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Using Dectate


Dectate is a configuration system that can help you construct Python frameworks. A framework needs to record some information about the functions and classes that the user supplies. We call this process configuration.

Imagine for instance a framework that supports a certain kind of plugins. The user registers each plugin with a decorator:

from framework import plugin

def foo_plugin(...):

Here the framework registers as a plugin the function foo_plugin under the name foo.

You can implement the plugin decorator as follows:

plugins = {}

class plugin(name):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def __call__(self, f):
       plugins[] = f

In the user application the user makes sure to import all modules that use the plugin decorator. As a result, the plugins dict contains the names as keys and the functions as values. Your framework can then use this information to do whatever you need to do.

There are a lot of examples of code configuration in frameworks. In a web framework for instance the user can declare routes and assemble middleware.

You may be okay constructing a framework with the simple decorator technique described above. But advanced frameworks need a lot more that the basic decorator system described above cannot offer. You may for instance want to allow the user to reuse configuration, override it, do more advanced error checking, and execute configuration in a particular order.

Dectate supports such advanced use cases. It was extracted from the Morepath web framework.


Here are some features of Dectate:

  • Decorator-based configuration -- users declare things by using Python decorators on functions and classes: we call these decorators directives, which issue configuration actions.
  • Dectate detects conflicts between configuration actions in user code and reports what pieces of code are in conflict.
  • Users can easily reuse and extend configuration: it's just Python class inheritance.
  • Users can easily override configurations in subclasses.
  • You can compose configuration actions from other, simpler ones.
  • You can control the order in which configuration actions are executed. This is unrelated to where the user uses the directives in code. You do this by declaring dependencies between types of configuration actions, and by grouping configuration actions together.
  • You can declare exactly what objects are used by a type of configuration action to register the configuration -- different types of actions can use different registries.
  • Unlike normal decorators, configuration actions aren't performed immediately when a module is imported. Instead configuration actions are executed only when the user explicitly commits the configuration. This way, all configuration actions are known when they are performed.
  • Dectate-based decorators always return the function or class object that is decorated unchanged, which makes the code more predictable for a Python programmer -- the user can use the decorated function or class directly in their Python code, just like any other.
  • Dectate-based configuration systems are themselves easily extensible with new directives and registries.
  • Dectate-based configuration systems can be queried. Dectate also provides the infrastructure to easily construct command-line tools for querying configuration.

App classes

Configuration in Dectate is associated with special classes which derive from dectate.App:

import dectate

class MyApp(dectate.App):


Creating a directive

We can now use the dectate.App.directive decorator to declare a directive which executes a special configuration action. Let's replicate the simple plugins example above using Dectate:

@MyApp.directive('plugin') class PluginAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'plugins': dict } def __init(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, plugins):


def perform(self, obj, plugins):

plugins[] = obj

Let's use it now:

@MyApp.plugin('a') def f(): pass # do something interesting

@MyApp.plugin('b') def g(): pass # something else interesting

We have registered the function f on MyApp. The name argument is 'a'. We've registered g under 'b'.

We can now commit the configuration for MyApp:


Once the commit has successfully completed, we can take a look at the configuration:

>>> sorted(MyApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>)]

What are the changes between this and the simple plugins example?

The main difference is that plugin decorator is associated with a class and so its the resulting configuration. The other difference is that we provide an identifier method in the action definition. These differences support configuration reuse, conflicts, extension, overrides and isolation.


You can reuse configuration by simply subclassing MyApp:

class SubApp(MyApp):


We commit both classes:

dectate.commit(MyApp, SubApp)

SubClass now contains all the configuration declared for MyApp:

>>> sorted(SubApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>)]

So class inheritance lets us reuse configuration, which allows extension and overrides, which we discuss below.


Consider this example:

class ConflictingApp(MyApp):


@ConflictingApp.plugin('foo') def f(): pass

@ConflictingApp.plugin('foo') def g(): pass

Which function should be registered for foo, f or g? We should refuse to guess and instead raise an error that the configuration is in conflict. This is exactly what Dectate does:

>>> dectate.commit(ConflictingApp) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConflictError: Conflict between: File "...", line 4 @ConflictingApp.plugin('foo') File "...", line 8 @ConflictingApp.plugin('foo')

As you can see, Dectate reports the lines in which the conflicting configurations occurs.

How does Dectate know that these configurations are in conflict? This is what the identifier method in our action definition did:

def identifier(self, plugins):

We say here that the configuration is uniquely identified by its name attribute. If two configurations exist with the same name, the configuration is considered to be in conflict.


When you subclass configuration, you can also extend SubApp with additional configuration actions:

@SubApp.plugin('c') def h(): pass # do something interesting

dectate.commit(MyApp, SubApp)

SubApp now has the additional plugin c:

>>> sorted(SubApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>), ('c', <function h at ...>)]

But MyApp is unaffected:

>>> sorted(MyApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>)]


What if you wanted to override a piece of configuration? You can do this in SubApp by simply reusing the same name:

@SubApp.plugin('a') def x(): pass

dectate.commit(MyApp, SubApp)

In SubApp we now have changed the configuration for a to register the function x instead of f. If we had done this for MyApp this would have been a conflict, but doing so in a subclass lets you override configuration instead:

>>> sorted(SubApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function x at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>), ('c', <function h at ...>)]

But MyApp still uses f:

>>> sorted(MyApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>)]


We have already seen in the inheritance and override examples that MyApp is isolated from configuration extension and overrides done for SubApp. We can in fact entirely isolate configuration from each other.

We first set up a new base class with a directive, independently from everything before:

class BaseApp(dectate.App):


@BaseApp.directive('plugin') class PluginAction2(dectate.Action): config = { 'plugins': dict } def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, plugins):


def perform(self, obj, plugins):

plugins[] = obj

We don't set up any configuration for BaseApp; it's intended to be part of our framework. Now we create two subclasses:

class OneApp(BaseApp):


class TwoApp(BaseApp):


As you can see OneApp and TwoApp are completely isolated from each other; the only thing they share is a common BaseApp.

We register a plugin for OneApp:

@OneApp.plugin('a') def f(): pass

This won't affect TwoApp in any way:

dectate.commit(OneApp, TwoApp)

>>> sorted(OneApp.config.plugins.items()) [('a', <function f at ...>)] >>> sorted(TwoApp.config.plugins.items()) []

OneApp and TwoApp are isolated, so configurations are independent, and cannot conflict or override.

The Anatomy of a Directive

Let's consider the directive registration again in detail:

class PluginAction(dectate.Action):
    config = {
       'plugins': dict
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def identifier(self, plugins):

    def perform(self, obj, plugins):
        plugins[] = obj

What is going on here?

  • We create a new directive called plugin on MyApp. It also exists for its subclasses.
  • The directive is implemented with a custom class called PluginAction that inherits from dectate.Action.
  • config (dectate.Action.config) specifies that this directive has a configuration effect on plugins. We declare that plugins is created using the dict factory, so our registry is a plain dictionary. You provide any factory function you like here.
  • _init_ specifies the parameters the directive should take and how to store them on the action object. You can use default parameters and such, but otherwise __init__ should be very simple and not do any registration or validation. That logic should be in perform.
  • identifier (dectate.Action.identifier) takes the configuration objects specified by config as keyword arguments. It returns an immutable that is unique for this action. This is used to detect conflicts and determine how configurations override each other.
  • perform (dectate.Action.perform) takes obj, which is the function or class that the decorator is used on, and the arguments specified in config. It should use obj and the information on self to configure the configuration objects. In this case we store obj under the key in the plugins dict.

Once we have declared the directive for our framework we can tell programmers to use it.

Directives have absolutely no effect until commit is called, which we do with dectate.commit. This performs the actions and we can then find the result MyApp.config.

The results are in MyApp.config.plugins as we set this up with config in our PluginAction.


In some cases you want to make sure that one type of directive has been executed before the other -- the configuration of the second type of directive depends on the former. You can make sure this happens by using the depends (dectate.Action.depends) class attribute.

First we set up a foo directive that registers into a foos dict:

class DependsApp(dectate.App):


@DependsApp.directive('foo') class FooAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'foos': dict } def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, foos):


def perform(self, obj, foos):

foos[] = obj

Now we create a bar directive that depends on FooDirective and uses information in the foos dict:

@DependsApp.directive('bar') class BarAction(dectate.Action): depends = [FooAction]

config = {

'foos': dict, # also use the foos dict 'bars': list

} def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, foos, bars):


def perform(self, obj, foos, bars):

in_foo = in foos bars.append((, obj, in_foo))

We have now ensured that BarAction actions are performed after FooAction action, no matter what order we use them:'a') def f(): pass'b') def g(): pass'a') def x(): pass


We expect in_foo to be True for a but to be False for b:

>>> DependsApp.config.bars [('a', <function f at ...>, True), ('b', <function g at ...>, False)]

config dependencies

In the example above, the items in bars depend on the items in foos and we've implemented this dependency in the perform of BarDirective.

We can instead make the configuration object for the BarDirective depend on foos. This way BarDirective does not need to know about foos. You can declare a dependency between config objects with the factory_arguments attribute of the config factory. Any config object that is created in earlier dependencies of this action, or in the action itself, can be listed in factory_arguments. The key and value in factory_arguments have to match the key and value in config of that earlier action.

First we create an app with a FooAction that sets up a foos config item as before:

class ConfigDependsApp(dectate.App):


@ConfigDependsApp.directive('foo') class FooAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'foos': dict } def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, foos):


def perform(self, obj, foos):

foos[] = obj

Now we create a Bar class that also depends on the foos dict by listing it in factory_arguments:

class Bar(object):
factory_arguments = {

'foos': dict


def __init__(self, foos):

self.foos = foos self.l = []

def add(self, name, obj):

in_foo = name in self.foos self.l.append((name, obj, in_foo))

We create a BarAction that depends on the FooAction (so that foos is created first) and that uses the Bar factory:

@ConfigDependsApp.directive('bar') class BarAction(dectate.Action): depends = [FooAction]

config = {

'bar': Bar


def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, bar):


def perform(self, obj, bar):

bar.add(, obj)

When we use our directives:'a') def f(): pass'b') def g(): pass'a') def x(): pass


we get the same result as before:

>>> [('a', <function f at ...>, True), ('b', <function g at ...>, False)]

before and after

It can be useful to do some additional setup just before all actions of a certain type are performed, or just afterwards. You can do this using before (dectate.Action.before) and after (dectate.Action.after) static methods on the Action class:

class BeforeAfterApp(dectate.App):


@BeforeAfterApp.directive('foo') class FooAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'foos': list } def __init__(self, name): = name

@staticmethod def before(foos): print "before:", foos

@staticmethod def after(foos): print "after:", foos

def identifier(self, foos):


def perform(self, obj, foos):

foos.append((, obj))'a') def f(): pass'b') def g(): pass

This executes before just before a and b are configured, and then executes after:

>>> dectate.commit(BeforeAfterApp) before: [] after: [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function g at ...>)]

grouping actions

Different actions normally don't conflict with each other. It can be useful to group different actions together in a group so that they do affect each other. You can do this with the group_class (dectate.Action.group_class) class attribute. Grouped classes share their config and their before and after methods.

class GroupApp(dectate.App):


@GroupApp.directive('foo') class FooAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'foos': list } def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, foos):


def perform(self, obj, foos):

foos.append((, obj))

We now create a BarDirective that groups with FooAction:

@GroupApp.directive('bar') class BarAction(dectate.Action): group_class = FooAction

def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, foos):


def perform(self, obj, foos):

foos.append((, obj))

It reuses the config from FooAction. This means that foo and bar can be in conflict:

class GroupConflictApp(GroupApp):

pass'a') def f(): pass'a') def g(): pass

>>> dectate.commit(GroupConflictApp) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConflictError: Conflict between: File "...", line 4'a') File "...", line 8'a')

Additional discriminators

In some cases an action should conflict with multiple other actions all at once. You can take care of this with the discriminators (dectate.Action.discriminators) method on your action:

class DiscriminatorsApp(dectate.App):


@DiscriminatorsApp.directive('foo') class FooAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'foos': dict } def __init__(self, name, extras): = name self.extras = extras

def identifier(self, foos):


def discriminators(self, foos):

return self.extras

def perform(self, obj, foos):

foos[] = obj

An action now conflicts with an action of the same name and with any action that is in the extra list:

# example'a', ['b', 'c']) def f(): pass'b', []) def g(): pass

And then:

>>> dectate.commit(DiscriminatorsApp) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConflictError: Conflict between: File "...", line 2:'a', ['b', 'c']) File "...", line 6'b', [])

Composite actions

When you can define an action entirely in terms of other actions, you can subclass dectate.Composite.

First we define a normal sub directive to use in the composite action later:

class CompositeApp(dectate.App):


@CompositeApp.directive('sub') class SubAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'my': list }

def __init__(self, name): = name

def identifier(self, my):


def perform(self, obj, my):

my.append((, obj))

Now we can define a special dectate.Composite subclass that uses SubAction in an actions (dectate.Composite.actions) method:

@CompositeApp.directive('composite') class CompositeAction(dectate.Composite): def __init__(self, names): self.names = names

def actions(self, obj):

return [(SubAction(name), obj) for name in self.names]

We can now use it:

@CompositeApp.composite(['a', 'b', 'c']) def f(): pass


And SubAction is performed three times as a result:

>>> [('a', <function f at ...>), ('b', <function f at ...>), ('c', <function f at ...>)]

with statement

Sometimes you want to issue a lot of similar actions at once. You can use the with statement to do so with less repetition:

class WithApp(dectate.App):


@WithApp.directive('foo') class SubAction(dectate.Action): config = { 'my': list }

def __init__(self, a, b):

self.a = a self.b = b

def identifier(self, my):

return (self.a, self.b)

def perform(self, obj, my):

my.append((self.a, self.b, obj))

Instead of this:

class VerboseWithApp(WithApp):

pass'a', 'x') def f(): pass'a', 'y') def g(): pass'a', 'z') def h(): pass

You can instead write:

class SuccinctWithApp(WithApp):


with'a') as foo:

@foo('x') def f(): pass

@foo('y') def g(): pass

@foo('z') def h(): pass

And this has the same configuration effect:

>>> dectate.commit(VerboseWithApp, SuccinctWithApp) >>> [('a', 'x', <function f at ...>), ('a', 'y', <function g at ...>), ('a', 'z', <function h at ...>)] >>> [('a', 'x', <function f at ...>), ('a', 'y', <function g at ...>), ('a', 'z', <function h at ...>)]

importing recursively

When you use dectate-based decorators across a package, it can be useful to just import all modules in it at once. This way the user cannot forget to import a module with decorators in it.

Dectate itself does not offer this facility, but you can use the importscan library to do this recursive import. Simply do something like:

import my_package

importscan.scan(my_package, ignore=['.tests'])

This imports every module in my_package, except for the tests sub package.


Dectate logs information about the performed actions as debug log messages. By default this goes to the dectate.directive.<directive_name> log. You can use the standard Python logging module function to make this information go to a log file.

If you want to override the name of the log you can set logger_name (dectate.App.logger_name) on the app class:

class MorepathApp(dectate.App):
   logger_name = 'morepath.directive'


Dectate keeps a database of committed actions that can be queried by using dectate.Query.

Here is an example of a query for all the plugin actions on MyApp:

q = dectate.Query('plugin')

We can now run the query:

>>> list(q(MyApp)) [(<PluginAction ...>, <function f ...>), (<PluginAction ...>, <function g ...>)]

We can also filter the query for attributes of the action:

>>> list(q.filter(name='a')(MyApp)) [(<PluginAction object ...>, <function f ...>)]

Sometimes the attribute on the action is not the same as the name you may want to use in the filter. You can use dectate.Action.filter_name to create a mapping to the correct attribute.

By default the filter does an equality comparison. You can define your own comparison function for an attribute using dectate.Action.filter_compare.

If you want to allow a query on a Composite action you need to give it some help by defining dectate.Composite.query_classes.

query tool

Dectate also includes a command-line tool that lets you issue queries. You need to configure it for your application. For instance, in the module of your project:

import dectate

def query_tool():

In this function you should commit any dectate.App subclasses your application normally uses, and then provide a list of them to dectate.query_tool. This is the list of applications that is queried by default if you don't specify --app.

Then in of your project:

    'console_scripts': [
        'decq = query.main:query_tool',

When you re-install this project you have a command-line tool called decq that lets you issues queries. For instance, this query returns all uses of directive foo in the apps you provided to query_tool:

$ decq foo
App: <class 'query.a.App'>
  File ".../query/", line 4'alpha')

  File ".../query/", line 9'beta')

  File ".../query/", line 14'gamma')

  File ".../query/", line 4'lah')

App: <class 'query.a.Other'>
  File ".../query/", line 19'alpha')

And this query filters by name:

$ decq foo name=alpha
App: <class 'query.a.App'>
  File ".../query/", line 4'alpha')

App: <class 'query.a.Other'>
  File ".../query/", line 19'alpha')

You can also explicit provide the app classes to query with the --app option; the default list of app classes is ignored in this case:

$ bin/decq --app query.a.App foo name=alpha
App: <class 'query.a.App'>
  File ".../query/", line 4'alpha')

You need to give --app a dotted name of the dectate.App subclass to query. You can repeat the --app option to query multiple apps.

Not all things you would wish to query on are string attributes. You can provide a conversion function that takes the string input and converts it to the underlying object you want to compare to using dectate.Action.filter_convert.

A working example is in scenarios/query of the Dectate project.

Sphinx Extension

If you use Sphinx to document your project and you use the sphinx.ext.autodoc extension to document your API, you need to install a Sphinx extension so that directives are documented properly. In your Sphinx add 'dectate.sphinxext' to the extensions list.

__main__ and conflicts

Import-time side effects are evil

This scenario is based on the one described in Application programmers don't control the module-scope codepath in the Pyramid design defense document. If you're curious, look under scenarios/main_module in the Dectate project for a Dectate version.

Dectate makes a different compromise than Venusian -- it reports an error if a directive is executed because of a double import, so it won't get you into trouble. But since Dectate's directives cause registrations to happen immediately (but defer configuration), you can dynamically generate them inside Python function, which won't work with with Venusian.

In certain scenarios where you run your code like this:

$ python

and you use __name__ == '__main__' to determine whether the module should run:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import another_module

you might get a ConflictError from Dectate that looks somewhat like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
dectate.error.ConflictError: Conflict between:
  File "/path/to/", line 6'a')
  File "", line 6'a')

The same line shows up on both sides of the configuration conflict, but the path is absolute on one side and relative on the other.

This happens because in some scenarios involving __main__, Python imports a module twice (more about this). Dectate refuses to operate in this case until you change your imports so that this doesn't happen anymore.

How to avoid this scenario? If you use setuptools automatic script creation this problem is avoided entirely.

Fooling Dectate after all

It is possible to fool Dectate into accepting a double import without conflicts, but you'd need to work hard. You need to use a global variable that gets modified during import time and then use it as a directive argument. If you want to dynamically generate directives then don't do that in module-scope -- do it in a function.

If you want to use the if __name__ == '__main__' system, keep your main module tiny and just import the main function you want to run from elsewhere.

So, Dectate warns you if you do it wrong, so don't worry about it.