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mortendk edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the saga11 wiki! {#

aria-expanded="false" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0"


aria-controls="nav-menu-ex-2" #}

{# ------------------------------------------------------ LISTING --------------------------------------------------------#}

{# Graps the menu from the settings config (set in _data/menu.json) #}

{% for item in menu.main %} {# if the menu url is part of this link ex /post/ for an item in /post/foobar #} {% if item.url in page.url -%} {{ item.title }} {% else %} {{ item.title }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} #}

{# All pages #}

{% for item in collections.allPages | sortByOrder %} {% if item.url in page.url -%} {{}} {% else %} {{}} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{# All post #}

{% for item in collections.allPosts %} {% if item.url in page.url -%} {{}} {% else %} {{}} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{# Previous - Next #}

{%- if collections.allPosts %} {%- set nextPost = collections.allPosts | getNextCollectionItem(page) %} {%- set previousPost = collections.allPosts | getPreviousCollectionItem(page) %} {%- if nextPost or previousPost %}
{%- if previousPost %}
  <a href="{{ previousPost.url | url }}">{{ }}</a>
{% endif %}

{%- if nextPost %}
  <a href="{{ nextPost.url | url }}">{{ }}</a>
{% endif %}

{%- endif %} {%- endif %}

{# Tags #}

{%- for tag in tags | filterTagList -%} {# grap the markdown files from relation-tag and loop through them get page gets the permalink set in relation-tag.json#} {% for item in collections.all | getPage("/tags/" + tag + "/") %} {{}}, {% endfor %} {% endfor %}

{# Section is set as a {{ section }} #}

{% if section %} {% for item in collections[section] %} {{}}

{{ }}

{{ }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}

{# ------------------------------------------------------ Images --------------------------------------------------------#} {# {% imageBackgroundStyle "image", “size”, “format webp/png/jpg/gif” %} #} {# size: [null] format [null] #} {% imageBackgroundStyle "assets/img/ident.png", “150” %}

{% image image, [320, 600, 1200], "(min-width: 30em) 50vw, 100vw", "a picture", "shadow-lg", "eager" %}

Default content template

title: my title
layout: base.njk
eleventyExcludeFromCollections: false

permalink: "mega-awesome-stuff/"
tags: post
date: Last Modified

  key: contact
  parent: about
  order: 1


{{ page | dump}} {{ eleventy | dump }}

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