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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 4, 2023. It is now read-only.

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web-infra-dev/rspack - stars & forks statistics

Stats updated on Apr 2023, 15

☋ Forks: 187

★ Stars: 4083

Open repository

Open detailed stats for web-infra-dev/rspack

Historical data

Date Stars Forks
2023-04-15 4083 187
2023-04-14 4071 186
2023-04-13 4056 186
2023-04-12 4038 185
2023-04-11 4004 182
2023-04-10 3966 175
2023-04-09 3937 176
2023-04-08 3916 175
2023-04-07 3899 173
2023-04-06 3881 172
2023-04-05 3862 172
2023-04-04 3848 168
2023-04-03 3826 166
2023-04-01 3779 163
2023-03-31 3764 162
2023-03-30 3742 162
2023-03-28 3714 161
2023-03-27 3676 160
2023-03-25 3664 159
2023-03-24 3655 159
2023-03-22 3613 154
2023-03-21 3574 149
2023-03-20 3502 145
2023-03-19 3425 138