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File metadata and controls

88 lines (62 loc) · 3.01 KB

HDFS Configuration

Deployment notes for setting up metlog-json logs so that they get pushed into HDFS

You'll need a couple pieces in play:

  1. logstash
  2. logrotate
  3. Metlog enabled application


  1. Ensure that JSON logs are rotated properly and being written out to:
  • /var/log/<your_app>/metrics_hdfs.log=%Y-%m-%d


  • /var/log/sync_web/metrics_hdfs.log=2012-03-20
  1. Make sure you've got the filename correct - specifically that the logrotation is not compressing with gzip.
  2. Put a copy of metrics_hdfs.ini file into /etc/mozilla-services/metlog/metrics_hdfs.ini

    A sample INI file is below :

    # This configuration file is used by the scheduled job to push
    # JSON logs to HDFS
    logger = metlog_hadoop_transport
    sender_class = metlog.senders.StdOutSender
    HADOOP_USER = sync_dev
    HADOOP_HOST = # Put your Hadoop SSH host here
    SRC_LOGFILE = /var/log/syncweb/metrics_hdfs.log=%%Y-%%m-%%d.gz
    DST_FNAME = hadoop_logs/metrics_hdfs.log
    TMP_DIR = /opt/logstash/hdfs_logs
  3. Ensure that the HADOOP_USER has been provisioned within the Hadoop cluster and that the SSH public keys have been installed into LDAP.
  4. Ensure that is installed into /opt/logstash/bin/ This should have been installed when you installed the logstash-metlog RPM.
  5. Install private SSH keys for HADOOP_USER into /opt/logstash/ssh-keys
  • Make sure that the identify file (the private key) is named "id_private<HADOOP_USER>" For the previous metrics_hdfs.ini file, that means your identify file is :


#. Setup the logrotate daily job. A sample configuration is shown below. :

## Managed by puppet
/var/log/syncweb/application.log /var/log/syncweb/metrics_hdfs.log {
    rotate 7
        /opt/logstash/bin/ \
          --ssh-keys=/opt/logstash/ssh-keys \
          --config /etc/mozilla-services/metlog/metrics_hdfs.ini \
          && /usr/bin/pkill -HUP logstash 

You'll also need to have 2 directories setup for HDFS pushes to work correctly :


The DST_FNAME in metrics_hdfs.ini refers to a relative path from the home directory of the HADOOP_USER. In the metrics_hdfs.ini file in this example, the 'hadoop_logs/metrics_hdfs.log' value will be mapped to: /home/sync_dev/hadoop_logs/metrics_hdfs.log.<TIMESTAMP>

The <TIMESTAMP> will be replaced with the timestamp that the logfile was moved.


TMP_DIR is a path on the local filesystem from the machine pushing logs to HDFS. This directory will get a copy of the log file that will be pushed to HDFS. On successful push to HDFS, the log file will be removed from TMP_DIR, but unsuccessful pushes will leave the log file in the TMP_DIR.