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Problem 1

Functions and Default Parameters

Create a TypeScript program that declares a function that takes two parameters, a string and a number. The function should log the string parameter repeated the number of times specified by the number parameter. If the number parameter is not provided, it should default to 3.

Problem 2 🧨🧨

Write a function that takes in an array of objects with properties name and age, and returns only the objects where the person's age is greater than or equal to 18,

Problem 3:

Create a TypeScript program that uses a generic function to reverse an array of strings, and takes a variable number of strings to the array using rest parameters. Provide an example of calling the function with a variable number of strings.

Problem 4:

Create a TypeScript class called Person that has private properties name and age, and a public method getDetails that returns a string with the person's name and age. Use parameter properties to define and initialize the properties in the constructor.

Create a TypeScript class called Student that extends the Person class and has an additional private property grade. Define a public method getGrade that returns the student's grade. Use the super keyword to call the constructor of the Person class and initialize the name and age properties.

Problem 5:

Create a TypeScript function that takes a parameter of type unknown and uses a type guard to check whether the parameter is of type string. If it is, log the string to the console. If it is not, log an error message.

Interview Questions

  1. What is TypeScript, and how is it different from JavaScript?
  2. Can you explain the difference between "interface" and "type" in TypeScript?
  3. Can you give an example of how to use generics in TypeScript?
  4. What is the difference between an "unknown" and "any" type in TypeScript?
  5. Can you give an example of how to use enums in TypeScript?
  6. What is the "as" keyword used for in TypeScript?
  7. Can you explain how to use "type guards" with "in" and "typeof" operators in TypeScript?

Optional Problems:

optional Problem 1

Array and Tuple types

Create a TypeScript program that declares an array of strings and a tuple of a number and a string. Add elements to both data structures, and log them to the console.

Optional Problem 2:

Create a TypeScript program that uses a conditional type to create a new type that is either a string or a number, depending on whether a parameter of type string or number is passed to the function.

Then, create an interface for a person with properties name and age, and use the new type as a constraint on the age property.

Finally, create an object that satisfies the Person interface and log it to the console.

Optional Questions:

  1. Can you explain what a "tuple" is in TypeScript?
  2. Can you give an example of how to use "readonly" properties in TypeScript?
  3. Can you give an example of how to use "conditional types" in TypeScript?

Assignment 1 Solutions