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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 3, 2021. It is now read-only.

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Three APN (Access Point Name) databases are used:

  • the Android database /shared/resources/apn/apns_conf.xml is the de facto standard we rely on;
  • a local database /shared/resources/apn/apns_conf-local.xml with the same format we merge with the above, used for where Google is lacking. Ideally this file should be empty as everything should be put upstream;
  • the Gnome database /shared/resources/apn/service_providers.xml is probably less up-to-date but has a bit more information.

A fourth file /shared/resources/apn/operator-variant.xml is also used.

These files are only used to test and merge these APN databases.

The /shared/resources/apn.json file is a JSON version of the Android database, with a few additional informations from the Gnome APN database (e.g. voicemail number).

To regenerate the .json file, delete the apn.json first, then start a webserver from gaia/shared/resource folder. Like this:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4104

Then load This should regenerate the .json file into the left part of the page, and you can cut & paste this to your editor.

TODO: make this automatic. Patches Welcome™