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Gem to consume WEBFLEET.connect API.

Gem Version

The WEBFLEET.connect API connects software appli­ca­tions with the Webfleet fleet management solution. Via WEBFLEET.connect you can enhance the value of all types of business solutions, including routing and scheduling optimization, ERP, Transport Management System (TMS), supply chain planning, asset management, and much more.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'webfleet_connect'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install webfleet_connect


require 'webfleet_connect'

webfleet_connect = WebfleetConnect.create
response = webfleet_connect.show_object_report_extern
# [{:objectno=>"858EU4", :objectname=>"YRT-MMD2439", :objectclassname=>"sales", ...

WebfleetConnect.create returns a new WebfleetConnect::Session object which has the capabilities to request info from the WEBFLEET.connect API.

The Webfleet credential are taken from the env variables WEBFLEET_CONNECT_ACCOUNT, WEBFLEET_CONNECT_USERNAME, WEBFLEET_CONNECT_PASSWORD and WEBFLEET_CONNECT_APIKEY (if you want to know more about env variables check this link).

If your system needs to work with multiple accounts or you need to specify the credentials dynamically for some other reason, you can do it this way:

webfleet_connect = WebfleetConnect.create(account: 'companyName', username: 'dev', password: 'VLm5PpiZST6U', apikey: 'ZSksD88s-F7Uf')

When you use one of the methods of this gem, like for example show_vehicle_report_extern, this returns a WebfleetConnect::Response object which you can do:

response = webfleet_connect.show_vehicle_report_extern

response.url         # gets the url to fetch the informtion from WEBFLEET.connect
response.status_code # gets the status code of the request
response.to_s        # returns the response message as plain text as is returned by WEBFLEET.connect
response.to_hash     # returns the data as a ruby Array/Hash object

The methods available in this gem are the same that are documented in the WEBFLEET.connect docs page just changed from cammelCase to snake_case. See below the list of methods.


In order to add params to a request is as easy as passing a hash of options in the request like:

response = webfleet_connect.show_vehicle_report_extern(filterstring: 'ECO', objectgroupname: 'Vehiculos', ungroupedonly: true)

The rangefrom_string and rangeto_string can accept Time objects:

start_date =
end_date   = start_date + (60 * 60 * 24)

response = webfleet_connect.show_event_report_extern(range_pattern: :ud, rangefrom_string: start_date, rangeto_string: end_date)

The range_pattern can accept the values :today, :yesterday, :two_days_ago, :three_days_ago, :four_days_ago, :five_days_ago, :six_days_ago, :current_week, :last_week, :two_weeks_ago, :three_weeks_ago, :floating_week, :last_floating_week, :two_floating_weeks_ago, :three_floating_weeks_ago, :current_month, :last_month, :two_months_ago, :three_months_ago, :user_defined_range and :ud

response = webfleet_connect.show_event_report_extern(range_pattern: :today)

Extra config

The WebfleetConnect::Session object works with the default configuration:

lang: :en, format: :csv, useUTF8: false, useISO8601: false

but you can change the default configuration when you create the object:

credentials = {
  account: 'companyName',
  username: 'dev',
  password: 'VLm5PpiZST6U',
  apikey: 'ZSksD88s-F7Uf'

config = {
  lang: :de,
  format: :json,
  useUTF8: true

params = credentials.merge config

webfleet_connect = WebfleetConnect.create(params)

Methods list

Mesage queues:







Trips and working times:

Miscellaneous reports:

Geocoding and routing:

Configuration and security:

User management:

Vehicle maintenance:



