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MaterialApp (provided by material library)

  • This widget sets up a basic layout in android to show some output.
  • The background is black in color and text styling by default doesn't look neat.
  • home is a required argument for MaterialApp.
  • Text widget can be passed to home to show some basic text.

Scaffold (provided by material library)

  • This creates a basic white background for the app.
  • appbar will create a appbar at the top.
  • Pass widget to body to show the content to the main screen.


  • To pass multiple widgets use column which takes a list of widgets.


  • To create a button.
  • onPressed is a required argument(will get a warning if not used).
  • A function can be passed to onPressed to do some action.

State in Flutter

  • We have created a list of questions and button increases a count so that we can show the questions in the list.
  • But the count increases but doesn't gets updated in the screen.
  • It is because the widget is stateless.
  • To overcome this problem(recreate UI when state changes) we need to change the widget to a stateful widget. Stateful vs Stateless

Stateful Widget

  • Two classes create a stateful widget:
    • State class (along with pointer to the Widget class) to persist data
    • StatefulWidget class to recreate widget on state change
  • State class is created as private class to prevent using it from other files.
  • Connection is created between State class and Widget class.
  • Value is updated in setState class method given by State class.
  • setState takes a anonymous function.
  • setState forces flutter to re-render the widget (only in which the state has changed).
  • Now if the data or state changes the widget gets recreated.

Text Widget

  • In style argument we can pass TextStyle widget to add styling like size, font, etc.
  • textAlign argument takes an enum TextAlign. But since the Text widget takes the size only needed for text, it wont work unless we put it in a container and add some width to the text.

Dart features

  • enums
  • multiple constructors
  • Map or {} (like dictionary in python)
  • .toList() - Used to convert a iterable(output of map) to a list.
  • ...list - used to spread list of items into individual items.

final vs const

  • final is runtime constant - We won't change once instantiated(runtime)
  • const is compile time constant - We won't change once assigned(during coding)
  • var numbers = const [1,2,3] makes the list(value) immutable.

Module 1 End

  • Created a quiz app with score display and quiz reset.
  • Basics of Dart
  • Basics of flutter

Final Output

Module Summary


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