response body is unspecified.

The test case should ensure that this error condition is handled gracefully.

Case 6: Slow Response

This case addresses an IMDS server responding very slowly. Drivers should not halt the application waiting on a peer to communicate.

Set X-MongoDB-HTTP-TestParams to case=slow.

The HTTP response from the fake_azure server will take at least 1000 seconds to complete. The request should fail with a timeout.

19. Azure IMDS Credentials Integration Test

Refer: Automatic Azure Credentials

For these cases, create a ClientEncryption object C with the following options:

class ClientEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultClient: <setupClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "azure": {} },

Case 1: Failure

Do not run this test case in an Azure environment with an attached identity. This may be run in an AWS EC2 instance.

Attempt to create a datakey with C using the "azure" KMS provider and following DataKeyOpts:

class DataKeyOpts {
   masterKey: {
      "keyVaultEndpoint": "",
      "keyName": "KEY-NAME",

Expect the attempt to obtain "azure" credentials from the environment to fail.

Case 2: Success

This test case must run in an Azure environment with an attached identity. See drivers-evergreen-tools/.evergreen/csfle/azurekms for scripts to create a Azure instance for testing. The Evergreen task SHOULD set a batchtime of 14 days to reduce how often this test case runs.

Attempt to create a datakey with C using the "azure" KMS provider and following DataKeyOpts:

class DataKeyOpts {
   masterKey: {
      "keyVaultEndpoint": "",
      "keyName": "KEY-NAME",

This should successfully load and use the Azure credentials of the service account attached to the virtual machine.

Expect the key to be successfully created.

20. Bypass creating mongocryptd client when shared library is loaded


IMPORTANT: If crypt_shared is not visible to the operating system's library search mechanism, this test should be skipped.

The following tests that a mongocryptd client is not created when shared library is in-use.

  1. Start a new thread (referred to as listenerThread)
  2. On listenerThread, create a TcpListener on endpoint and port 27021. Start the listener and wait for establishing connections. If any connection is established, then signal about this to the main thread.

    Drivers MAY pass a different port if they expect their testing infrastructure to be using port 27021. Pass a port that should be free.

  3. Create a MongoClient configured with auto encryption (referred to as client_encrypted)

    Configure the required options. Use the local KMS provider as follows:

    { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } }

    Configure with the keyVaultNamespace set to keyvault.datakeys.

    Configure the following extraOptions:

      "mongocryptdURI": "mongodb://localhost:27021/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=1000"
  4. Use client_encrypted to insert the document {"unencrypted": "test"} into db.coll.
  5. Expect no signal from listenerThread.

21. Automatic Data Encryption Keys

The Automatic Data Encryption Keys tests require MongoDB server 7.0+. The tests must not run against a standalone.


MongoDB Server 7.0 introduced a backwards breaking change to the Queryable Encryption (QE) protocol: QEv2. libmongocrypt 1.8.0 is configured to use the QEv2 protocol.

For each of the following test cases, assume DB is a valid open database handle, and assume a ClientEncryption object CE created using the following options:

clientEncryptionOptions: {
   keyVaultClient: <new MongoClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: {
      local: { key: base64Decode(LOCAL_MASTERKEY) },
      aws: {
         accessKeyId: <set from environment>,
         secretAccessKey: <set from environment>

Run each test case with each of these KMS providers: aws, local. The KMS provider name is referred to as kmsProvider. When testing aws, use the following as the masterKey option:

   region: "us-east-1",
   key: "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0"

When testing local, set masterKey to null.

Case 1: Simple Creation and Validation

This test is the most basic to verify that CreateEncryptedCollection created a collection with queryable encryption enabled. It verifies that the server rejects an attempt to insert plaintext in an encrypted fields.


  1. Create a new create-collection options Opts including the following:

       encryptedFields: {
          fields: [{
             path: "ssn",
             bsonType: "string",
             keyId: null
  2. Invoke $CreateEncryptedCollection(CE, DB, "testing1", Opts, kmsProvider, masterKey)$ to obtain a new collection Coll. Expect success.
  3. Attempt to insert the following document into `Coll`:

       ssn: "123-45-6789"
  4. Expect an error from the insert operation that indicates that the document failed validation. This error indicates that the server expects to receive an encrypted field for ssn, but we tried to insert a plaintext field via a client that is unaware of the encryption requirements.

Case 2: Missing encryptedFields

The CreateEncryptedCollection helper should not create a regular collection if there are no encryptedFields for the collection being created. Instead, it should generate an error indicated that the encryptedFields option is missing.

  1. Create a new empty create-collection options Opts. (i.e. it must not contain any encryptedFields options.)
  2. Invoke $CreateEncryptedCollection(CE, DB, "testing1", Opts, kmsProvider, masterKey)$.
  3. Expect the invocation to fail with an error indicating that encryptedFields is not defined for the collection, and expect that no collection was created within the database. It would be incorrect for CreateEncryptedCollection to create a regular collection without queryable encryption enabled.

Case 3: Invalid keyId

The CreateEncryptedCollection helper only inspects encryptedFields.fields for keyId of null. CreateEncryptedCollection should forward all other data as-is, even if it would be malformed. The server should generate an error when attempting to create a collection with such invalid settings.


This test is not required if the type system of the driver has a compile-time check that fields' keyIds are of the correct type.

  1. Create a new create-collection options Opts including the following:

       encryptedFields: {
          fields: [{
             path: "ssn",
             bsonType: "string",
             keyId: false,
  2. Invoke $CreateEncryptedCollection(CE, DB, "testing1", Opts, kmsProvider, masterKey)$.
  3. Expect an error from the server indicating a validation error at create.encryptedFields.fields.keyId, which must be a UUID and not a boolean value.

Case 4: Insert encrypted value

This test is continuation of the case 1 and provides a way to complete inserting with encrypted value.

  1. Create a new create-collection options Opts including the following:

       encryptedFields: {
          fields: [{
             path: "ssn",
             bsonType: "string",
             keyId: null
  2. Invoke $CreateEncryptedCollection(CE, DB, "testing1", Opts, kmsProvider, masterKey)$ to obtain a new collection Coll and data key key1. Expect success.
  3. Use CE to explicitly encrypt the string "123-45-6789" using algorithm Unindexed and data key key1. Refer result as encryptedPayload.
  4. Attempt to insert the following document into `Coll`:

       ssn: <encryptedPayload>

    Expect success.

22. Range Explicit Encryption

The Range Explicit Encryption tests require MongoDB server 7.0+. The tests must not run against a standalone.


MongoDB Server 7.0 introduced a backwards breaking change to the Queryable Encryption (QE) protocol: QEv2. libmongocrypt 1.8.0 is configured to use the QEv2 protocol.

Each of the following test cases must pass for each of the supported types (DecimalNoPrecision, DecimalPrecision, DoublePrecision, DoubleNoPrecision, Date, Int, and Long), unless it is stated the type should be skipped.

Tests for DecimalNoPrecision must only run against a replica set. DecimalNoPrecision queries are expected to take a long time and may exceed the default mongos timeout.

Before running each of the following test cases, perform the following Test Setup.

Test Setup

Load the file for the specific data type being tested range-encryptedFields-<type>.json. For example, for Int load range-encryptedFields-Int.json as encryptedFields.

Load the file key1-document.json as key1Document.

Read the "_id" field of key1Document as key1ID.

Drop and create the collection db.explicit_encryption using encryptedFields as an option. See FLE 2 CreateCollection() and Collection.Drop().

Drop and create the collection keyvault.datakeys.

Insert key1Document in keyvault.datakeys with majority write concern.

Create a MongoClient named keyVaultClient.

Create a ClientEncryption object named clientEncryption with these options:

class ClientEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultClient: <keyVaultClient>,
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } },

Create a MongoClient named encryptedClient with these AutoEncryptionOpts:

class AutoEncryptionOpts {
   keyVaultNamespace: "keyvault.datakeys",
   kmsProviders: { "local": { "key": <base64 decoding of LOCAL_MASTERKEY> } },
   bypassQueryAnalysis: true,

The remaining tasks require setting RangeOpts. Test Setup: RangeOpts lists the values to use for RangeOpts for each of the supported data types.

Use clientEncryption to encrypt these values: 0, 6, 30, and 200. Ensure the type matches that of the encrypted field. For example, if the encrypted field is encryptedDoubleNoPrecision encrypt the value 6.0.

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Use encryptedClient to insert the following documents into db.explicit_encryption:

{ "_id": 0, "encrypted<Type>": <encrypted 0> }
{ "_id": 1, "encrypted<Type>": <encrypted 6> }
{ "_id": 2, "encrypted<Type>": <encrypted 30> }
{ "_id": 3, "encrypted<Type>": <encrypted 200> }

Test Setup: RangeOpts

This section lists the values to use for RangeOpts for each of the supported data types, since each data type requires a different RangeOpts.

Each test listed in the cases below must pass for all supported data types unless it is stated the type should be skipped.

  1. DecimalNoPrecision

  2. DecimalPrecision

  3. DoubleNoPrecision

  4. DoublePrecision

  5. Date

  6. Int

  7. Long

Case 1: can decrypt a payload

Use clientEncryption.encrypt() to encrypt the value 6. Ensure the type matches that of the encrypted field. For example, if the encrypted field is encryptedLong encrypt a BSON int64 type, not a BSON int32 type.

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Store the result in insertPayload.

Use clientEncryption to decrypt insertPayload. Assert the returned value equals 6 and has the expected type.


The type returned by clientEncryption.decrypt() may differ from the input type to clientEncryption.encrypt() depending on how the driver unmarshals BSON numerics to language native types. Example: a driver may unmarshal a BSON int64 to a numeric type that does not distinguish between int64 and int32.

Case 2: can find encrypted range and return the maximum

Use clientEncryption.encryptExpression() to encrypt this query:

// Convert 6 and 200 to the encrypted field type
{ "$and": [ { "encrypted<Type>": { "$gte": 6 } }, { "encrypted<Type>": { "$lte": 200 } } ] }

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   queryType: "rangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Store the result in findPayload.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter findPayload and sort the results by _id.

Assert the following three documents are returned:

// Convert 6, 30, and 200 to the encrypted field type
{ "_id": 1, "encrypted<Type>": 6 }
{ "_id": 2, "encrypted<Type>": 30 }
{ "_id": 3, "encrypted<Type>": 200 }

Case 3: can find encrypted range and return the minimum

Use clientEncryption.encryptExpression() to encrypt this query:

// Convert 0 and 6 to the encrypted field type
{ "$and": [ { "encrypted<Type>": { "$gte": 0 } }, { "encrypted<Type>": { "$lte": 6 } } ] }

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   queryType: "rangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Store the result in findPayload.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter findPayload and sort the results by _id.

Assert the following two documents are returned:

// Convert 0 and 6 to the encrypted field type
{ "_id": 0, "encrypted<Type>": 0 }
{ "_id": 1, "encrypted<Type>": 6 }

Case 4: can find encrypted range with an open range query

Use clientEncryption.encryptExpression() to encrypt this query:

// Convert 30 to the encrypted field type
{ "$and": [ { "encrypted<Type>": { "$gt": 30 } } ] }

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   queryType: "rangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Store the result in findPayload.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter findPayload and sort the results by _id.

Assert the following document is returned:

// Convert 200 to the encrypted field type
{ "_id": 3, "encrypted<Type>": 200 }

Case 5: can run an aggregation expression inside $expr

Use clientEncryption.encryptExpression() to encrypt this query:

// Convert 30 to the encrypted field type
{ "$and": [ { "$lt": [ "$encrypted<Type>", 30 ] } ] } }

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   queryType: "rangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Store the result in findPayload.

Use encryptedClient to run a "find" operation on the db.explicit_encryption collection with the filter { "$expr": <findPayload> } and sort the results by _id.

Assert the following two documents are returned:

// Convert 0 and 6 to the encrypted field type
{ "_id": 0, "encrypted<Type>": 0 }
{ "_id": 1, "encrypted<Type>": 6 }

Case 6: encrypting a document greater than the maximum errors

This test case should be skipped if the encrypted field is encryptedDoubleNoPrecision or encryptedDecimalNoPrecision.

Use clientEncryption.encrypt() to encrypt the value 201. Ensure the type matches that of the encrypted field.

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Assert that an error was raised because 201 is greater than the maximum value in RangeOpts.

Case 7: encrypting a value of a different type errors

This test case should be skipped if the encrypted field is encryptedDoubleNoPrecision or encryptedDecimalNoPrecision.

Use clientEncryption.encrypt() to encrypt the value 6 with a type that does not match that of the encrypted field.

If the encrypted field is encryptedInt use a BSON double type. Otherwise, use a BSON int32 type.

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type>,

Ensure that RangeOpts corresponds to the type of the encrypted field (i.e. expected type) and not that of the value being passed to clientEncryption.encrypt().

Assert that an error was raised.

Case 8: setting precision errors if the type is not double or Decimal128

This test case should be skipped if the encrypted field is encryptedDoublePrecision, encryptedDoubleNoPrecision, encryptedDecimalPrecision, or encryptedDecimalNoPrecision.

Use clientEncryption.encrypt() to encrypt the value 6. Ensure the type matches that of the encrypted field.

Add { precision: 2 } to the encrypted field's RangeOpts (see: Test Setup: RangeOpts).

Encrypt using the following EncryptOpts:

class EncryptOpts {
   keyId : <key1ID>,
   algorithm: "RangePreview",
   contentionFactor: 0,
   rangeOpts: <RangeOpts for Type with precision added>,

Assert that an error was raised.