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The Great Cities of JK's North

mo_shark edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 3 revisions



  • Dragon Bridge:
    • Moves the three horses added by JK's to be in proper positioning that doesn't block paths and looks much better
    • Removes some weird looking road chunks (subjective edit, not necessarily a problem, and has nothing to do with TGCoJN, just a bit ugly lol)
  • Dawnstar:
    • Removes some candelebras and candles added by JK's (subjective edit, there was no problem but there were already other light sources)
    • Removes an extra stable roof piece added by JK's (seems to be an oversight in JK's)
    • Edits navmesh to make NPCs avoid a bunch of shrubs and trees
    • Repositions and rotated a handcart infront of the mine (i saw the handcart bug out; did this just incase)
    • Removes a marker that makes NPCs hammer the air
    • Removes a floating snow pile
    • Adjusts the steps added by TGC since NPCs would frequently get stuck trying to climb them
    • (Interior) Removes the skeleton of the previous version of Ulrik's House from TGC
  • Rorikstead:
    • Disables a fence piece to slightly open up the cow pen infront of the jarl's house
    • Disables a missed floating rope added by JK's
    • Moves the drift wood tree
  • Morthal:
    • Moves and re-enables a few trees and shrubs
    • Removes all roads (subjective edit, there were no problems but the roads were too bumpy, dispersed, and out of place. They didn't mesh well with the landscape and frankly this looks much better)
    • Repositions much of the flora to prevent clipping
    • Removes "StonewallTerrace" objects and repositions the flora that rested on them adequately (subjective edit: was not necessary, not a part of TGCoJN either, was added by TGC, but it looks very out of place with certain texture mods since it uses the reachdirt01 texture instead of Morthal usual landscape textures)
    • Removes the extra Nirnroot added by TGC since JK's already adds one in the same pond next to the burnt down houses (somewhat subjective?)
    • Disables some out-of-place crates behind the market stall in the burnt down house (somewhat subjective)
    • Repositions the horse added by JK's since for some reason, the game doesn't place it in the stable that JK intended it to go in, and it ends up blocking the whole main entrance road
    • Removes an extra clipping walkway added by TGCoJN
    • Removes a clipping fish rack missed by TGCoJN, along with its fish
    • Repositions some barrels and crates behind the two landed boats
    • Slightly edited navmesh around the lumber mill to prevent NPCs getting stuck
    • Removed an iceberg clipping with stockades
  • Falkreath:
    • Removes a missed bench
    • Removes a few road chunks from TGC (slightly subjective edit: I did this because they looked very dispersed and out of place for the COTN theme)
    • Repositions a few trees
    • Removes the extra blacksmith sign
    • Removes a rock blocking the door to the watchtower
    • Repositions the two horses added by COTN
  • Winterhold:
    • (Interior) Removes multiple missed objects from TGC in the Stonecold Fortress (COTN version of the Jarl's house)
    • Keeps COTN's renaming of the Jarl's house of "Stonecold Fortress" instead of TGC Winterhold v4's "Wintershus Castle", since COTN's castle implementation wins anyway (somewhat subjective)

Rodryk's Dragon Bridge Combo Patch

  • Might revisit this patch later
  • I tried to maintain Rodryk's original vision as much as I could while blending in most of TGC's Dragon Bridge
  • Many navmesh changes :(
  • Removed the additional farmhouse added by TGC/JK's (they both add a farmhouse in the same spot) and their respective NPC, and restored vanila rocks and such in that area
  • Removes the majority of objects and NPCs added by JK's, including horses, the smith, and the Old Bridge Goods store
    • Lux Orbis Patch

      • Under construction, too lazy

Lux Orbis Patch

  • Requires all Lux Orbis patches for the city mods in TGCoJN. My work derives off of theirs and mixes them accordingly
  • Removes, repositions, and replaces many lights and light markers quite thoroughly, and ensures the right patch between COTN and TGC wins (ex: COTN > TGC in Morthal, Dawnstar, Falkreath, but TGC Winterhold v4 > COTN)

Lux Patch

  • Requires all Lux patches for the city mods in TGCoJN. My work derives off of theirs and mixes them accordingly
  • I did not completely patch the houses that the TGCoJN patch fully reworks into the COTN aesthetic like Ulrik's House in Dawnstar and Erika's House in Morthal. This is because it would take too much time for me to figure out what Lux exactly does outside of light markers, and what GGUNiT's vision of what a Lux-reworked room should be like. The time it needs isn't worth it for two insignificant houses that probably no one will break into. Might ask him to take a look though.
  • Ensures the right Lux patch between COTN and TGC wins (COTN > TGC in Morthal, Dawnstar, Falkreath, but TGC Winterhold v4 > COTN)

R's Farmhouse Positioning Patch

  • Repositions a few stone walls in Morthal to prevent clipping with these beautiful and patch loving meshes (i am too lazy to patch the meshes themselves someone please do it for me)

Load Order

My mods are in bold and italics.

  1. Lux Orbis
  2. The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp
  3. JKs Skyrim.esp
  4. COTN
  5. The Great City of Winterhold v4.esp
  6. Lux Orbis - The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns patch.esp
  7. Lux Orbis - JK's Skyrim patch.esp
  8. Lux Orbis - Rodryk's Dragonbridge.esp
  9. Lux Orbis - COTN patches
  10. Lux Orbis - The Great City of Winterhold v4 patch.esp
  11. The Great Cities of JK's North - Patch.esp
  12. TGCoJN - Fixes.esp
  13. TGCoJN - R's Farmhouse Positioning Patch.esp
  14. TGCoJN - Lux Orbis Patch.esp
  15. TGCoJN + Rodryk's Dragon Bridge.esp
  16. TGCoJN + Rodryk's Dragon Bridge + Lux Orbis.esp
  17. Lux.esp
  18. Lux - USSEP patch.esp
  19. Lux - JK's Skyrim.esp
  20. Lux - The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns patch.esp
  21. Lux - Rodryk's Dragonbridge patch.esp
  22. Lux - COTN patches
  23. Lux - The Great City of Winterhold v4 patch.esp
  24. TGCoJN - Lux Patch.esp


  • PLEASE READ: If you are downloading patches for other mods between these cities, make sure its for the right cases!
    • Falkreath, Dawnstar, and Morthal should only recieve patches for COTN
    • Rorikstead and Dragon Bridge should only recieve patches for TGC
    • Winterhold should only recieve patches for TGC Winterhold v4, except if the patch is only for COTN Winterhold's Jarl castle (like the Bears of The North patch)
  • Lux Orbis should be loading before any city/town mods
  • Lux & Lux Orbis city mod patches should be loaded in the same order as the city mods (TGC, then JK's, then COTN, then TGC Winterhold) as shown but before The Great Cities of JK's North - Patch.esp
    • DO NOT download the crossover patches from the Lux Orbis FOMOD
  • COTN series order doesn't matter, just keep them between JK's and TGC Winterhold
  • Other patches you might have should follow this order (TGC, then JK's, then COTN, then TGC Winterhold) if they're for mods that aren't patched by me, incase the series of patches touch on all three city series like Lux and Lux Orbis