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kubespector - A cli tool to inspect your kubernetes cluster from remote

Kubespector was written out of the need to inspect a running kubernetes cluster remotely. It is packed with a lot of useful commands which make the live of Kubernetes admins easier.

Kubespector is opinionated about the type of Kubernetes installation (see Config section) but in the most parts it is configurable to your needs. Since the remote connection uses ssh, it should be checked beforehand that the host running Kubespector can ssh into the target hosts.

Who should use kubespector?

  • You frequently interact with system services e.g. check the status, restart a service
  • You want to perform the same command on a set of nodes
  • You want to run network and scale tests on a new or already running cluster
  • You want to perform maintenance task like create an etcd backup
  • You want to check the status of you Kubernetes cluster
  • You want to fetch logs from system services, Kubernetes pods or Docker Container alike
  • You want to perform tasks from a Linux, Windows or Mac


kubespector is already ready used internally and is concidered stable in most if its commands. Experimentall commands are currently etcd, logs


Call kubespector without any arguments to get an overview on commands. Some usage examples:

Kubespector can perform various actions on a Kubernetes cluster via ssh.

  kubespector [command]

Available Commands:
  cluster-status Performs various checks on the cluster defined in the configuration file
  etcd           Executes various actions on a etcd cluster
  exec           Executes a command on a target group or node
  help           Help about any command
  kubectl        Wrapper for kubectl
  logs           Retrieve logs
  performance    Executes various performance tests
  scp            Secure bidirectional file copy
  service        Execute various actions on system services
  version        Prints the current version and build date

  -f, --config string      Path to config file (default "./kubespector.yaml")
  -d, --debug              Set log-level to DEBUG
  -h, --help               help for kubespector
      --log-level string   Logging level, valid values: CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE (default "INFO")

Use "kubespector [command] --help" for more information about a command.

CLI command examples

  1. Check the status of kubelet service on a group of nodes
    • ./kubespector service status -g worker -s kubelet
  2. Delete unused Docker images on all worker nodes
    • ./kubespector exec -g worker -c 'sudo docker images | grep demo-container | awk "{print $3}" | xargs --no-run-if-empty sudo docker rmi'
  3. Create an etcd backup with client-certificate
    • ./kubespector etcd backup --secure --data-dir /opt/etcd --ca-cert /etc/etcd/certs/ca.crt --client-cert /etc/etcd/certs/server.crt --client-cert-key /etc/etcd/certs/server.key --endpoint -o ./backup
  4. Check the status of you Kubernetes cluster
    • ./kubespector cluster-status
  5. Fetch logs from Docker daemon
    • ./kubespector logs -n kubernetesnode2 --element docker --type service --tail 5 -s -o ./docker.log

The Kubespector config file

Kubspector needs a config file generally named kubespector.yml which contains the ssh configuration as well as metadata about the cluster groups. There are two predefined cluster groups: Etcd & Master. On top of that you can add your own cluster group like Worker, Loadbalancer, ... There is also a special configuration called Kubernetes which will be explained later.

SSH configuration

In this section the settings for a ssh connection can be configured. A minimal sample configuration looks like this:

    Username: <username>
    PrivateKey: <path to privat key>
    Port: 22
    Timeout: 90s

Following options can also be used inside Connection:

  • AgentAuth: true or false
  • HandshakeAttempts: integer number, default 3
  • FileTransferMethod: either scp or sftp

Additionally the ssh configuration supports local and bastion connection. On a local connection kubespector assumes it will be on a node which is defined in a cluster group. Example:

    Username: <username>
    PrivateKey: <path to privat key>
    Port: 22
    Timeout: 90s
    Host: "kube-node1"
    IP: x.x.x.x 

For a bastion connection, kubespector tries to tunnel the ssh connections through the bastion server to the cluster. The options for the ssh connect to the bastion server are the same as above. A sample configuration looks like this:

    Username: <username>
    PrivateKey: <path to privat key>
    Port: 22
    Timeout: 90s
      Username: <username>
      PrivateKey: <path to privat key>
      Port: 22
      Timeout: 90s
      Host: "kube-node1"
      IP: x.x.x.x 

Cluster group configuration

  - Name: Etcd
    - etcd
    - Host: "kubernetesnode1"
    - Host: "kubernetesnode2"
    - Host: "kubernetesnode3"
    - /etc/kubernetes/certs/etcd/ca.crt
    - /etc/kubernetes/certs/etcd/client.crt
      - /dev/sda1
      - /etc/etcd
      - /var/log

Performance tests

A suite of network tests is included in kubespector which is based on k8s-testsuite. Please read the repository for details. Examples:

  • Network bandwith test: ./kubespector perf net -c
  • Load testing: ./kubespector perf scale -c


  • kismatic (For the general idea of kubernetes-inspector)
  • packer (For communicator.go package)