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Added a common class for all external service implementations.
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adngdb committed Nov 24, 2011
1 parent ed917c8 commit 8d7e8ca
Showing 1 changed file with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions socorro/external/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
import urllib

from datetime import timedelta, datetime

import socorro.lib.datetimeutil as dtutil

class Common(object):
Common functions for external modules.

def get_parameters(kwargs):
Return a dictionary of parameters with default values.
Optional arguments:
for -- Terms to search for.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is none.
product -- Products concerned by this search.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is Firefox.
from -- Only elements after this date.
Format must be "YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss.S".
Default is a week ago.
to -- Only elements before this date.
Format must be "YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss.S".
Default is now.
in -- Fields to search into.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default to signature, not implemented for PostgreSQL.
os -- Restrict search to those operating systems.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is all.
version -- Version of the software.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is all.
branches -- Restrict search to a particular branch.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is all.
build -- Restrict search to a particular build of the software.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is all.
reason -- Restrict search to crashes caused by this reason.
Default is all.
report_type -- Retrict to a type of report.
Can be any, crash or hang.
Default is any.
report_process -- How was the report processed.
Can be any, crash or hang.
Default is any.
plugin_term -- Search for terms concerning plugins.
Can be a string or a list of strings.
Default is none.
plugin_in -- What field to look into.
Can be "name" or "filename".
Default is 'name'.
plugin_search_mode -- How to search into plugins.
Must be one of the following:
"contains", "is_exactly" or "starts_with".
Default to "contains".
search_mode -- How to search for terms.
Must be one of the following:
"default", "contains", "is_exactly" or "starts_with".
Default to "default" for ElasticSearch,
"starts_with" for PostgreSQL.
result_number -- Number of results to get.
Default is 100.
result_offset -- Get results from this offset.
Default is 0.
args = {}

# Default dates
now =
lastweek = now - timedelta(7)

# Getting parameters that have default values
args["terms"] = kwargs.get("for", None)
args["products"] = kwargs.get("product", "Firefox")
args["from_date"] = kwargs.get("from", lastweek)
args["to_date"] = kwargs.get("to", now)
args["fields"] = kwargs.get("in", "signature")
args["os"] = kwargs.get("os", None)
args["version"] = kwargs.get("version", None)
args["branches"] = kwargs.get("branches", None)
args["build_id"] = kwargs.get("build", None)
args["reason"] = kwargs.get("crash_reason", None)
args["report_type"] = kwargs.get("report_type", None)

args["report_process"] = kwargs.get("report_process", None)
args["plugin_in"] = kwargs.get("plugin_in", "name")
args["plugin_search_mode"] = kwargs.get("plugin_search_mode", None)
args["plugin_term"] = kwargs.get("plugin_term", None)

args["search_mode"] = kwargs.get("search_mode", "default")
# To be moved into a config file?
authorized_modes = [
if args["search_mode"] not in authorized_modes:
args["search_mode"] = "default"

args["result_number"] = int(kwargs.get("result_number", 100))
args["result_offset"] = int(kwargs.get("result_offset", 0))

# Handling dates
from_date = SearchAPI.format_date(args["from_date"])
args["from_date"] = from_date or lastweek
to_date = SearchAPI.format_date(args["to_date"])
args["to_date"] = to_date or now

# Do not search in the future
if args["to_date"] > now:
args["to_date"] = now

# Securing fields
args["fields"] = SearchAPI.secure_fields(args["fields"])

return args

def secure_fields(fields):
Secure given fields and return them.
Secure by allowing only some specific values. If a value is not valid
it is simply removed. If there end up being no more fields, return a
default one.
secured_fields = []
# To be moved into a config file?
authorized_fields = [

if type(fields) is list:
for field in fields:
if field in authorized_fields and field not in secured_fields:
if authorized_fields.count(fields):
secured_fields = fields

if len(secured_fields) == 0:
secured_fields = "signature"

return secured_fields

def array_to_string(array, separator, prefix="", suffix=""):
Transform a list to a string.
return separator.join("%s%s%s" % (prefix, x, suffix) for x in array)

def date_to_string(date):
Return a string from a datetime object.
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
return date.strftime(date_format)

def format_date(date):
Take a string and return a datetime object.
if not date:
return None

if type(date) is not datetime:
if type(date) is list:
date = " ".join(date)
date = dtutil.datetimeFromISOdateString(date)
except Exception:
date = None
return date

def encode_array(array):
URL-encode each element of a given array, and returns this array.
for i in xrange(len(array)):
array[i] = urllib.quote(array[i])
return array

def lower(var):
Turn a string or a list of strings to lower case.
Don't modify non-string elements.
if type(var) is list:
for i in xrange(len(var)):
var[i] = var[i].lower()
except Exception:
var = var.lower()
except Exception:
return var

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