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gRPC Guice Scopes

RPC and Listener event Guice Scopes for gRPC.
Copyright 2021 Piotr Morgwai Kotarbinski, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

latest release: 13.0 (javadoc)


Provides rpcScope and listenerEventScope Guice Scopes for both client and server apps.
Oversimplifying, in case of streaming requests on servers and streaming responses on clients, listenerEventScope spans over the processing of a single message from the stream or over a single call to any registered handler (via setOnReadyHandler(...), setOnCancelHandler(...) etc), while rpcScope spans over a whole given RPC.
Oversimplifying again, in case of unary inbound, these 2 Scopes have roughly similar span, although most registered callbacks will have a separate listenerEventScope.
See this DZone article for extended high-level explanation.


  • A ServerCall.Listener creation in ServerCallHandler.startCall(...), a call to any of ServerCall.Listener's methods, a call to any of ClientCall.Listener's methods, each run within a separate instance of ListenerEventContext.

    • For servers this means that:

      • all callbacks to request StreamObservers returned by methods implementing RPC procedures
      • methods implementing RPC procedures themselves
      • all invocations of callbacks registered via ServerCallStreamObservers

      have "separate listenerEventScopes", EXCEPT the first call to onReady() handler in case of unary requests as it's invoked in the same Listener event-handling method as the RPC method (see the source of gRPC UnaryServerCallListener.onHalfClose() for details).

    • For clients this means that:

      • all callbacks to response StreamObservers supplied as arguments to stub RPC methods
      • all invocations of callbacks registered via ClientCallStreamObserver

      have "separate listenerEventScopes".

  • ServerCallHandler.startCall(...) and each call to any of the returned ServerCall.Listener's methods run within the same instance of ServerRpcContext. This means that:

    • a single given call to a method implementing RPC procedure
    • all callbacks to the request StreamObserver returned by this given call
    • all callbacks to handlers registered via this call's ServerCallStreamObserver

    all share "the same rpcScope".

  • Each method call to a single given instance of ClientCall.Listener run within the same instance of ClientRpcContext. This means that:

    • all callbacks to the response StreamObserver supplied as an argument to this given call of the stub sRPC method
    • all callbacks to handlers registered via this call's ClientCallStreamObserver

    all share "the same rpcScope".


Contains the above Scopes, ContextTrackers, some helper methods and gRPC interceptors that start the above contexts.

A ThreadPoolExecutor that upon dispatching a task, automatically transfers the current RpcContext and ListenerEventContext to the worker thread.
Instances should usually be created using helper methods from the above GrpcModule and configured for named instance injection in user modules.

Binds tasks and callbacks (Runnables, Consumers and BiConsumers) to contexts that were active at the time of binding. This can be used to transfer Contexts almost fully automatically when it's not possible to use GrpcContextTrackingExecutor when switching threads (for example when providing callbacks as arguments to async functions). See a usage sample below.


  1. Create an instance of GrpcModule and pass it to other modules.
  2. Other modules can use GrpcModule.rpcScope and GrpcModule.listenerEventScope to scope their bindings: bind(MyComponent.class).to(MyComponentImpl.class).in(grpcModule.rpcScope);
  3. All gRPC service instances added to server must be intercepted with GrpcModule.serverInterceptor like the following: .addService(ServerInterceptors.intercept(myService, grpcModule.contextInterceptor /* more interceptors here... */))
  4. All client Channels must be intercepted with GrpcModule.clientInterceptor or GrpcModule.nestingClientInterceptor like the following: ClientInterceptors.intercept(channel, grpcModule.clientInterceptor)

Server sample

public class MyServer {

    final Server grpcServer;

    public MyServer(int port /* more params here... */) throws Exception {
        final var grpcModule = new GrpcModule();
        final Module myModule = (binder) -> {
            // more bindings here
        // more modules here

        final var injector = Guice.createInjector(grpcModule, myModule /* more modules here... */);
        final var myService = injector.getInstance(MyService.class);
                // myService will get Provider<MyComponent> injected
        // more services here...

        grpcServer = ServerBuilder
                    myService, grpcModule.serverInterceptor /* more interceptors here... */))
            // more services here...

        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {/* shutdown code here... */}));

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new MyServer(6666 /* more params here... */).grpcServer.awaitTermination();

    // more code here...

Client sample

public class MyClient {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final var entityManagerFactory = createEntityManagerFactory(args[0]);
        final ManagedChannel managedChannel;
        try {
            managedChannel = ManagedChannelBuilder
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw t;
        try {
            final var grpcModule = new GrpcModule();
            final var channel = ClientInterceptors.intercept(
                    managedChannel, grpcModule.nestingClientInterceptor);
            final var stub = MyServiceGrpc.newStub(channel);
            final Module myModule = (binder) -> {
                // more bindings here
            // more modules here

            final var injector = Guice.createInjector(
                    grpcModule, myModule /* more modules here... */);
            final var myResponseObserver = injector.getInstance(MyResponseObserver.class);
                    // myResponseObserver will get MyDao injected

            stub.myUnaryRequestStreamingResponseProcedure(args[2], myResponseObserver);
            myResponseObserver.awaitCompletion(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
        } finally {
            managedChannel.shutdown().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            if ( !managedChannel.isTerminated()) {
                System.err.println("channel has NOT shutdown cleanly");

    // more code here...

Transferring contexts to callbacks with ContextBinder

class MyComponent {

    @Inject ContextBinder ctxBinder;

    void methodThatCallsSomeAsyncMethod(/* ... */) {
        // other code here...
        someAsyncMethod(arg1, /* ... */ argN, ctxBinder.bindToContext((callbackParam) -> {
            // callback code here...

Dependency management

Dependencies of this jar on guice and grpc are declared as optional, so that apps can use any versions of these deps with a compatible API.


See sample app