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Releases: mpvnet-player/


11 Aug 04:30
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  • added new feature: Open > Open DVD/Blu-ray Drive/Folder...
  • the default of remember-volume has been set to yes
  • scale, cscale, dscale defaults have been set to spline36,
    profile=gpu-hq is not used in the defaults because it starts very slow
  • new menu items have been added to navigate to the first and
    last playlist position, key bindings: Home, End
  • new config setting recent-count added, amount of menu items
    shown under 'Open > Recent'
  • in the config dialog the description for keep-open was corrected
    because unlike mpv, will never terminate automatically
  • there was a rare occasion where the logo wasn't shown
  • fix excessive memory usage using osd-scale-by-window = no
  • mpv setting osd-scale-by-window added to config dialog


07 Aug 11:22
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  • fixed race condition causing various features to fail


06 Aug 16:57
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  • bug fix for single-instance not working with unicode filenames
  • bug fix for logo not shown on start
  • osd-visibility.js script was removed because the OSC uses too much memory
  • youtube-dl was updated
  • libmpv was updated to shinchiro 2019-08-04
  • in case was started from a terminal it sets now the mpv property input-terminal to yes,
    this means will now receive and handle input keys from the terminal
  • certain command line properties didn't work (input-terminal, terminal, input-file,
    config, config-dir, input-conf, load-scripts, script, scripts, player-operation-mode)
  • the about dialog shows now the mpv version and build date
  • the dialog that asks for a config folder has now a cancel option


01 Aug 10:09
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  • 'Tools > Execute mpv command' was replaced with mpv-repl
  • many wiki pages were improved
  • the logo/icon had a very small cosmetic change
  • the help in the context menu was improved,
    for quick access consider the command palette (F1 key)
  • config options specific to are now available from the command line
  • the input editor no longer has known limitations, 'alt gr' and ctrl+alt are working now
  • the help in the input editor was simplified and the filter logic was improved
  • fixed issue in file associations causing not to appear in OS default apps
  • 'Tools > Manage File Associations' was replaced by 'Tools > OS Setup',
    it has now a feature to add and remove to and from the Path
    environment variable and the OS default apps settings can be opened (Win 10 only)
  • startup folder and config folder being identical was causing a critical issue
    as was loading extensions twice and scripts four times, now identical
    folders are no longer permitted
  • error messages are shown when unknown scripts and extensions are found in the startup folder
    because user scripts and extensions are supposed to be located in the config folder instead
  • changing from maximized to fullscreen did not work
  • the search field in the config editor was not always remembered
  • new setting remember-volume added, saves volume and mute on exit
    and restores it on start.
  • it's now enforced that mpv properties on the command line and in
    the mpv.conf config file are lowercase, if not a error is shown
  • gpu-api vulkan was not working if media files were opened via
    command line (that included Explorer)
  • new setting minimum-aspect-ratio added, minimum aspect ratio for the window,
    this was previously hard coded to 1.3
  • new setting auto-load-folder added, for single files automatically load
    the entire directory into the playlist, previously this was forced,
    now it can be disabled
  • new setting themed-menu added, follow theme color in context menu,
    default: no. UI related settings have now a separate UI tab in the config editor


27 Jul 00:00
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  • changed icon design
  • libmpv was updated to shinchiro 2019-07-14
  • new or improved config editor settings: screenshot-directory,
    screenshot-format, screenshot-tag-colorspace, screenshot-high-bit-depth,
    screenshot-jpeg-source-chroma, screenshot-template, screenshot-jpeg-quality,
    screenshot-png-compression, screenshot-png-filter
  • mpv.conf preview feature added to config editor, it previews the mpv.conf content
  • in the entire project the term addon was replaced with the term extension,
    unfortunately this will break user extensions. The reason for this drastic
    change is that there exist too many different terms, addons, addins,
    extensions, modules, packages etc.. follows Google Chrome as the worlds
    most popular extendable app, Chrome uses the term Extension.
  • a thread synchronization bug was fixed, the shutdown thread was aborted
    if it was running more than 3 seconds, this caused the rating extension
    to fail if it was waiting for a drive to wake up
  • a new JavaScript was included to show the playlist with a smaller font size,
    the script is located at startup/scripts
  • terminal support added using !
  • script engine performance and error handling was improved
  • the scripting wiki page was improved
  • the C# scripting host extension was converted from VB to C# because it's not
    only used for hosting but I also use it now to code and debug script code
  • there was a copy paste bug in the file association feature resulting in keys
    from mpv being overwritten instead of using keys. Thanks to floppyD!
  • there was a exception fixed that happened opening rar files
  • instead of using the OS theme color there are now default colors
    for dark-color and light-color


21 Jul 19:04
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  • on Win 7 the theme color was hard coded to DarkSlateGrey because
    WPF was returning a bad color on Win 7, this was fixed by reading
    the theme color from the Registry on Win 7. If the theme color
    is identical to the background color it's corrected
  • dark-color setting was added to overwrite the OS theme color used in dark mode,
    find the setting on the General tab
  • light-color setting was added to overwrite the OS theme color used in non dark mode,
    find the setting on the General tab
  • various changes regarding input handling, multi media keys and
    mouse forward/backward were successfully tested
  • it's now possible to use a custom folder as config folder.
    A TaskDialog shows five options: 1. appdata, 2. appdata mpv (shared with mpv),
    3. portable_config, 4. startup, 5. custom
  • slightly increased startup performance, start-threshold setting added.
    Threshold in milliseconds to wait for libmpv returning the video resolution
    before the window is shown, otherwise default dimensions are used as defined
    by autofit and start-size. Default: 1500
  • autofit-smaller setting added. Minimum window height in percent. Default: 40%
  • autofit-larger setting added. Maximum window height in percent. Default: 75%


13 Jul 14:43
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  • few layout problems were fixed, autosize for instance did not work


13 Jul 01:59
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  • remember-height was replaced with start-size, when start-size is set
    to video the main video starts directly with the native video size,
    before it was starting with the autofit size first and was only
    afterwards resized to the native video size
  • on exit the window location can be saved with remember-position
  • in the learn window of the input editor underscores were stripped
    because they have a special meaning in WPF labels
  • fix for keys/input not working for MBTN_LEFT_DBL, MBTN_BACK, MBTN_FORWARD
  • in the learn window of the input editor support was added for
    mouse left, mouse left double, mouse mid, mouse forward, mouse back
  • libmpv was updated to shinchiro 2019-07-07
  • when border is none it wasn't possible to minimize the window from
    the task bar because this is the WinForms default behavier. This
    was fixed by calling Spy++ to the rescue and adding WS_MINIMIZEBOX
    in CreateParams


06 Jul 21:59
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  • fix for middle mouse button not working
  • fix of logo overlay using a huge amount of memory (thx for the ghacks article)
  • fix config dialog showing a message about app restart without reason
  • when multiple files are selected in Windows File Explorer and enter is
    pressed, the files are opened as selected, the order is random though
    because Explorer starts multiple processes concurrently
  • libmpv was updated to shinchiro 2019-06-30
  • the mpv.conf defaults were changed to show a larger OSC
  • in case a file is opened that has a aspect ratio smaller then 1.2 then
    the window size will use a aspect ratio of 1.8
  • new JavaScript script osc-visibility.js included in the distribution
    under startup\scripts. It sets the OSC to be always on for audio files
    and auto for non audio files


01 Jul 01:04
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  • opening a URL manually no longer uses a input box but uses the clipboard directly
  • the manifest was missing the company attribute which caused not appearing in the 'Open with' menu of the Windows File Explorer,
    thanks to 44vince44 for pointing this out!!!
  • new Python and C# script examples were added to the wiki and the scripting and
    add-on documentation was improved
  • invalid command line arguments were ignored, now an error message is shown
  • a description on how to start from Google Chrome was added to the
    manual, it's useful to play videos from sites like YouTube, find the
    description here
  • new config setting remember-height added to remember the window height,
    otherwise the video's native resolution is used
  • support for protocols other then http added