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⛓ Mosaic Chains

Build Status


Service Version
Node 11.0.0
NPM >6.13.4
Docker >19.03.5

Mosaic will automatically identify if you want to run a geth node or a parity node based on the chain id or name. Any string supported by parity as a network option will start a parity node container. Any other string it tries to match to one of the available IDs in the ./chains directory and starts the geth node.

The command to start a chain is ./mosaic start <chain_id>

if option --origin <origin_chain> is not provided then chain_id itself is the origin chain identifier, otherwise chain_id is auxiliary chain id.


# start origin chain.
./mosaic start goerli

# start auxiliary chain.
./mosaic start 1405 --origin goerli

Start command will also start a graph node by default and deploy a sub graph for the given chain. The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains, which makes it possible to query for data that is difficult or impossible to do directly. To start chain without graph node use option --withoutGraphNode

Stopping a container that was started with mosaic completely removes that container from the host. Only the content in the mounted data directory remains. If you want to keep the container around, for example to debug in the logs after it was stopped automatically after starting, use the --keep option of ./mosaic start.

⚠️ Nodes started with mosaic open all available APIs. If necessary, make sure your machine is secured.

Running mosaic

Clone and install npm ci. Run ./mosaic --help to get the help output. You can use the --help option with any sub-command to get the relevant help for that sub-command, e.g. ./mosaic start --help.

The default directory for mosaic to store mosaic chain data is ~/.mosaic. You can specify a different directory with the --mosaic-dir option.

Postgres Credentials

The Graph uses Postgres for storing data from chain. Default user & password which are used can be found here. One can override these values by passing --graph-postgres-user / --graph-postgres-password-file (path to file containing password) in ./mosaic start command.

Note : To rotate these credentials, one will have to manually connect to this postgres instance and alter user (to change password) / create user & give privileges to database (to use a new user) using standard postgres commands.

Available chains

Usually, you want to run a combination of at least one origin chain with at least one matching auxiliary chain.

Please use one of below combinations:

  • Auxiliary chains running against Ethereum mainnet:
    • 1414
  • Auxiliary chains running against Ropsten testnet:
    • 1406
    • 1407
  • Auxiliary chains running against Goerli testnet:
    • 1405

The chain id of future auxiliary chains running against Ethereum mainnet will increase by one number each. The chain id of future auxiliary chains running against Ethereum testnet will decrease by one number each.

Upgrading 1405 to Istanbul

Istanbul EVM would be applied to 1405 at a block height of 3621496 which is likely to be mined around December, 4, 2019, 1 PM Berlin Time (GMT+1))

If you were already running a node follow the below steps to upgrade

# stop chain.
./mosaic stop 1405

# for once start chain with `force-init` flag (this would do a geth init using updated genesis file on the existing data dir).
./mosaic start 1405 --origin goerli --force-init


# start chain command would take care of it.
./mosaic start 1405 --origin goerli

Dev chains

For development, you can use the dev chains. These chains have the initial chain setup contracts deployed.


# start origin chain.
./mosaic start dev-origin

# start auxiliary chain.
./mosaic start dev-auxiliary

Default ports

By default, a chain uses the following ports:

  • port: 3<chain-id>
  • rpc: 4<chain-id>
  • ws: 5<chain-id>

Where <chain-id> would always be exactly four characters, with leading zeros in case of a shorter chain id.

Examples with different chain IDs:

Chain Port RPC WS
Ropsten (3) 30003 40003 50003
200 30200 40200 50200
1406 31406 41406 51406

Creating a new auxiliary chain

If there is no existing mosaic config with the library addresses for the origin chain then first run ./mosaic libraries <origin-chain-id> <origin-websocket> <deployer-address>. This command will create a mosaic config file for the origin chain and stores library addresses of origin chain. Generated mosaic config must be used to create multiple auxiliary chains. Ideally ./mosaic libraries command should be used once per origin chain. This command assumes that signer is already been setup. Refer signer section.

Total gas consumption for libraries command is 4150100. It deploys three contracts i.e merkle patricia proof, message bus and gateway lib which require 1431920, 1913370 and 804810 gas respectively.

The command to create a new auxiliary chain is ./mosaic create <new-chain-id> <origin-websocket> <password-file> --origin <origin_chain>. See ./mosaic create --help for more help.

Creating a new auxiliary chain assumes that you have a signer setup on a node that is connected to the origin chain. Refer signer section.

Other prerequisites that you need:

  • A password file with exactly two lines (followed by a newline) of the same password. For now, this is the only way to set up the (temporary) accounts for sealing and deploying on the new auxiliary chain.
  • A websocket connection to a node that is connected to an existing origin chain. It has to have an account with sufficient balance. The account address of the account must be added to the file in the initialize directory (see next bullet point).
  • An initial configuration file in the project's initialize directory. The file name has to equal the new chain ID that you want to use. You can copy the example file and fill in your values. If you want to know what the parameters mean, check the relevant documentation in the code.

To see the help:

./mosaic create --help

A simple run would be the following:

./mosaic create 1337 ws://localhost:8746 ./password.txt --origin goerli


  • 1337 is the new ID of the new chain.
  • ws://localhost:8746 is the websocket connection to the running origin node with an account with the signer setup. Refer signer section.
  • ./password.txt is the path to the password file that contains the two identical passwords.
  • goerli is the origin chain.

Stake Pool

Stake pool command deploys ost composer and organization contract on the origin chain where staker can request stake and pool of facilitators can facilitate stake and mint on behalf of staker.

./mosaic setup-stake-pool <originChain> <originWeb3EndPoint> <deployer> <organizationOwner> <organizationAdmin>


  • originChain is origin chain identifier.
  • originWeb3EndPoint is the web3 endpoint of the origin chain.
  • deployer Address on origin chain with funds.
  • organizationOwner Address of organization owner of ost composer contract.
  • organizationAdmin Address of organization admin of ost composer contract.


./mosaic setup-stake-pool 12346  http://localhost:8545 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001

Note: Setup stake pool command expects deployer address to be setup for signing and it must have funds to pay for gas. Refer signer section.

Total gas consumption for setup stake pool command is 3227315. It deploys two contracts i.e organization and OST composer which require 748146 and 2479169 gas respectively.

Redeem Pool

Redeem pool command deploys redeem pool and organization contract on the auxiliary chain where redeemer can request redeem and pool of facilitators can facilitate redeem and unstake on behalf of redeemer.

./mosaic setup-redeem-pool <originChain> <auxiliaryChain> <auxChainWeb3EndPoint> <deployer> <organizationOwner> <organizationAdmin>


  • originChain is origin chain identifier.
  • auxiliaryChain is auxiliary chain identifier.
  • auxChainWeb3EndPoint is the web3 endpoint of auxiliary chain.
  • deployer Address on auxiliary chain with funds.
  • organizationOwner Address of organization owner of redeem pool contract. * organizationAdmin Address of organization admin of redeem pool contract.


./mosaic setup-redeem-pool 12346 500 http://localhost:40500 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001

Total gas consumption for setup redeem pool command is 2951611. It deploys two contracts i.e organization and redeem pool which require 748146 and 2203465 gas respectively.

Note: Setup redeem pool command expects deployer address to be setup for signing and it must have funds to pay for gas. Refer signer section.


  • When starting, you get an error that the connection is not open:
    • Make sure that the websocket you provide as an argument points to a running origin node and that your machine can connect to it.
  • You get an error that your account is locked on auxiliary:
    • Make sure that the newly created auxiliary sealer doesn't use any ports that you forward to any running nodes via SSH. You can use the options --port, --rpc-port, and --ws-port with the create command to make sure you use different ports on the auxiliary sealer.
  • The EVM reverts without details at the step "stake" (on origin):
    • Make sure that you set the correct OST address in you init configuration and that your origin account has sufficient funds to pay for the stake amount plus the bounty amount (on origin).
  • Your machine is showing sign of slowness because of creation of auxiliary chains:
    • Too many docker containers could be running while creation of auxiliary chains with different chain ids. Make sure you stop the docker containers of auxiliary chains if it's not being used.
  • If npm i @openst/mosaic-chains fails with an error regarding installation of sha3 dependency:
    • As a workaround one can checkout source code and run mosaic commands from there.

Refer integration test of mosaic-create command to understand end to end flow.

Subgraph deployment

Subgraph command can be used to deploy mosaic subgraph. Subgraph by thegraph protocol is used to index transactions and events by mosaic smart contract.


Below commands assumes the blockchain node and graph node is already running. You can use mosaic start command to start a node and graph node.

Subgraph deployment for mosaic gateways

Below command deploys subgraph of mosaic gateways.

./mosaic subgraph <origin-chain-identifier> <auxiliary-chain-identifier> <chainType> <admin-graph-url> <graph-ipfs-url>


  1. origin-chain-identifier: Origin chain identifier like ropsten, goerli, dev-origin
  2. auxiliary-chain-identifier: Auxiliary chain ID like 1405, 1406, 1407 or 1000(dev-auxiliary).
  3. chainType: Eitherorigin or auxiliary chain.
  4. admin-graph-rpc: RPC endpoint of graph node.
  5. graph-ipfs: IPFS endpoint used by graph node.

Optionally --mosaic-config option can be used to pass mosaic config otherwise command will search on default path.

Subgraph deployment for any EIP20 gateways

Below command deploys subgraph of any eip20gateway.

./mosaic subgraph <origin-chain-identifier> <auxiliary-chain-identifier> <chain> <admin-graph-url> <graph-ipfs-url>  --gateway-config <gateway-config>


  1. gateway-config: Path of gateway config.

Optionally gateway-address option can be passed which will search gateway config on default path.

Subgraph deployment command also prints subgraph endpoint after execution.

Chain Verifier

Chain verifier makes sure that newly created chain is being setup correctly.


  • Origin chain should be up and running.
  • Auxiliary chain should be up and running.
  • MosaicConfig should be populated with contract addresses.

A simple run would be the following:

./mosaic verify-chain origin-websocket auxiliary-websocket originChainIdentifier auxChainIdentifier
  • origin-websocket: Origin chain endpoint. Needed for fetching contract state variables deployed on origin chain for verification.
  • auxiliary-websocket: Auxiliary chain endpoint. Needed for fetching contract state variables deployed on auxiliary chain for verification.
  • originChainIdentifier: Origin chain identifier. e.g. chain name or chain id
  • auxChaiIdentifier: Auxiliary chain identifier. e.g. chain id

Adding an existing auxiliary chain

To add an existing chain, you need to know the bootnodes and genesis.json. If you have those, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new directory ./chains/<origin_chain>/<chain_id>.
  2. Add the genesis file as ./chains/<origin_chain>/<chain_id>/genesis.json.
  3. Add <chain_id> to the CHAINS array at the beginning of
  4. Run ./ to generate all chain inits.
  5. Add ./chains/<origin_chain>/<chain_id>/bootnodes and add the boot nodes (see other chains for examples).

Signing of transaction

Mosaic command supports two different kind of signing mechanisms.

  1. For geth client mosaic commands support clef signer which can be used to sign transactions. Refer official documentation to setup clef signer. Clef signer can be configured while starting a mosaic chain with option --clef-signer which accepts RPC or IPC endpoint of clef.


      mosaic start 1405 --origin goerli --clef-signer http://{ipaddress}:{port}

    Replace ipaddress and port with actual values. Alternatively, IPC endpoint can also be passed for --clef-signer option.

  2. For parity client, mosaic commands assumes that accounts are already unlocked on the node itself.

Steps to unlock a new account:

  1. Make sure you have an node running. If that is not the case, start one (e.g. ./mosaic start goerli).

  2. Attach to the node (e.g. ./mosaic attach goerli).

  3. Create a new account (personal.newAccount("password")).

  4. Create a ./password.txt (or different) file that contains password followed by a newline.

  5. Unlock the account (e.g. ./mosaic stop goerli; ./mosaic start --unlock address --password ./password.txt goerli).

  6. You want to lock the account again after creating the auxiliary chain has finished (e.g. ./mosaic stop goerli; ./mosaic start goerli).

  7. You may want to delete the password file.


Whitelist worker for stakepool and redeempool

This tool enables whitelisting of workers for stake and redeem pool contract. It expects organization admin of stakepool and redeempool contract is setup for signing on the node.

1. Set below environment variables:

export ORIGIN_WEB3_ENDPOINT='replace_with_origin_web3_endpoint';
export AUXILIARY_WEB3_ENDPOINT='replace_with_auxiliary_web3_endpoint';
export AUXILIARY_CHAIN_ID='replace_with_auxiliary_chain_id';
export MOSAIC_CONFIG_PATH='replace_with_mosaic_config_path';
export ORIGIN_WORKER_ADDRESS='replace_with_origin_worker_address';
export AUXILIARY_WORKER_ADDRESS='replace_with_auxiliary_worker_address';
export ORIGIN_WORKER_EXPIRATION_HEIGHT='replace_with_origin_expiration_height';
export AUXILIARY_WORKER_EXPIRATION_HEIGHT='replace_with_auxiliary_expiration_height';

Origin and auxiliary worker addresses are generated with facilitator init step. Mosaic config path for supported chain should be available at ~/.mosaic/<origin-chain>/mosaic.json where <origin-chain> is origin chain identifier e.g. goerli.

Origin and auxiliary worker expiration height is block height from current block for which worker keys are whitelisted.

Example: If current block is 1000 and expiration height is set to 100 then worker keys will be whitelisted for 1100 block.

2. run command:

npm run whitelist-workers

Mosaic Config

Mosaic config file is required in various steps and commands. There are two ways to locate mosaic config file.

  1. On local machine: Mosaic config is copied on local machine inside folder ~/.mosaic/<origin-chain-identifier>/mosaic.json while starting mosaic chain. Here <origin-chain-identifier> can be ropsten, goerli and dev-origin.

  2. On github: Mosaic config can be download for different origin chains from github. Mosaic config file exists inside folders goerli and ropsten.

Gateway config

Gateway config file is also required for various commands. This file contains information about gateway addresses. Currently below config files are supported:

  1. WETH gateway config.

Gas consumption in mosaic commands

| Command           | Gas consumption |
| libraries         | 4150100         |
| setup-stake-pool  | 3227315         |
| setup-redeem-pool | 2951611         |


Run the tests with npm test.