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File metadata and controls

261 lines (207 loc) · 8.75 KB

Interprocess messaging / communication (IPC)

Encapsulated message format

Data components in the stream and file formats are represented as encapsulated messages consisting of:

  • A length prefix indicating the metadata size
  • The message metadata as a Flatbuffer
  • Padding bytes to an 8-byte boundary
  • The message body, which must be a multiple of 8 bytes

Schematically, we have:

<metadata_size: int32>
<metadata_flatbuffer: bytes>
<message body>

The complete serialized message must be a multiple of 8 bytes so that messages can be relocated between streams. Otherwise the amount of padding between the metadata and the message body could be non-deterministic.

The metadata_size includes the size of the flatbuffer plus padding. The Message flatbuffer includes a version number, the particular message (as a flatbuffer union), and the size of the message body:

table Message {
  version: org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion;
  header: MessageHeader;
  bodyLength: long;

Currently, we support 4 types of messages:

  • Schema
  • RecordBatch
  • DictionaryBatch
  • Tensor

Streaming format

We provide a streaming format for record batches. It is presented as a sequence of encapsulated messages, each of which follows the format above. The schema comes first in the stream, and it is the same for all of the record batches that follow. If any fields in the schema are dictionary-encoded, one or more DictionaryBatch messages will be included. DictionaryBatch and RecordBatch messages may be interleaved, but before any dictionary key is used in a RecordBatch it should be defined in a DictionaryBatch.

<EOS [optional]: int32>

When a stream reader implementation is reading a stream, after each message, it may read the next 4 bytes to know how large the message metadata that follows is. Once the message flatbuffer is read, you can then read the message body.

The stream writer can signal end-of-stream (EOS) either by writing a 0 length as an int32 or simply closing the stream interface.

File format

We define a "file format" supporting random access in a very similar format to the streaming format. The file starts and ends with a magic string ARROW1 (plus padding). What follows in the file is identical to the stream format. At the end of the file, we write a footer containing a redundant copy of the schema (which is a part of the streaming format) plus memory offsets and sizes for each of the data blocks in the file. This enables random access any record batch in the file. See File.fbs for the precise details of the file footer.

Schematically we have:

<magic number "ARROW1">
<empty padding bytes [to 8 byte boundary]>
<FOOTER SIZE: int32>
<magic number "ARROW1">

In the file format, there is no requirement that dictionary keys should be defined in a DictionaryBatch before they are used in a RecordBatch, as long as the keys are defined somewhere in the file.

RecordBatch body structure

The RecordBatch metadata contains a depth-first (pre-order) flattened set of field metadata and physical memory buffers (some comments from Message.fbs have been shortened / removed):

table RecordBatch {
  length: long;
  nodes: [FieldNode];
  buffers: [Buffer];

struct FieldNode {
  length: long;
  null_count: long;

struct Buffer {
  /// The relative offset into the shared memory page where the bytes for this
  /// buffer starts
  offset: long;

  /// The absolute length (in bytes) of the memory buffer. The memory is found
  /// from offset (inclusive) to offset + length (non-inclusive).
  length: long;

In the context of a file, the page is not used, and the Buffer offsets use as a frame of reference the start of the message body. So, while in a general IPC setting these offsets may be anyplace in one or more shared memory regions, in the file format the offsets start from 0.

The location of a record batch and the size of the metadata block as well as the body of buffers is stored in the file footer:

struct Block {
  offset: long;
  metaDataLength: int;
  bodyLength: long;

The metaDataLength here includes the metadata length prefix, serialized metadata, and any additional padding bytes, and by construction must be a multiple of 8 bytes.

Some notes about this

  • The Block offset indicates the starting byte of the record batch.
  • The metadata length includes the flatbuffer size, the record batch metadata flatbuffer, and any padding bytes

Dictionary Batches

Dictionaries are written in the stream and file formats as a sequence of record batches, each having a single field. The complete semantic schema for a sequence of record batches, therefore, consists of the schema along with all of the dictionaries. The dictionary types are found in the schema, so it is necessary to read the schema to first determine the dictionary types so that the dictionaries can be properly interpreted.

table DictionaryBatch {
  id: long;
  data: RecordBatch;
  isDelta: boolean = false;

The dictionary id in the message metadata can be referenced one or more times in the schema, so that dictionaries can even be used for multiple fields. See the :doc:`Layout` document for more about the semantics of dictionary-encoded data.

The dictionary isDelta flag allows dictionary batches to be modified mid-stream. A dictionary batch with isDelta set indicates that its vector should be concatenated with those of any previous batches with the same id. A stream which encodes one column, the list of strings ["A", "B", "C", "B", "D", "C", "E", "A"], with a delta dictionary batch could take the form:

(0) "A"
(1) "B"
(2) "C"


(3) "D"
(4) "E"


Tensor (Multi-dimensional Array) Message Format

The Tensor message types provides a way to write a multidimensional array of fixed-size values (such as a NumPy ndarray) using Arrow's shared memory tools. Arrow implementations in general are not required to implement this data format, though we provide a reference implementation in C++.

When writing a standalone encapsulated tensor message, we use the format as indicated above, but additionally align the starting offset of the metadata as well as the starting offset of the tensor body (if writing to a shared memory region) to be multiples of 64 bytes:

<metadata size: int32>
<tensor body>

SparseTensor Message Format

The SparseTensor message types provides another way to write a multidimensional array of fixed-size values using Arrow's shared memory tools in addition to Tensor. SparseTensor is designed specifically for tensors whose elements are almost zeros. Arrow implementations in general are not required to implement this data format likewise Tensor.

When writing a standalone encapsulated sparse tensor message, we use the format as indicated above, but additionally align the starting offset of the metadata as well as the starting offsets of the sparse index and the sparse tensor body (if writing to a shared memory region) to be multiples of 64 bytes:

<PADDING> <metadata size: int32> <metadata> <sparse index> <PADDING> <sparse tensor body>

The contents of the sparse tensor index is depends on what kinds of sparse format is used.