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File metadata and controls

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Motorcycle History

Standard History Driver for Motorcycle.js

Make use of the HTML5 History API within your Motorcycle.js applications. Built on top of the prehistoric library.

Built with the lovely TypeScript! 🔥

DEPRECATED! Please use the newer Motorcycle.js

Let me have it!

npm install --save @motorcycle/history


Driver Functions

historyDriver(sink$: Stream<HistoryInput | Path>): Stream<Location>

This is the only function you'll be needing 😄

import { run } from '@motorcycle/core';
import { makeDOMDriver, VNode, div, h2 } from '@motorcycle/dom';
import { historyDriver, Location, Path } from '@motorcycle/history';

function main (sources) {
  const click$: Stream<Event> ='a').events('click')
      .tap(ev => ev.preventDefault());

  const route$: Stream<Pathname> =
    click$.map(event =>;

  const view$: Stream<VNode> =

  return {
    DOM: view$
    history: route$,

function view (location: Location): VNode {
  return div({}, [
    h2({}, [ `You are currently at route: ${location.path}` ])

run(main, {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app'),
  history: historyDriver,

Higher Order Drivers

captureClicks(historyDriver: HistoryDriver<any>): HistoryDriver<any>

WARNING: Magic ensues - Proceed with caution 😃

This is a High Order Driver (HOD), that means it receives a driver as its input and returns another driver. This HOD allows you to automagically capture any clicks on anchor elements so your application doesn't have to be explicit about listening to link clicks.

import { captureClicks, historyDriver } from '@motorcycle/history';

// other stuff :)

run(main, {
  history: captureClicks(historyDriver),



export interface HistoryDriver<T> {
  (sink$: Stream<HistoryInput | Path>): Stream<T>;


export type HistoryInput =
  | ReplaceHistoryInput
  | GoHistoryInput
  | GoBackHistoryInput
  | GoForwardHistoryInput;

export interface PushHistoryInput {
  type: 'push';
  path: Path;
  state?: any;

export interface ReplaceHistoryInput {
  type: 'replace';
  path: Path;
  state?: any;

export interface GoHistoryInput {
  type: 'go';
  amount: number;

export interface GoBackHistoryInput {
  type: 'goBack';

export interface GoForwardHistoryInput {
  type: 'goForward';


// Path is used to describe the type of string expected
// all strings are paths that represent URLs like '/home' or '/profile'
export type Path = string;


export interface Location {
  // The path of the URL.
  path: Path;

  // An object of parsed query strings
  queries?: any;

  // The URL hash fragment
  hash?: string;

  // Some extra state for this location that does not reside
  state?: any;