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Name Type Description Notes
ID string CheckDetailAddendumC ID [optional]
RecordNumber int32 RecordNumber is a number representing the order in which each CheckDetailAddendumC was created. CheckDetailAddendumC shall be in sequential order starting with 1.
EndorsingBankRoutingNumber string EndorsingBankRoutingNumber is a valid routing and transit number indicating the bank that endorsed the check.
BOFDEndorsementBusinessDate time.Time BOFDEndorsementBusinessDate is the date of endorsement. [optional]
EndorsingBankSequenceNumber string EndorsingItemSequenceNumber is a number that identifies the item at the endorsing bank. [optional]
TruncationIndicator string TruncationIndicator identifies if the institution truncated the original check item.
EndorsingBankConversionIndicator string EndorsingBankConversionIndicator is a code that indicates the conversion within the processing institution between original paper check, image, and IRD. The indicator is specific to the action of the institution identified in the EndorsingBankRoutingNumber. * `0` - Did not convert physical document * `1` - Original paper converted to IRD * `2` - Original paper converted to image * `3` - IRD converted to another IRD * `4` - IRD converted to image of IRD * `5` - Image converted to an IRD * `6` - Image converted to another image (e.g., transcoded) * `7` - Did not convert image (e.g., same as source) * `8` - Undetermined [optional]
EndorsingBankCorrectionIndicator int32 EndorsingBankCorrectionIndicator identifies whether and how the MICR line of this item was repaired by the creator of this CheckDetailAddendumC Record for fields other than Payor Bank Routing Number and Amount. * `0` - No Repair * `1` - Repaired (form of repair unknown) * `2` - Repaired without Operator intervention * `3` - Repaired with Operator intervention * `4` - Undetermined if repair has been done or not [optional]
ReturnReason string ReturnReason is a code that indicates the reason for non-payment. [optional]
UserField string UserField identifies a field used at the discretion of users of the standard. [optional]
EndorsingBankIdentifier int32 * `0` - Depository Bank (BOFD) - this value is used when the CheckDetailAddendumC Record reflects the Return * `Processing Bank in lieu of BOFD. * `1` - Other Collecting Bank * `2` - Other Returning Bank * `3` - Payor Bank [optional]

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