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Kai Kramer edited this page Nov 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

Switched Lamp


Example by

KNX Group Addressing provides the following topic hierarchy knx//main/middle/sub an a data point type "dpt"

A typische schema for the knx groups is technology/function/device.

In the example we have a DPT 1.001 DPT_Switch. The dpt defines with the left number the data type und with the right sub number the range and unit. In this example 1 means boolean (0/1) and 001 is switch type with "off" and "on" as valid values.

knx/status/Lights/Switch feedback/Living Room Lamp 

Proposed Meta Database Schema

  "id": "object-id",
  "type": "...", 
  "name": "...",
  "parent": "..." 
  "common": {   
  "native": {     


Example by

Loxone provides similar information in this case to knx. There is a hierarchy // and a datatype with an numeric an string value.

lox/state/Living Room/Lights/Lamp 

Proposed Meta Database Schema

  "id": "object-id",
  "type": "...", 
  "name": "...",
  "parent": "..." 
  "common": {   
  "native": {     
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