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ESP framework

This is a framework that I use in my own ESP projects as a base. It contains a lot of basic features that are needed. It has been tested with the following targets: ESP8266, ESP32, ESP32S2, ESP32C3, ESP32S3

Supported targets

  • ESP8266
  • ESP32
  • ESP32S2
  • ESP32C3
  • ESP32S3


  1. WIFI Connection

    WIFI connection handler including a wifi configuration manager. You can configure up to two WIFI networks and the device will switch between them if there are connection errors. This also include a double reset detector for entering the WIFI setup mode.

  2. OTA functionallity

    Checks for a newer software version on the provided URL. If found it will perform an update during the boot sequence.

  3. Web Server (Sync and Async)

    Basic web server functionallity (support both async and sync versions). Async is faster but requires long running tasks to be run in the loop or the watchdog will trigger.

    How to work with AsynWebServer

    All web pages will be embedded into the binary so they will not consume any space on the file system and it also ensure that the right html files are included.

    There are a number of html pages included by default and you can add as many pages as you want (or whats fit into memory).

    • Index.htm (Main page)
    • Config.htm (For configuration/settings)
    • Upload.htm (For manually uploading new firmware)
    • About.htm (About page)
    • Serial console

    The example files uses jquery and bootstrap but you can choose to customize these in any way that you want.

  4. Configuration

    Extensible configuration class that persists data on the file system on the device.

    How to work with JsonDocuments

  5. Logging

    Logging APIs that can be used to log data to serial port, tx/rx pins and websocket (web page). Support multiple logging levels.

    How to do logging

  6. Templating

    Use a template string and transform that using data labels. Perfect for creating payloads for pushing data to external services.

  7. Push

    Pushing data to external endpoints using either; HTTP GET, HTTP POST, INFLUXDB v2 or MQTT. Supports SSL.

  8. Performance profiling

    Profile code segments and push result to an influx database for later analysis.

  9. Utils

    Conversion functions between volumes, weight and temperature.

Code samples

There is an example application with all included files for platformio. So this section will highlight the main parts for using the framework. It consists of 3 parts:

  • src - Source and Header files for the classes
  • html - HTML files that needs to be Minified (made smaller). See VSCODE Minify plugin.
  • test - Example json files that can be used to test html parts.
  • platformio.ini - Build file for platformio in VSCODE

class BaseConfig

This is a base class of the framework that stores all configuration parameters. It has a few parameters implemented but you need to extend this to store your own custom paramters. It handles read / write and parsing of the pre-defined parameters.

You can create your own class that extends this one. This way you can add your own parameters and still use the basic functionallity. You can implement the get/set methods for your own parameters and create / parse the corresponding variables. See the example classes for more information.

How to work with JsonDocuments

class DemoConfig : public BaseConfig {
  // Add your own variables here
  String _param;

  DemoConfig(String baseMDNS, String fileName);

  void createJson(DynamicJsonDocument& doc, bool skipSecrets = true);
  void parseJson(DynamicJsonDocument& doc);

  // Add your get set methods
  void setParam(String& p);
  String getParam();

This is an basic implementation, you need to call the relevant methods in the base class in order to extract the basic configuration settings that you want to use.

DemoConfig::DemoConfig(String baseMDNS, String fileName)
    : BaseConfig(baseMDNS, fileName) {}

void DemoConfig::createJson(DynamicJsonDocument& doc, bool skipSecrets) {
  // Call base class functions
  createJsonBase(doc, skipSecrets);
  createJsonWifi(doc, skipSecrets);
  createJsonOta(doc, skipSecrets);
  createJsonPush(doc, skipSecrets);

  // Handle project specific config

void DemoConfig::parseJson(DynamicJsonDocument& doc) {
  // Call base class functions

  // Handle project specific config

Create a global instance of you configuration class, the parameters are the mdns name and path to where the configuration is stored.

DemoConfig myConfig("mdnsbase", "/esplib.cfg");

There are two init methods that needs to be called to initialize the configuration properly.

void setup() {
  myConfig.checkFileSystem(); // Check and format filesystem if needed
  myConfig.loadFile(); // Load from disk

class SerialDebug

This is a wrapper that handles the initialization of the log output. Default is using the serial port but it can also be configured to use TX/RX pins on the chip so you can read the serial log if the device is running on battery power (you need a RS232 -> USB cable for this to work).

You can set the default log level in the platformio configuration file.


This define will redirect the serial console to the TX/RX pins of the device. Useful when debugging a device on battery power.


If you want to use the websocket serial this needs to be configured once webserver is started and this is shown as a seprate example.

SerialDebug mySerial(115200L); // Serial speed as param

Logging examples with support for printf() parameters.

See: for more examples on logging.

Log.warning(F("Log entry %d" CR), _integer);
Log.error(F("Log entry %d" CR), _integer);
Log.notice(F("Log entry %d" CR), _integer);

class SerialWebSocket

Creating a global instance for serial websocket listener

SerialWebSocket mySerialWebSocket;

To connect the serial websocket you need to get the webserver pointer from the async webhandler. The second param allows you to specify a secondary port that data is also written to, for example sending data to the serial port as well as the WebSocket.

// This example will stream the serial console both to hardware serial and the 
// websocket (NULL will disable that port). 
void setup() {
  mySerialWebSocket.begin(myAsyncWebHandler.getWebServer(), &Serial);
  mySerial.begin(&mySerialWebSocket); // Reinitialzie the logging class with web socket as the primary output.

void loop() {
  mySerialWebSocket.loop(); // Will run the cleanup tasks such as removing closed client.

class WifiConnection

For WIFI access create a global variable of the wifi class.

// It requires a couple of paramaters. Reference to your configuration class, access 
// point (ssid + password), hostname/mdns. The last two can be used to hardcode wifi 
// ssid and password if you dont wan't to use the wifi manager. Empty string will disable 
// that function 

WifiConnection myWifi(&myConfig, "espSSID", "password", "esplib", "", "");

The following code will initialize the wifi setup but also check the double reset feature.

void setup() {
  if (!myWifi.hasConfig() || myWifi.isDoubleResetDetected()) {
    myWifi.startPortal(); // Start the wifi manager

  myWifi.connect(); // Perform the connection
  myWifi.timeSync(); // Do an NTP sync (not required)

void loop() {
  myWifi.loop(); // Will run the background tasks

class OtaUpdate

The is how you enable the OTA feature. Create a global instance.

// Params is your configuration class and the current version string in format major.minor.patcj

OtaUpdate myOta(&myConfig, "0.0.0");

This will check if the wifi is connected and if a newer version exist

void setup() {
  if (!myWifi.isConnected() || myOta.checkFirmwareVersion()) {
    myOta.updateFirmware(); // Perform OTA

class BaseAsyncWebHandler and BaseWebHandler

To create a webserver you need to create your own class that inherits from the base class. This example shows the async server but the structure is simular for the standard web handler.

If you want to use the AsyncWebServer you need to add this define to the platformio.ini file.

class DemoAsyncWebHandler : public BaseAsyncWebHandler {
  DemoPush *_push;

  // Method to return a html page stored in memory
  void webReturnTestHtm(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
    request->send_P(200, "text/html", (const uint8_t *)testHtmStart,
                    strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&testHtmStart[0])));

  void setupAsyncWebHandlers();

  // Method to handle incoming request for a defined endpoint
  void webHandleStatus(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);

  explicit DemoAsyncWebHandler(WebConfig *config, DemoPush *push);
DemoAsyncWebHandler::DemoAsyncWebHandler(WebConfig *config, DemoPush *push)
    : BaseAsyncWebHandler(config) {
  _push = push;

void DemoAsyncWebHandler::setupAsyncWebHandlers() {

  // Add bindings for various endpoints
  _server->on("/test.htm", std::bind(&DemoAsyncWebHandler::webReturnTestHtm, 
      this, std::placeholders::_1));
  _server->on("/api/status", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&DemoAsyncWebHandler::webHandleStatus, 
      this, std::placeholders::_1));

Create a global instance of your class

DemoWebHandler myWebHandler(&myConfig, &myPush);

Initialize and run the webserver.

void setup() {
  if (myWifi.isConnected()) {

void loop() {

class TemplatingEngine

This can be used to transform a template into a document with valid details, for instance sending data to an external service. It bascially an advanced string replace function that is optimized for low memory consumption.

TemplatingEngine engine;
const char *template = "{ 'name': '${mdns}' }";

engine.setVal("${mdns}", myConfig.getMDNS());
const char *out = engine.create(template);

class BasePush

This can be used to send data to an external endpoint. The configurtion parameters are stored in the configuration class and is fetched from there.

BasePush push(&myConfig);

push.sendHttpPost("Payload"); // Send to configured http post
push.sendHttpGet("Payload");  // Send to configured http get
push.sendInfluxDb2("Payload"); // Send to configured influxdb2
push.sendMqtt("Topic:payload|Topic2:payload2|"); // Send to mqtt, can contain multiple topics and payloads. 

class PerfLogging

Used to collect profiling data and send that to an influx database.

In order to enable this feature you need to create a number of defines in the plataformio.ini file for the target. This also includes the parameters needed for the influxdb interaction. Influxdb v2 is assumed.

-D PERF_ENABLE // Will activate the code for this featurs

Creating an instance of the class.

PerfLogging perf;

Using the macros for collecting data

PERF_BEGIN(id); // Start measuring with the defined ID (ID needs to be unique)
PERF_END(id); // Stop measuring with the defined ID
PERF_CLEAR(); // Remove all data
PERF_PUSH(); // Send data to server
  // Do some stuff here that you want to measure. 

PERF_PUSH(); // Push the data once you have collected enough, or you want to start a new loop

Misc helper methods

Format conversion methods

float convertCtoF(float c);
float convertFtoC(float f);
float convertKGtoLBS(float kg);
float convertLBStoKG(float lbs);
float convertCLtoUSOZ(float cl);
float convertCLtoUKOZ(float cl);
float convertUSOZtoCL(float usoz);
float convertUKOZtoCL(float ukoz);

Create strings with correct number of decimals

float reduceFloatPrecision(float f, int dec);
char* convertFloatToString(float f, char* buffer, int dec);

Other helper methods

void tcp_cleanup(); // Do cleanup on lingering tcp connections that can cause crash on esp8266
void deepSleep(int t); // Sleep for t seconds.
void printHeap(String prefix); // Print out current heap information to logger
void ledOn(LedColor l = LedColor::WHITE); // Set the builtin led, supports RGB leds on C3/S3 boards
void ledOff();


This library is based on the following projects, without the work of these authors this would have been impossible.