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    AnyEvent::Tarantool - ...

        package Sample;
        use AnyEvent::Tarantool;



    select( $space, $keys, [ $opts = { index = 0, limit = 2**32, offset = 0
    }, ] $cb->( $result, $error ) )

        $space may be either id or alias, or object
        $keys may be either nonref value (for ex: 123), or Array of Arrays.
        AoA is canonical value and always preferred to avoid ambiguity
            $c->select( 0, 1, $cb )
              # is equivalent to $c->select( 0, [[1]], $cb )

            $c->select( 0, [[1]], $cb )
              # select one tuple from space 0 with index0 key value 1

            $c->select( 3, [[1,2],[3,4]], $cb )
              # select 2 tuples from space 3 with index0 key values [1,2] for the first and [3,4] for the second 

            $c->select( 2, [[1,2,3]], { index => 2, limit => 10, offset => 1  }, $cb )
              # select tuples from space 2 with index2 key values [1,2,3], at most 10 records, skip first record

        delete( $space, $key, [ $opts = { ret = 0, }, ] $cb->( $result,
        $error ) )

        $space may be either id or alias, or object
        $key may be either nonref value (for ex: 123), or Array. Array
        is canonical value and always preferred to avoid ambiguity
            $c->delete( 0, 1, $cb )
              # is equivalent to $c->delete( 0, [1], $cb )

            $c->delete( 0, [1], $cb )
              # delete one tuple from space 0 with index0 key value 1

            $c->delete( 3, [1,2], $cb )
              # delete 1 tuple from space 3 with index0 key value [1,2]

            my $tuple = $c->delete( 2, [1,2,3], { ret => 1 }, $cb )
              # delete tuple from space 2 with index0 key value [1,2,3], and return deleted record

        update( $space, $key, [ $update, $update, ... ] [ $opts = { ret = 0,
        }, ] $cb->( $result, $error ) )

        $space may be either id or alias, or object
        $key may be either nonref value (for ex: 123), or Array. Array
        is canonical value and always preferred to avoid ambiguity
        $update is an arrayref, one of:

             '=' "[set]( $new_value )" Set field to new value
             ':' "[splice] ( $offset, $length [, $new_value ] )" Start
            at offset, cut length bytes, and add a new value
             '!' "[insert] ( $new_value )" insert a field (before the
            one specified).
             '#' "[delete] ()" delete a field
             '+' "[add] ( $int_value )" Add int_value to field. Field
            and value must be INT32 or INT64
             '&' "[and] ( $int_value )" Binary and int_value with field.
            Field and value must be INT32 or INT64
             '|' "[or] ( $int_value )" Binary or int_value with field.
            Field and value must be INT32 or INT64
             '^' "[xor] ( $int_value )" Binary xor int_value with field.
            Field and value must be INT32 or INT64

            # For update operations space fields must be configured

            $c->update( 0, 1, [...] $cb )
              # is equivalent to $c->update( 0, [1], [...], $cb )

            $c->update( 0, [1], [ [ fieldX => '=', 123  ] ], $cb )
              # update tuple from space 0 with index0 key value 1, set field, configured as fieldX, to value 123

            $c->update( 0, [1], [ [ fieldX => ':', 1,1, "test"  ] ], $cb )
              # update tuple, splice fieldX from offset 1, length 1 ,and add "test";

        insert( $space, $tuple, [ $opts = { add = 0, replace = 0, return = 0
        }, ] $cb->( $result, $error ) )

        $space may be either id or alias, or object
        $tuple must be array
            $c->insert( 0, [1,2,"test"], $cb )
              # insert tuple into space 0

            $c->insert( 3, [1,2], { add => 1, return => 1 } $cb )
              # insert tuple into space 3 only if it not exists. return tuple back

        lua( $function, $args_tuple, [ $opts = { in, out }, ] $cb->(
        $result, $error ) )

        $function is a name of lua function, defined in Tarantool
        $args_tuple must be array
        "$" Format string for arguments.
        "$opts.out" Format string for return value.

            p Binary string (string w/o utf8 flag). Default format.
            Could be unpacked manually with "unpack"
            u Unicode (utf-8) string.
            L (l) Unsigned (signed) 64-bit integer. Works only if perl
            was built with int64 support
            I (i) Unsigned (signed) 32-bit integer.
            S (s) Unsigned (signed) 16-bit integer.
            C (c) Unsigned (signed) 8-bit integer.

            $c->lua( 'os.time', [], { out => 'I' } $cb )
              # call lua os.time(). Return value unpacked as 32bit unsigned integer

    Mons Anderson, "<>"

    Copyright 2012 Mons Anderson, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.


Asyncronous client to Tarantool database







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