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XPCOM Collections

nsTArray and AutoTArray

nsTArray<T> is a typesafe array for holding various objects, similar to std::vector<T>. (note that nsTArray<T> is dynamically-sized, unlike std::array<T>) Here's an incomplete list of mappings between the two:

std::vector<T> nsTArray<T>
size() Length()
empty() IsEmpty()
resize() SetLength() or SetLengthAndRetainStorage()
capacity() Capacity()
reserve() SetCapacity()
push_back() AppendElement()
insert() AppendElements()
emplace_back() EmplaceBack()
clear() Clear() or ClearAndRetainStorage()
data() Elements()
at() ElementAt()
back() LastElement()

Rust Bindings

When the thin_vec crate is built in Gecko, thin_vec::ThinVec<T> is guaranteed to have the same memory layout and allocation strategy as nsTArray, meaning that the two types may be used interchangeably across FFI boundaries. The type is not safe to pass by-value over FFI boundaries, due to Rust and C++ differing in when they run destructors.

The element type T must be memory-compatible with both Rust and C++ code to use over FFI.

nsTHashMap and nsTHashSet

These types are the recommended interface for writing new XPCOM hashmaps and hashsets in XPCOM code.

Supported Hash Keys

The following types are supported as the key parameter to nsTHashMap and nsTHashSet.

Type Hash Key
T* nsPtrHashKey<T>
T* nsPtrHashKey<T>
nsCString nsCStringHashKey
nsString nsStringHashKey
uint32_t nsUint32HashKey
uint64_t nsUint64HashKey
intptr_t IntPtrHashKey
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> nsISupportsHashKey
RefPtr<T> nsRefPtrHashKey<T>
nsID nsIDHashKey

Any key not in this list must inherit from the PLDHashEntryHdr class to implement manual hashing behaviour.

Class Reference


The nsTHashMap and nsTHashSet types are not declared exactly like this in code. This is intended largely as a practical reference.

.. cpp:class:: template<K, V> nsTHashMap<K, V>

    The ``nsTHashMap<K, V>`` class is currently defined as a thin type alias
    around ``nsBaseHashtable``. See the methods defined on that class for
    more detailed documentation.

    .. cpp:function:: uint32_t Count() const

    .. cpp:function:: bool IsEmpty() const

    .. cpp:function:: bool Get(KeyType aKey, V* aData) const

        Get the value, returning a flag indicating the presence of the entry
        in the table.

    .. cpp:function:: V Get(KeyType aKey) const

        Get the value, returning a default-initialized object if the entry is
        not present in the table.

    .. cpp:function:: Maybe<V> MaybeGet(KeyType aKey) const

        Get the value, returning Nothing if the entry is not present in the table.

    .. cpp:function:: V& LookupOrInsert(KeyType aKey, Args&&... aArgs) const

    .. cpp:function:: V& LookupOrInsertWith(KeyType aKey, F&& aFunc) const

.. cpp:class:: template<K> nsTHashSet<K>

    The ``nsTHashSet<K>`` class is currently defined as a thin type alias
    around ``nsTBaseHashSet``. See the methods defined on that class for
    more detailed documentation.