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File metadata and controls

214 lines (161 loc) · 7.91 KB


The Actions Workflow language describes workflows, which map repository events to sequences of actions that run in response to those events. It is based on Hashicorp HCL but supports only a subset of HCL features. This document specifies that subset.

By example

# Workflow files can have comments, which begin with a # character and
# continue to the end of the line.  Comments may be on their own line, or
# may appear to the right of real content.
# Workflow files can have a version specifier, which must appear before
# any other (non-blank, non-comment) content.  Currently, the only legal
# version is 0.
version = 0

# Workflow files contain one or more workflows, which map an event to one
# or more actions that the workflow resolves.  Each workflow has a name,
# which is a double-quoted string.  UTF-8 characters and C-style escapes
# are supported in the string.  The workflow name is displayed to the user
# but has no other form or meaning.  Following the workflow name is a
# block of key-value pairs, contained in curly braces.
workflow "this happens when I push" {
  # Each key-value pair is an identifier, an equals sign, and a value of
  # the correct type for that identifier.  Only specific identifiers are
  # allowed, and no key may appear twice in the same block.  For
  # workflows, those allowed identifiers are: on and resolves.  The "on"
  # key is required; "resolves" is optional.

  # "on" identifies the event that will cause Actions to run this
  # workflow.  It's value is a double-quoted string, case-insensitive,
  # drawn from the list of known event types.
  on = "fork"

  # "resolves" identifies one or more actions that will be resolved when
  # the given event occurs.  Resolving an action means running all
  # (transitive) prerequisites for that action and then running the action
  # itself.  Any failed action prevents subsequent actions from running.
  # The value for resolves may be either a string or an array of strings.
  # Arrays are designated with square brackets and commas.
  resolves = [ "goal1", "goal2" ]

# Workflow files also contain one or more actions.  Like workflows,
# actions have a double-quoted string name and a block of key-value pairs.
# The name for an action can be any user-selected string, which must match
# actions that workflows resolve.
action "goal1" {
  # The valid keys in an action block are: uses, needs, runs, args, env,
  # and secrets.  The uses key is required; all others are optional.

  # The "uses" keyword identifies what actual code this action will run.
  # The value is always a string, and may take three forms:
  #   - "./path", which identifies a directory in the current repository
  #     containing a Dockerfile that describes an action
  #   - "owner/repo/path@ref", which identifies a directory in another
  #     GitHub repository containing a Dockerfile that describes an
  #     action.  Ref may be a branch, tag, or SHA.
  #   - "docker://image", which identifies a docker image
  uses = "docker://alpine"
  # or: uses = "./local-directory"
  # or: uses = "actions/bin/filter@master"

  # The "needs" keyword identifies one or more actions that must complete
  # successfully before this action can begin.  The value can be a string
  # or an array of strings.
  needs = "ci"

  # The "runs" keyword identifies a command to run in the action's Docker
  # container.  Its value can be either a string or an array of strings.
  # If the value is a string, Actions will parse it by separating at
  # whitespace.  If the value is an array, the array elements are passed
  # literally to Docker with no further parsing.
  runs = "echo hello"

  # The "args" keyword identifies arguments to attach to whatever command
  # is running in the Docker container.  If the container has an
  # entrypoint, the arguments will be appended to it.  In the rare case
  # where an action specifies with "runs" and "args" keywords, their
  # contents are appended (runs, then args) and passed as the command to
  # run in the container.  The "args" value may be either a string or an
  # array.  If it is a string, it is parsed by separating at whitespace.
  args = [ "world" ]

  # The "env" keyword identifies environment variables that will be
  # present in the Docker container for this action.  The value is a hash
  # (object), surrounded by braces, mapping environment variable names to
  # environment variable values.  Both names and values are strings.
  # Environment variables beginning with "GITHUB_" are reserved.
  env = {
    KEY = "VALUE"
    KEY2 = "VALUE2"

  # The "secrets" keyword identifies secrets that will be present as
  # environment variables in the container.  The values of these secrets
  # are stored elsewhere, not in .workflow files, so only the names of
  # secrets appear here.  The value is an array of strings.  No secret can
  # have the same name as an environment variable.  The number of secrets
  # allowed in an entire workflow file is currently limited to 100.
  secrets = [ "GITHUB_TOKEN" ]

# Each action named in a "resolves" or "needs" key must be present in the
# file.  Circular dependencies are prohibited.
action "ci" {
  uses = "./ci"

action "goal2" {
  uses = "docker://alpine"
  runs = "echo howdy"


The below is an ANTLR4 grammar specifying the Actions Workflow language. As a spec, it is likely not the best basis for a real parser. For instance, no effort has been made to make the grammar output intuitive errors.

grammar workflow;

workflow_file : version? (workflow | action)* ;

version : 'version' '=' INTEGER;

workflow : 'workflow' str '{' (on_kvp | resolves_kvp)* '}' ;

on_kvp : 'on' '=' event_string ;

resolves_kvp : 'resolves' '=' string_or_array ;

string_or_array : str | string_array ;

string_array : '[' (( str ',' )* str ','?)? ']' ;

action : 'action' str '{' action_kvps '}' ;

action_kvps : (uses_kvp | needs_kvp | runs_kvp | args_kvp | env_kvp | secrets_kvp)*;

uses_kvp : 'uses' '=' (DOCKER_USES | LOCAL_USES | REMOTE_USES) ;

needs_kvp : 'needs' '=' string_or_array ;

runs_kvp : 'runs' '=' string_or_array ;

args_kvp : 'args' '=' string_or_array ;

env_kvp : 'env' '=' '{' env_var* '}' ;

secrets_kvp : 'secrets' '=' ident_array ;

env_var : IDENTIFIER '=' str ;

ident_array : '[' ((QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ',')* QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ','?)? ']';

event_string : QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ;





DOCKER_TAG : ':' [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ;

DOCKER_DIGEST                            : '@' DIGEST_ALGORITHM ':' HEX+ ;
fragment DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SEPERATOR      : [+.-_];


REMOTE_USES : '"' GITHUB_OWNER '/' GITHUB_REPO ('/' ~[/"]+)* '/'? '@' ~'/'? ~(["?*[ ^~:\\] | '\u0000'..'\u001F')+ ~([./])? '"';

// alphanums, and hyphens not at start or end
fragment GITHUB_OWNER : ALPHANUM+ ([a-zA-Z0-9\-]* ALPHANUM+)*?;
fragment GITHUB_REPO : [a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+ ;

// before STRING to win on priority (all identifiers are valid strings)

IDENTIFIER : [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]*;

   : '"' ( ESC | SAFECODEPOINT )* '"'

fragment ESC
   : '\\' ( ["\\/bfnrt] )

   : ~ ["\\\u0000-\u001F\u007F]

    :   ('#' | '//') ~[\r\n]*
        -> skip

fragment ALPHANUM : [a-zA-Z0-9];
fragment HEX : [0-9a-fA-F]+;
INTEGER : [0-9]+;

WS : [\n \t\r] -> skip;