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Tweet Analysis with Spark

This tutorial shows how to use Spark to analyze crawls from Twitter's streaming API, which is formatted as a sequence of JSON objects, one per line. We assume CDH 5.3.0.

Fire up the Spark shell:

$ export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
$ spark-shell --master yarn-client --jars gson-2.3.1.jar --num-executors 10

The need for setting up the environment variable is due to this issue. You can download the jar here.

If you want to play with individual tweets:


val jsonParser = new JsonParser()
val gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()

val raw = sc.textFile("/path/to/file");

// Take five JSON records and print each out.
for (r <- raw.take(5)) {

Here's the Gson API javadoc.

Now let's analyze the tweets at scale. Here's how we start:


val raw = sc.textFile("/path/to/file");

var tweets = => {
    val jsonParser = new JsonParser()
    val obj = jsonParser.parse(line).getAsJsonObject()
    if (obj.has("delete")) {
    } else {
      (obj.get("id").getAsLong(), obj.get("text").getAsString())
  }).filter(x => x != null)

The variable tweets now holds an RDD of (tweetid, tweet text) pairs, with deletes filtered out.

Let's continue with word count:

val wc =
  tweets.flatMap(t => t._2.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)

Let's say, find common terms, sort them, and save output to disk:

wc.filter(t => t._2 > 100).sortByKey().saveAsTextFile("wc_out")

Say that you have a method extractFeatures that assigns a Float value to every String feature:

def extractFeatures(jsonTweet: String) : Map[String, Float] = {
    new HashMap[String, Float]

The following builds a dictionary of features that appear at least in countThreshlohd documents, including the information needed to normalize the distribution of values into the normal standard distribution.

def buildDictionary(training: String, dictionary: String, countThreshlohd: Int) {
      flatMap(jsonTweet => asScalaSet(extractFeatures(jsonTweet).entrySet).seq).
      map(a => (a.getKey, (a.getValue, 0d, 1))).
      reduceByKey((a, b) => {
        var delta = (a._1 / a._3) - (b._1 / b._3)
        var weight = (a._3 * b._3).toDouble / (a._3 + b._3)
        var sum = a._1 + b._1
        var diff = a._2 + b._2 + delta * delta * weight
        var count = a._3 + b._3
        (sum, diff, count)
      filter(a => a._2._3 >= countThreshlohd).
      map(a => a._1 + "\t" + a._2._1 / a._2._3 + "\t" + Math.sqrt(a._2._2 / a._2._3)).

Next we need to load the vocabulary in the application driver, and then send that vocabulary to the executers, which will save the output.

  def convertToLibsvm(dic: Map[String, (Float, Float, Int)], input: String, output: String) {
      map(jsonTweet => extractFeatures(jsonTweet).entrySet).

      map(a => (a.filter(kv => dic.contains(kv.getKey)).
        map(kv => {
          var triple = dic.get(kv.getKey)
          var mu = triple._1
          var sd = triple._2
          var feature = triple._3
          var value = kv.getValue
          if (value != 0) {
            value = if (sd == 0) 1 else (value - mu) / sd
          (feature, value)
        }).filter(a => a._2 != 0).toArray.sorted.
        map(kv => kv._1 + ":" + kv._2).mkString(" "))).

def loadDictionaryAndconvertToLibsvm(dictionary: String, inputTrain: String, outputTrain: String, inputDev: String, outputDev: String, inputTest: String, outputTest: String) {
    var v = sc.textFile(dictionary).map(line => line.split("\t")).
      map(triple => (triple(0), (triple(1).toFloat, triple(2).toFloat, 0))).collect

    for (i <- 0 to v.size - 1) {
      v(i) = (v(i)._1, (v(i)._2._1, v(i)._2._2, i + 1))

    var dic = v.toMap

    convertToLibsvm(dic, inputTrain, outputTrain)
    convertToLibsvm(dic, inputDev, outputDev)
    convertToLibsvm(dic, inputTest, outputTest)


Tweet Analysis with Spark






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