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File metadata and controls

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The basic unit of a test-plan is a scenario, which indicates a set of instructions that should be run. Many instances of a scenario can be run at once using aplt_testplan to launch them.

If you're interested in using this tool as a simple "smoke-test" system, you only need to worry about scenarios.

A scenario is a Python generator function, which yields each command it wants executed. (See for examples of scenario functions.) Any additional logic the scenario wishes to perform can be done with normal Python code. All commands are tuples, some of which return responses as documented below.

A scenario can also yield generators so that a scenario may be broken into multiple functions for re-use.

Responses from a command can be assigned to a variable:

reg = yield register(random_channel_id())

The response of a command can be ignored by not assigning it to a variable.

yield connect()

Scenarios may loop forever in the event that they wish to never terminate.

Do not call long-running functions in a scenario, such as writing/reading a file or making network calls. Interacting with the filesystem or network can take time and block other scenarios from running. If you need to perform such tasks, consider creating commands.

See for examples of scenario functions.

Smoke Testing

A "smoke test" is an application which checks that a targeted system continues to operate and intergrate as expected. These are usually one or more simple, targeted transactions or commands that quickly check for normal behavior.

Some scenarios (e.g. basic in scenarios) could be run as a stand-alone "smoke test". This scenario opens a websocket connection, and then sends a known data set via the push endpoint. It waits for the system to send the data back over the websocket connection, and checks that the data meets expectations. This does require some mock settings to handle expected encryption (which is normally dealt with by the client), however the those elements are conceded to be outside of the testing scope. basic can be used as a simple, positive smoke test that the autopush application continues to operate normally.

To aide in smoke testing, some additional features have been made available.

Simplified scenario calling

If you wish to call a scenario that is located in aplt/, you can use the function name directly. Also note that the websocket target is presumed to be the autopush production service link.


aplt_scenario basic

This is equivalent to the longer

aplt_scenario aplt.scenarios:basic wss://

Configuration files

Common arguments can be stored in config.ini. A sample config.ini.sample file contains descriptions of the arguments, and default values. These values will become default for any subsequent call to either aplt_scenario or aplt_testplan, but can be overridden either by the command line or environment variable (see the help returned by the --help option.)

Log Output

Output logging can be controlled by using each of the logging options:


This option controls the minimum loggable level to record. You can use ('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error' or 'critical') as a parameter, and increase in importance from 'debug' to 'critical' Logging defaults to 'info' level. Values less than 'warn' may produce more verbose output.


This option controls where logging information will be written. You can use ('stdout', 'none', or a valid, writable file path name) The default is 'stdout', which is the Standard Output channel. 'none' prevents any logging information from being displayed.


This option controls the format of the log message. You can use ('default', 'json' or 'human'). The default is 'default', and is in standard python logging format. 'json' wraps each output line as a JSON readable entity and is designed for easy parsing by automated systems. 'human' provides a more 'human' readable error message which may be easier to scan for information.


Commands which send websocket messages to the server or retrieve messages from the push service will return the Python dict of the raw server response as documented in the SimplePush protocol docs.

Any command that lists arguments may need to have all arguments supplied.

Commands may throw exceptions if an error occurs. These can occur during any of the commands should the connection be dropped unexpectedly, or should a notification fail to send. Exceptions will be thrown where the command was yielded, and any client connections should be considered invalid.

Full list of commands available in aplt.commands module:

Additional useful Python functions in aplt.commands module (these do not need a yield):


Spawns a scenario using a new LoadRunner. The test_plan should be provided in the same format as aplt_testplan accepts.

Arguments: test_plan

yield spawn("aplt.scenarios:reconnect_forever, 1, 1, 0, 200")

Returns: None


Connects the client to the push server.

yield connect()


{"messageType": "connect"}


Disconnects the client from the push server.

Note that unclean disconnects are common as many servers drop the connection immediately.

yield disconnect()


    "messageType": "disconnect",
    "was_clean": False,
    "code": 1006,
    "reason": "connection was closed uncleanly (server did not drop TCP connection (in time))"


Sends a hello message to the server.

Arguments: None or a user-agent ID (UAID) to use in the hello message. If None is used, the server will assign a new UAID.

yield hello(None)
# or
yield hello("f807ecd7-1bd8-4b62-8027-120f18531b01")


    "status": 200,
    "messageType": "hello",
    "ping": 60.0,
    "uaid": "f807ecd7-1bd8-4b62-8027-120f18531b01",
    "use_webpush": True


Register a channel with the push server.

Arguments: A channel ID and an optional VAPID public key.

Note: If a VAPID public key is specifed, the endpoint becomes a "restricted" endpoint. Any future call to send_notification will require a VAPID header signed with the corresponding Private Key.

yield register("ef4e3d8b-9ecb-4de7-a909-56d9acd60a42")

# or 

yield register("ef4e3d8b-9ecb-4de7-a909-56d9acd60a42", 


    'status': 200,
    'messageType': 'register',
    'channelID': 'ef4e3d8b-9ecb-4de7-a909-56d9acd60a42',
    'pushEndpoint': 'BIG_URL'


Remove a channel from the push server.

Arguments: A channel ID.

yield unregister("ad6a1337-748a-437b-9957-6895f24796a9")


    'messageType': 'unregister',
    'status': 200,
    'channelID': 'ad6a1337-748a-437b-9957-6895f24796a9',


Send a notification to the push service. If an empty data payload is desired, None can be used for data. If VAPID headers are desired, include a valid claims dict.

Arguments: endpoint_url, data, ttl, claims(optional)

yield send_notification('BIG_URL', 'SOME_DATA', 60, claims={sub,""})

Claims is a JSON blob containing the following:

aud - The owning URL for the subscription; This is the main URL for the site that publishes the subscription. (e.g. If a user has subscribed to Push Notifications from "", the aud could be If no value is specified, one will be derived from the endpoint.

sub - The email address of the administrative contact for the subscription. (e.g. for the above aud the address for the administrative contact could be mailto:

exp - The expiration time expressed in UTC seconds for the VAPID information block. Expired VAPID blocks are considered invalid and will be rejected.

Returns: A tuple of (response, content) corresponding to the result of the notification web request. response is a treq response object object, with content being the response body content.


Wait on the websocket connection for an expected notification to be delivered. time is how long to wait before giving up.

Arguments: channel_id, time

yield expect_notification("1913165ea4104f1482ee440cedac6abd", 5)

Returns: None if the timeout was hit, or the following if the expected notification arrived.

    'messageType': 'notification',
    'version': 'LONG_VERSION_STRING',
    'channelID': 'ad6a1337-748a-437b-9957-6895f24796a9'


Wait on the websocket connection for one of a list of expected notifications to be delivered. The first notification matching a channel in the list passed will be returned. time is how long to wait before giving up.

Arguments: channel_ids, time

yield expect_notifications([
    ], 5)

Returns: None if the timeout was hit, or the following if the expected notification arrived.

    'messageType': 'notification',
    'version': 'LONG_VERSION_STRING',
    'channelID': 'ad6a1337-748a-437b-9957-6895f24796a9'


Acknowledge a notification. The push server may not deliver further notifications until sent ones are acknowledged.

Arguments: channel_id, version

yield ack("ad6a1337-748a-437b-9957-6895f24796a9", "LONG_VERSION_STRING")

Returns: None


Waits a time seconds before proceeding.

Arguments: time

yield time(10)

Returns: None


Starts a metric timer of the given name. An exception will be thrown if a timer of this name was already started.

Arguments: name

yield timer_start("update.latency")

Returns: None


Ends a metric timer of the given name. An exception will be thrown if a timer of this name was not already started.

Arguments: name

yield timer_end("update.latency")

Returns: None


Send a counter of the given name with the given count.

Arguments: name, count

yield counter("notification.sent", 1)


Generate and return a random UUID appropriate for a UAID or channel id.

channel_id = random_channel_id()


Generate and return random binary data between the given min/max data length.

data = random_data(2048, 4096)


Scenario decorators modify the behavior of a scenario.

Full list of commands available in aplt.decorators module:


Restart the scenario in the event an uncaught exception occurs. Takes one parameter indicating how many times the scenario should be restarted if an error occurs, 0 may be used to indicate indefinite retries.

def my_scenario():