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197 lines (141 loc) · 5.65 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (141 loc) · 5.65 KB



  • Improve caching of parse and validation results for performance
  • Update formatting
  • Fix compatibility issue with prettier@3.x (format became async)
  • Add audit for GraphQL over HTTP spec
  • Fix incorrect Node.js 12 support (was never supported, at least 14 was always required)
  • Add basic benchmarks
  • Update deps


  • Allow prettier@3.x and beyond as peer dependency (jayne-mast)


  • Add maxDepth option and limitDepth function
  • Add support for parser options maxTokens and noLocation
  • Remove implicit dependency on @types/ws
  • Allow async createContext
  • Add basic GraphiQL HTML
  • Update deps


  • Fix headers not being passed in Express and Koa handlers


  • Create context after successful parsing of execution args
  • Pass parsed execution args to createContext


  • Add GraphQLWebSocketClient.subscribeAsync and GraphQLWebSocketClient.subscribeAsyncNamed for async, callback-based subscriptions
  • Add assert() and defined() to browser build
  • Add React example
  • Make nullable fields in generated operation types optional
  • Update deps


  • Support typescript@5 (#5)
  • Improve error coercion in toError
  • Update deps


  • Improve README and docs
  • Chores in examples and scripts
  • Update deps
  • Fix calling next functions for both Koa and Express (sreedhap)


  • Add option to write introspection to local file during code generation
  • Add option to define scalar types without directives in client-side code generation
  • Update deps


  • Fix issue where bad requests would result in responses with status code 500
  • Switch all tests to fetch
  • Update deps


  • Add getProjection utility function to support efficient database lookups
  • Simplify builds
  • Uplift __typename from fragments to simplify generated type system
  • Fix issue where no __typename in top-level operations lead to type system difficulties
  • Update deps


  • Ignore internal types in GraphQLSchemaManager.setDefaultFieldResolver and .setResolverErrorHandler


  • Improve performance of resolver error handlers


  • Add GraphQL stitching support (emargollo)
    • Code generation for directives and resolvers
    • SDL resolvers
  • Update deps


  • Include JSON body (if any) in GraphQLRequestError
  • Add errorFilter to GraphQLClient options
  • Improve error messages in GraphQLClient
  • Update deps


  • Fix GraphQLCLient.setHeaders to safely reset headers
  • Export GraphQLResultError in browser build
  • Fix GraphQLWebSocketClient.subscribe typings


  • Update deps
  • Fall back to unknown for unmapped scalars
  • Add OperationTypings in client-side code generation for simplified client typing
  • Add fetch-based, type-safe GraphQLClient for queries and mutations
  • Add type-safe subscribeNamed method to GraphQLWebSocketClient
  • Add API documentation
  • Support fetch in introspection and code generation
  • Add getHeaders option to introspection in code generation (e.g. to support auth)


    • Upgrade to graphql@16
    • Upgrade to ws@8
    • Remove AbstractClient code generation in favor of operation tables
    • Rename GraphQLServer to GraphQLHttpServer
    • GraphQLHttpServer now requires a context type and a createContext function
    • Move src/execute modules to src/server
    • Remove specific subscription resolver options (add subscription resolvers to regular resolver map)
    • Code generation now automatically creates _ts.gql with the @ts directive definition
    • Refactor buildExecutableSchema into static GraphQLServer.bootstrap method (bootstraps complete server)
    • Refactor GraphQLSchemaManager methods
  • Add GraphQLServer class, combining HTTP and web socket server setup
  • Add DirectivesMap (maps directive names to their arguments) to code generation
  • Add simplified request handlers for Express and Koa
  • Allow lists of resolvers in GraphQLServer.bootstrap, merged via new utility mergeResolvers function


  • Update dependencies
  • Fix audit
  • Switch to Jest
  • Add tests
  • Add Node.js 16.x to pipeline


  • Include src in NPM package for better source map support


  • Move documentation to GitHub wikis
  • Add tests
  • Chores and clean-ups
  • Update dependencies
  • Normalize error handling (thanks TypeScript!)
  • Export AsyncPushIterator in browser build
  • Fix bug where subscriptions where not closed when returned client-side


  • Make typeRef<T> always return an object for chaining


  • Fix generation of operation names if some type of operation is unused


  • Add generation of client operation tables
    • Operation name to document (const)
    • Operation name to variables type (interface)
    • Operation name to data type (interface)
    • Operation name to data type (interface)
    • Operation name types
  • Rename certain helper to typeRef (breaking change)
  • Ignore non-GraphQL files in watch mode


  • Refactor web socket package
    • Allow creating a context per web socket subscription (breaking change)
    • Refactor auto-reconnect API in client web sockets (breaking change)
    • Improve auto-reconnection in client web sockets
  • Refactor package structure
  • Fix UMD build
  • Improved types for resolver maps
  • Add some doc-block comments
  • Enable subscriptions in example GraphiQL


  • Drop "opinionated" in README and description
  • Fix watch mode


  • Turn optional dependencies into peer dependencies


  • Initial version