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MARS Mobile CMS v0.1

MARS Mobile CMS v0.1

(Contributed and forked from "git://")

Website pages



Website Admin Dashboard


Website Admin Dashboard - Settings page


Website Admin Dashboard - Login page - Private Zone


API and Database Admin DeployD Dashboard

deployd-dashboard<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Technology stack: MEAN with Deployd REST API NODEJS Framework

  • NodeJs
  • Deployd Framework (
  • AngularJs (1.5+)
  • Angular Material Design (UI)
  • MongoDB



You can also build with the given 'DockerFile' to create an image and run with a mongodb link.

Docker image : coming soon on Docker hub.

GIT download

copy and paste below git command in your terminal window:

git clone This will download the all the code from this repository to a folder 'MarsCMS' Then 'CD' into 'MarsCMS' Directory


Pre - Requisite : (Node.js, MongoDB, Bower, Grunt)

Make sure you have Node.js installed. MongoDB - community version installed. [Git terminal tool] ( installed.

*** Make sure you are in elevated administrator permission. (Some packages will through error if you don't have right permission.) -- In Mac / Linux : In terminal use 'sudo root' to change user to admin -- In Windows : Right click on 'command prompt' in menu and select 'Run as administrator'

Step 1. (Pre - Requisite) - Install Grunt and Bower

Open your terminal/command window and install Grunt by pasting this code: npm install -g grunt-cli Also install Bower. npm install -g bower

Step 2. - Install dependencies

Go to the project folder in your terminal window and use the following command to install the NPM dependencies.

npm install

Now install your Bower dependencies by using

bower install

Step 3. - Execute Grunt and Grunt watch

In order to make the app work execute Grunt to minify and concatenate the javascript files and the css files. grunt Use Grunt watch to be able to deploy the modified files automatically by running the Watch section of the .grunt file. You can do that by using: grunt watch

Running the app

Check MongoDB connection string:

If you have not created any mongodb database, Mars CMS will automatically create 'MarsCMSDB' database in mongodb. If you like to use different database , change the following code in 'app.js' in the root folder (not in the /public folder *) db: { connectionString: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/MarsCMSDB' }

First start and run the, MongoDB: mongod Next start the deployd web server, For Application in production: npm start

For Application in development: npm run dev

***** Add admin user:

You can run the app by starting mongodb and the entire app. After that, open your browser and go to http://localhost:2403/dashboard. Go to the users collection and add an admin user. (Fillin Users first and last name and select admin column check box to make the user as 'ADMIN')

Unit Testing:

For quick testing Use 'Postman' Developer tool available as a Chrome browser Add-on. You can find it here: Then Follow this steps:

  • Install Postman on Chrome browser
  • Left side go to collections and import 'test collections' json file from " test\postman_tests\' folder
  • Select any request and Onthe Right side change the Json data as your need.

Note: YOU HAVE TO FIRST RUN 'LOGIN' -request in order to make other tests work.

Accessing two User Interfaces: ( GUI )

  1. Deployd admin Dashboard: URL: This is an interface for your Resources (Collections, Models, config), Events Code (Get, Post,Delete, put, before and after commit etc.) and Data

http://localhost:2403/dashboard 2. Public website : URL: http://localhost:2403 3. Website admin site (cms to update the public pages / add users / polls, etc.) - in the public website click on 'login' to open the cms admin site.

  • To change the first page (website look and content), login (step 3) to the Website admin site

  • then click on the menu button to open the side navigation menu

  • in the menu select 'Settings' -here you should set up your application title, app name, theme, etc.

  • you can create more users with different permission levels

We are working on to make it best. Post your comments here.


You will have to change the 'BASEURL' const field in public/app.js


To contribute fork this repository and make changes, initiate a pull request. Help with adding more tests and features

Also post your issues on issues section.

Let us know what you built with this app. Thank you


Customizable Mobile Content Management System with MongoDB, Deployd (NodeJS, ExpressJS), AngularJS 1.x






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