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268 lines (230 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

268 lines (230 loc) · 12.9 KB

List of what is implemented in this version

Interfaces implemented: Document, DocumentType, DocumentFragment, Element, Node, Attr, Text, Comment, CDATASection, ProcessingInstruction, NamedNodeMap, NodeList, CharacterData, DOMException, CustomElementRegistry, DOMImplementation

Document Interface

extends Node

[SameObject] readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation yes
readonly attribute string URL yes
readonly attribute string documentURI yes
readonly attribute string origin yes
readonly attribute string compatMode yes
readonly attribute string characterSet yes
readonly attribute string charset yes
readonly attribute string inputEncoding yes
readonly attribute string contentType yes
readonly attribute DocumentType? doctype yes
readonly attribute Element? documentElement yes
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(string qualifiedName) no
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(string? namespace, string localName) no
HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(string classNames) no
[CEReactions, NewObject] Element createElement(string localName, optional (string or ElementCreationOptions) options) yes
[CEReactions, NewObject] Element createElementNS(string? namespace, string qualifiedName, optional (string or ElementCreationOptions) options) yes
[NewObject] DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment() yes
[NewObject] Text createTextNode(string data) yes
[NewObject] CDATASection createCDATASection(string data) yes
[NewObject] Comment createComment(string data) yes
[NewObject] ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(string target, string data) yes
[CEReactions, NewObject] Node importNode(Node node, optional boolean deep = false) no
[CEReactions] Node adoptNode(Node node) yes
[NewObject] Attr createAttribute(string localName) no
[NewObject] Attr createAttributeNS(string? namespace, string qualifiedName) no
[NewObject] Event createEvent(string interface) no
[NewObject] Range createRange() no

DocumentType Interface

extends Node

readonly attribute string name yes
readonly attribute string publicId yes
readonly attribute string systemId yes

extends Node

Element Interface

extends Node

readonly attribute string? namespaceURI yes
readonly attribute string? prefix yes
readonly attribute string localName yes
readonly attribute string tagName yes
[CEReactions] attribute string id yes
[CEReactions] attribute string className yes
[SameObject, PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList no
[CEReactions, Unscopable] attribute string slot no
boolean hasAttributes() yes
[SameObject] readonly attribute NamedNodeMap attributes yes
Array<[string]> getAttributeNames() yes
string? getAttribute(string qualifiedName) yes
string? getAttributeNS(string? namespace, string localName) yes
[CEReactions] void setAttribute(string qualifiedName, string value) yes
[CEReactions] void setAttributeNS(string? namespace, string qualifiedName, string value) yes
[CEReactions] void removeAttribute(string qualifiedName) yes
[CEReactions] void removeAttributeNS(string? namespace, string localName) yes
[CEReactions] boolean toggleAttribute(string qualifiedName, optional boolean force) yes
boolean hasAttribute(string qualifiedName) yes
boolean hasAttributeNS(string? namespace, string localName) yes
Attr? getAttributeNode(string qualifiedName) no
Attr? getAttributeNodeNS(string? namespace, string localName) no
[CEReactions] Attr? setAttributeNode(Attr attr) no
[CEReactions] Attr? setAttributeNodeNS(Attr attr) no
[CEReactions] Attr removeAttributeNode(Attr attr) no
ShadowRoot attachShadow(ShadowRootInit init) no
readonly attribute ShadowRoot? shadowRoot no
Element? closest(string selectors) no
boolean matches(string selectors) no
boolean webkitMatchesSelector(string selectors) no
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(string qualifiedName) yes
HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(string? namespace, string localName) no
HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(string classNames) no

Node Interface

const number ELEMENT_NODE = 1 yes
const number ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2 yes
const number TEXT_NODE = 3 yes
const number CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4 yes
const number COMMENT_NODE = 8 yes
const number DOCUMENT_NODE = 9 yes
const number DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10 yes
const number DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11 yes
readonly attribute number nodeType yes
readonly attribute string nodeName yes
readonly attribute string baseURI no
readonly attribute boolean isConnected no
readonly attribute Document? ownerDocument yes
Node getRootNode(optional GetRootNodeOptions options) yes
readonly attribute Node? parentNode yes
readonly attribute Element? parentElement yes
boolean hasChildNodes() yes
[SameObject] readonly attribute NodeList childNodes yes
readonly attribute Node? firstChild yes
readonly attribute Node? lastChild yes
readonly attribute Node? previousSibling yes
readonly attribute Node? nextSibling yes
[CEReactions] attribute string? nodeValue yes
[CEReactions] attribute string? textContent yes
[CEReactions] void normalize() yes
[CEReactions, NewObject] Node cloneNode(optional boolean deep = false) no
boolean isEqualNode(Node? otherNode) no
boolean isSameNode(Node? otherNode) yes
const number DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = 0x02 no
const number DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = 0x04 no
const number DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 no
number compareDocumentPosition(Node other) no
boolean contains(Node? other) yes
string? lookupPrefix(string? namespace) no
string? lookupNamespaceURI(string? prefix) no
boolean isDefaultNamespace(string? namespace) no
[CEReactions] Node insertBefore(Node node, Node? child) yes
[CEReactions] Node appendChild(Node node) yes
[CEReactions] Node replaceChild(Node node, Node child) yes
[CEReactions] Node removeChild(Node child) yes

NodeList Interface

getter Node? item(number index) yes
readonly attribute number length yes
iterable<[Node]> yes

Attr Interface

extends Node

readonly attribute string? namespaceURI yes
readonly attribute string? prefix yes
readonly attribute string localName yes
readonly attribute string name yes
[CEReactions] attribute string value yes
readonly attribute Element? ownerElement yes
readonly attribute boolean specified yes

NamedNodeMap Interface

readonly attribute number length yes
getter Attr? item(number index) yes
getter Attr? getNamedItem(string qualifiedName) yes
Attr? getNamedItemNS(string? namespace, string localName) yes
[CEReactions] Attr? setNamedItem(Attr attr) yes
[CEReactions] Attr? setNamedItemNS(Attr attr) yes
[CEReactions] Attr removeNamedItem(string qualifiedName) yes
[CEReactions] Attr removeNamedItemNS(string? namespace, string localName) yes

CharacterData Interface

extends Node

attribute string data yes
readonly attribute number length yes
string substringData(number offset, number count) yes
void appendData(string data) yes
void insertData(number offset, string data) yes
void deleteData(number offset, number count) yes
void replaceData(number offset, number count, string data) yes

Text Interface

extends CharacterData

[NewObject] Text splitText(number offset) yes
readonly attribute string wholeText yes

CDATASection Interface

extends Text

Comment Interface

extends CharacterData

extends CharacterData

readonly attribute string target yes

DOMException Interface

readonly attribute string name yes
readonly attribute string message yes
readonly attribute number code yes
const number INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1 yes
const number DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2 yes
const number HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3 yes
const number WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4 yes
const number INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5 yes
const number NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6 yes
const number NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7 yes
const number NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8 yes
const number NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9 yes
const number INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10 yes
const number INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11 yes
const number SYNTAX_ERR = 12 yes
const number INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13 yes
const number NAMESPACE_ERR = 14 yes
const number INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15 yes
const number VALIDATION_ERR = 16 yes
const number TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17 yes
const number SECURITY_ERR = 18 yes
const number NETWORK_ERR = 19 yes
const number ABORT_ERR = 20 yes
const number URL_MISMATCH_ERR = 21 yes
const number QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 22 yes
const number TIMEOUT_ERR = 23 yes
const number INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR = 24 yes
const number DATA_CLONE_ERR = 25 yes
[CEReactions] void define(string name, function constructor, optional object {string extends}) yes
any get(string name) yes
Promise<[void]> whenDefined(string name) no
[CEReactions] void upgrade(Node root) no
[NewObject] DocumentType createDocumentType(string qualifiedName, string publicId, string systemId) yes
[NewObject] XMLDocument createDocument(string? namespace, string? qualifiedName, DocumentType? doctype) yes
[NewObject] Document createHTMLDocument(string? title) yes