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mortendk edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

Saga 11 is a system to build small static web.

What is this

Saga11 is a small system build for webdesigners to build small brochure websites / blogs etc. Its build on top of 11ty and with netlifycms as a backend for online editing.

Core Values

  • No Database - Flatfile based
  • 100% Markup control
  • Small tech stack (yeah right)
  • Build for Web Designers
  • Easy to hand down over developers
  • Able to deploy on netlify/github pages or move to other host for simple sftp deployment
  • Easy to build the site with no interfearence from a system
  • At the end "its just html, css, js" :)

Tech stack

  • 11ty generating the html.
  • Markdown, json and nunjucks.
  • Github for storage
  • Netlifycms for online editing
  • Tailwind for css cause devs likes it
  • Vanilla js

Quick start

  1. get 11ty
npm install -g @11ty/eleventy
  1. install saga
npm install
  1. spin up the site
npm run start


  1. build the production site
npm run build

CMS -Netlify CMS

Saga is build with netlify cms for online editing To make it work work locally

npm run admin



CSS Setup

Tailwin config /tailwin.config.js setup all the specific here

content template



The is where 11ty compiles the website. for sweet n easy sftp the content is autogenerated


This is where all the files to generate _site is places - this is where we all the work.

  • /_data/ Site Config
  • /_templates/ - All the awesome magic lives here
  • /_admin/ netlifycms lives here


- /assets/
- /assets/css/
- /assets/fonts/
- /assets/img/favicon/
- /assets/img/opengraph/
- /assets/js/


  • /content/

Add all content markdown here


Images to the content is living in the /images folder

  • /images/ uploaded images from cms


/systempages/ -

Netlifycms Setup on netlify

1 Push code to github 2 Create site on netlify - get site from github 3 Enable identity[SITE]/identity 4 add external providers (ex google)[SITE]/settings/identity#external-providers 5 Add Git Gateway[SITE]/settings/identity#git-gateway

content types


Pages can be used for single pages

  • Section page (list of post with a tag)
  • contact page
  • gallery page a page have a specfic url custom url site/foo-bar/


Post can be used to create collections of data ex blog post, products collections Post can be tagged and be collected in a section

Post templates

Heres the different templates that a post can select in netlifycms the templates get add automatically id they are put into _templates/post/{template}.njk

configured in admin/config.yml post posttemplates

To name the template inside of netlifycms use the system specific saga-lay

saga-template-name: Post with contact form


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