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What are the parameters to reproduce the results of the models present in the README? #43

fabrizioschiano opened this issue Oct 26, 2021 · 1 comment


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In the README of this repository in the section "Pretrained-models" there are written some results.

@mrnabati , I was wondering if you could be more precise about in which conditions they are achieved. What are the parameters used in the file?

I am using the following file:

cd src

## Perform detection and evaluation
python ddd \
    --exp_id centerfusion \
    --dataset nuscenes \
    --val_split mini_val \
    --run_dataset_eval \
    --num_workers 8 \
    --nuscenes_att \
    --velocity \
    --gpus 0 \
    --pointcloud \
    --radar_sweeps 6 \
    --max_pc_dist 60.0 \
    --pc_z_offset -0.0 \
    --load_model ../models/centerfusion_e60.pth \
    --flip_test \

And I got the following results:

Converting nuscenes format...
Loading NuScenes tables for version v1.0-mini...
23 category,
8 attribute,
4 visibility,
911 instance,
12 sensor,
120 calibrated_sensor,
31206 ego_pose,
8 log,
10 scene,
404 sample,
31206 sample_data,
18538 sample_annotation,
4 map,
Done loading in 0.316 seconds.
Reverse indexing ...
Done reverse indexing in 0.1 seconds.
Initializing nuScenes detection evaluation
Loaded results from /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion/results_nuscenes_det_mini_val.json. Found detections for 81 samples.
Loading annotations for mini_val split from nuScenes version: v1.0-mini
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 81/81 [00:00<00:00, 360.56it/s]
Loaded ground truth annotations for 81 samples.
Filtering predictions
=> Original number of boxes: 40500
=> After distance based filtering: 32179
=> After LIDAR and RADAR points based filtering: 32179
=> After bike rack filtering: 32105
Filtering ground truth annotations
=> Original number of boxes: 4441
=> After distance based filtering: 3785
=> After LIDAR and RADAR points based filtering: 3393
=> After bike rack filtering: 3393
Accumulating metric data...
Calculating metrics...
Saving metrics to: /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion/nuscenes_eval_det_output_mini_val/
mAP: 0.3129
mATE: 0.6590
mASE: 0.4630
mAOE: 0.6008
mAVE: 0.7622
mAAE: 0.3084
NDS: 0.3771
Eval time: 5.4s

Per-class results:
car	0.542	0.418	0.159	0.120	0.152	0.073
truck	0.442	0.542	0.168	0.133	0.141	0.122
bus	0.549	0.484	0.081	0.079	1.400	0.090
trailer	0.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000
construction_vehicle	0.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000
pedestrian	0.468	0.561	0.262	0.491	0.512	0.118
motorcycle	0.318	0.689	0.342	1.167	0.061	0.016
bicycle	0.187	0.448	0.299	0.417	1.832	0.048
traffic_cone	0.624	0.447	0.319	nan	nan	nan
barrier	0.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	nan	nan
[log -] End __main__

which are different from what you wrote in the README

If you are interested to the full trace you can find it below

(centerfusion) fabrizioschiano@astroteo-HP-ZBook-Create-G7-Notebook-PC:~/repositories/CenterFusion$ bash experiments/ 
Using tensorboardX
[log -]in class COCO
[log -] Parsing parameters
[log -] started parsing ...
[log -] Fix size testing.
[log -] len(opt.gpus):  1
[log -] opt.master_batch_size:  32
[log -] opt.batch_size:  32
[log -] training chunk_sizes: [32]
[log -] The categories and their IDs are:  {'car': 0, 'truck': 1, 'bus': 2, 'trailer': 3, 'construction_vehicle': 4, 'pedestrian': 5, 'motorcycle': 6, 'bicycle': 7, 'traffic_cone': 8, 'barrier': 9}
[log -] ... finished parsing
[log -] not opt.not_prefetch_test
[log -] input h w: 448 800
[log -] heads {'hm': 10, 'reg': 2, 'wh': 2, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 8, 'dim': 3, 'amodel_offset': 2, 'dep_sec': 1, 'rot_sec': 8, 'nuscenes_att': 8, 'velocity': 3}
[log -] weights {'hm': 1, 'reg': 1, 'wh': 0.1, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 1, 'dim': 1, 'amodel_offset': 1, 'dep_sec': 1, 'rot_sec': 1, 'nuscenes_att': 1, 'velocity': 1}
[log -] head conv {'hm': [256], 'reg': [256], 'wh': [256], 'dep': [256], 'rot': [256], 'dim': [256], 'amodel_offset': [256], 'dep_sec': [256, 256, 256], 'rot_sec': [256, 256, 256], 'nuscenes_att': [256, 256, 256], 'velocity': [256, 256, 256]}
[log -] Printing all the options
Namespace(K=100, amodel_offset_weight=1, arch='dla_34', aug_rot=0, backbone='dla34', batch_size=32, chunk_sizes=[32], custom_dataset_ann_path='', custom_dataset_img_path='', custom_head_convs={'dep_sec': 3, 'rot_sec': 3, 'velocity': 3, 'nuscenes_att': 3}, data_dir='/home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../data', dataset='nuscenes', dataset_version='', debug=0, debug_dir='/home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion/debug', debugger_theme='white', demo='', dense_reg=1, dep_res_weight=1, dep_weight=1, depth_scale=1, dim_weight=1, disable_frustum=False, dla_node='dcn', down_ratio=4, eval=False, eval_n_plots=0, eval_render_curves=False, exp_dir='/home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd', exp_id='centerfusion', fix_res=True, fix_short=-1, flip=0.5, flip_test=True, fp_disturb=0, freeze_backbone=False, frustumExpansionRatio=0.0, gpus=[0], gpus_str='0', head_conv={'hm': [256], 'reg': [256], 'wh': [256], 'dep': [256], 'rot': [256], 'dim': [256], 'amodel_offset': [256], 'dep_sec': [256, 256, 256], 'rot_sec': [256, 256, 256], 'nuscenes_att': [256, 256, 256], 'velocity': [256, 256, 256]}, head_kernel=3, heads={'hm': 10, 'reg': 2, 'wh': 2, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 8, 'dim': 3, 'amodel_offset': 2, 'dep_sec': 1, 'rot_sec': 8, 'nuscenes_att': 8, 'velocity': 3}, hm_dist_thresh={0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 0, 9: 0}, hm_disturb=0, hm_hp_weight=1, hm_to_box_ratio=0.3, hm_transparency=0.7, hm_weight=1, hp_weight=1, hungarian=False, ignore_loaded_cats=[], img_format='jpg', input_h=448, input_res=800, input_w=800, iou_thresh=0, keep_res=False, kitti_split='3dop', layers_to_freeze=['base', 'dla_up', 'ida_up'], load_model='../models/centerfusion_e60.pth', load_results='', lost_disturb=0, lr=0.000125, lr_step=[60], ltrb=False, ltrb_amodal=False, ltrb_amodal_weight=0.1, ltrb_weight=0.1, master_batch_size=32, max_age=-1, max_frame_dist=3, max_pc=1000, max_pc_dist=60.0, model_output_list=False, msra_outchannel=256, neck='dlaup', new_thresh=0.3, nms=False, no_color_aug=False, no_pause=False, no_pre_img=False, non_block_test=False, normalize_depth=True, not_cuda_benchmark=False, not_max_crop=False, not_prefetch_test=False, not_rand_crop=False, not_set_cuda_env=False, not_show_bbox=False, not_show_number=False, num_classes=10, num_epochs=70, num_head_conv=1, num_img_channels=3, num_iters=-1, num_resnet_layers=101, num_stacks=1, num_workers=8, nuscenes_att=True, nuscenes_att_weight=1, off_weight=1, optim='adam', out_thresh=-1, output_h=112, output_res=200, output_w=200, pad=31, pc_atts=['x', 'y', 'z', 'dyn_prop', 'id', 'rcs', 'vx', 'vy', 'vx_comp', 'vy_comp', 'is_quality_valid', 'ambig_state', 'x_rms', 'y_rms', 'invalid_state', 'pdh0', 'vx_rms', 'vy_rms'], pc_feat_channels={'pc_dep': 0, 'pc_vx': 1, 'pc_vz': 2}, pc_feat_lvl=['pc_dep', 'pc_vx', 'pc_vz'], pc_roi_method='pillars', pc_z_offset=-0.0, pillar_dims=[1.5, 0.2, 0.2], pointcloud=True, pre_hm=False, pre_img=False, pre_thresh=-1, print_iter=0, prior_bias=-4.6, public_det=False, qualitative=False, r_a=250, r_b=5, radar_sweeps=6, reg_loss='l1', reset_hm=False, resize_video=False, resume=False, reuse_hm=False, root_dir='/home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../..', rot_weight=1, rotate=0, run_dataset_eval=True, same_aug_pre=False, save_all=False, save_dir='/home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion', save_framerate=30, save_img_suffix='', save_imgs=[], save_point=[90], save_results=False, save_video=False, scale=0, secondary_heads=['velocity', 'nuscenes_att', 'dep_sec', 'rot_sec'], seed=317, shift=0, show_track_color=False, show_velocity=False, shuffle_train=False, sigmoid_dep_sec=True, skip_first=-1, sort_det_by_dist=False, tango_color=False, task='ddd', test_dataset='nuscenes', test_focal_length=-1, test_scales=[1.0], track_thresh=0.3, tracking=False, tracking_weight=1, train_split='train', trainval=False, transpose_video=False, use_loaded_results=False, val_intervals=10, val_split='mini_val', velocity=True, velocity_weight=1, video_h=512, video_w=512, vis_gt_bev='', vis_thresh=0.3, warm_start_weights=False, weights={'hm': 1, 'reg': 1, 'wh': 0.1, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 1, 'dim': 1, 'amodel_offset': 1, 'dep_sec': 1, 'rot_sec': 1, 'nuscenes_att': 1, 'velocity': 1}, wh_weight=0.1, zero_pre_hm=False, zero_tracking=False)

opt.save_dir: /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion
opt.debug_dir: /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion/debug
[log -] Dataset version 
[log -] in __init__()
[log -] ==> initializing mini_val data from /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../data/nuscenes/annotations_6sweeps/mini_val.json, 
images from /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../data/nuscenes ...
loading annotations into memory...
Done (t=0.95s)
creating index...
index created!
[log -] constructed COCO object
[log -] got ImgIds from COCO object
[log -] finished __init__
[log -] Loaded mini_val 486 samples
[log -] instancing Detector
[log -] Creating model...
[log -] in create_model()
[log -] arch: dla
[log -] Using node type: (<class 'model.networks.dla.DeformConv'>, <class 'model.networks.dla.DeformConv'>)
Warning: No ImageNet pretrain!!
[log -] Loading model...
[log -] in load_model()
loaded ../models/centerfusion_e60.pth, epoch 60
[log -] Evaluating model...
[log -] getting dataset
[log -] opt.dataset: nuscenes
[log -] instancing Tracker
[log -] finished __init__()
[log -] dataset.img_dir: /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../data/nuscenes
centerfusion |                                | [0/486]|Tot: 0:00:01 |ETA: 0:00:00 |tot 1.224s (1.224s) |load 0.002s (0.002s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [1/486]|Tot: 0:00:02 |ETA: 0:11:34 |tot 1.218s (1.221s) |load 0.001s (0.002s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [2/486]|Tot: 0:00:03 |ETA: 0:10:41 |tot 1.196s (1.212s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [3/486]|Tot: 0:00:05 |ETA: 0:10:20 |tot 1.174s (1.203s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [4/486]|Tot: 0:00:06 |ETA: 0:10:05 |tot 1.285s (1.219s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [5/486]|Tot: 0:00:07 |ETA: 0:10:07 |tot 1.254s (1.225s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [6/486]|Tot: 0:00:08 |ETA: 0:10:05 |tot 1.212s (1.223s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [7/486]|Tot: 0:00:09 |ETA: 0:10:01 |tot 1.216s (1.222s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (0.centerfusion |                                | [8/486]|Tot: 0:00:11 |ETA: 0:09:57 |tot 1.239s (1.224s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [9/486]|Tot: 0:00:12 |ETA: 0:09:56 |tot 1.228s (1.225s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.centerfusion |                                | [10/486]|Tot: 0:00:13 |ETA: 0:09:53 |tot 1.281s (1.230s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |                                | [11/486]|Tot: 0:00:14 |ETA: 0:09:45 |tot 1.225s (1.229s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |                                | [12/486]|Tot: 0:00:16 |ETA: 0:09:44 |tot 1.235s (1.230s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |                                | [13/486]|Tot: 0:00:17 |ETA: 0:09:45 |tot 1.269s (1.233s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |                                | [14/486]|Tot: 0:00:18 |ETA: 0:09:48 |tot 1.350s (1.240s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [15/486]|Tot: 0:00:20 |ETA: 0:09:50 |tot 1.386s (1.249s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [16/486]|Tot: 0:00:21 |ETA: 0:09:55 |tot 1.119s (1.242s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [17/486]|Tot: 0:00:22 |ETA: 0:09:49 |tot 0.847s (1.220s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [18/486]|Tot: 0:00:23 |ETA: 0:09:48 |tot 0.872s (1.202s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [19/486]|Tot: 0:00:23 |ETA: 0:09:12 |tot 0.818s (1.182s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [20/486]|Tot: 0:00:24 |ETA: 0:09:11 |tot 1.089s (1.178s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [21/486]|Tot: 0:00:25 |ETA: 0:08:42 |tot 1.003s (1.170s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [22/486]|Tot: 0:00:27 |ETA: 0:08:30 |tot 1.089s (1.166s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [23/486]|Tot: 0:00:28 |ETA: 0:08:23 |tot 1.228s (1.169s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [24/486]|Tot: 0:00:29 |ETA: 0:08:20 |tot 1.307s (1.175s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [25/486]|Tot: 0:00:30 |ETA: 0:08:17 |tot 1.376s (1.182s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [26/486]|Tot: 0:00:32 |ETA: 0:08:15 |tot 1.242s (1.184s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [27/486]|Tot: 0:00:33 |ETA: 0:08:20 |tot 1.122s (1.182s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [28/486]|Tot: 0:00:34 |ETA: 0:08:31 |tot 1.394s (1.190s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#                               | [29/486]|Tot: 0:00:35 |ETA: 0:08:54 |tot 0.988s (1.183s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [30/486]|Tot: 0:00:36 |ETA: 0:08:53 |tot 0.909s (1.174s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [31/486]|Tot: 0:00:37 |ETA: 0:08:51 |tot 1.073s (1.171s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [32/486]|Tot: 0:00:38 |ETA: 0:08:53 |tot 1.053s (1.167s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [33/486]|Tot: 0:00:39 |ETA: 0:08:50 |tot 0.952s (1.161s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [34/486]|Tot: 0:00:40 |ETA: 0:08:49 |tot 0.841s (1.152s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [35/486]|Tot: 0:00:41 |ETA: 0:08:15 |tot 1.164s (1.152s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [36/486]|Tot: 0:00:43 |ETA: 0:08:04 |tot 1.325s (1.157s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [37/486]|Tot: 0:00:44 |ETA: 0:08:07 |tot 1.511s (1.166s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [38/486]|Tot: 0:00:46 |ETA: 0:08:23 |tot 1.474s (1.174s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [39/486]|Tot: 0:00:47 |ETA: 0:08:25 |tot 1.128s (1.173s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [40/486]|Tot: 0:00:47 |ETA: 0:08:30 |tot 0.790s (1.164s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [41/486]|Tot: 0:00:48 |ETA: 0:08:29 |tot 0.812s (1.155s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [42/486]|Tot: 0:00:49 |ETA: 0:08:11 |tot 0.805s (1.147s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [43/486]|Tot: 0:00:50 |ETA: 0:08:10 |tot 0.879s (1.141s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |##                              | [44/486]|Tot: 0:00:51 |ETA: 0:07:55 |tot 0.862s (1.135s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [45/486]|Tot: 0:00:52 |ETA: 0:07:54 |tot 0.861s (1.129s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [46/486]|Tot: 0:00:53 |ETA: 0:07:40 |tot 0.918s (1.124s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [47/486]|Tot: 0:00:53 |ETA: 0:07:39 |tot 0.799s (1.118s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [48/486]|Tot: 0:00:54 |ETA: 0:06:49 |tot 0.976s (1.115s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (0centerfusion |###                             | [49/486]|Tot: 0:00:56 |ETA: 0:06:48 |tot 1.180s (1.116s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [50/486]|Tot: 0:00:57 |ETA: 0:06:28 |tot 1.225s (1.118s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [51/486]|Tot: 0:00:58 |ETA: 0:06:46 |tot 1.304s (1.122s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [52/486]|Tot: 0:00:59 |ETA: 0:07:06 |tot 1.202s (1.123s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [53/486]|Tot: 0:01:01 |ETA: 0:07:23 |tot 1.344s (1.127s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [54/486]|Tot: 0:01:02 |ETA: 0:07:42 |tot 1.312s (1.131s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [55/486]|Tot: 0:01:03 |ETA: 0:08:00 |tot 1.203s (1.132s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [56/486]|Tot: 0:01:04 |ETA: 0:08:14 |tot 1.211s (1.133s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [57/486]|Tot: 0:01:06 |ETA: 0:08:25 |tot 1.190s (1.134s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |###                             | [58/486]|Tot: 0:01:07 |ETA: 0:08:41 |tot 1.004s (1.132s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (0centerfusion |###                             | [59/486]|Tot: 0:01:07 |ETA: 0:08:41 |tot 0.893s (1.128s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [60/486]|Tot: 0:01:08 |ETA: 0:08:39 |tot 0.833s (1.123s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [61/486]|Tot: 0:01:09 |ETA: 0:08:09 |tot 1.050s (1.122s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [62/486]|Tot: 0:01:10 |ETA: 0:07:57 |tot 0.827s (1.117s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [63/486]|Tot: 0:01:11 |ETA: 0:07:56 |tot 0.854s (1.113s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [64/486]|Tot: 0:01:12 |ETA: 0:07:19 |tot 0.835s (1.109s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [65/486]|Tot: 0:01:13 |ETA: 0:07:18 |tot 0.899s (1.106s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [66/486]|Tot: 0:01:14 |ETA: 0:06:44 |tot 0.880s (1.102s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [67/486]|Tot: 0:01:15 |ETA: 0:06:43 |tot 1.382s (1.107s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [68/486]|Tot: 0:01:16 |ETA: 0:06:36 |tot 1.306s (1.109s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [69/486]|Tot: 0:01:18 |ETA: 0:06:48 |tot 1.389s (1.113s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [70/486]|Tot: 0:01:19 |ETA: 0:07:07 |tot 1.408s (1.118s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [71/486]|Tot: 0:01:20 |ETA: 0:07:30 |tot 1.315s (1.120s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [72/486]|Tot: 0:01:22 |ETA: 0:07:40 |tot 1.401s (1.124s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |####                            | [73/486]|Tot: 0:01:23 |ETA: 0:08:03 |tot 1.321s (1.127s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (0centerfusion |####                            | [74/486]|Tot: 0:01:25 |ETA: 0:08:21 |tot 1.433s (1.131s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [75/486]|Tot: 0:01:26 |ETA: 0:08:44 |tot 1.363s (1.134s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [76/486]|Tot: 0:01:27 |ETA: 0:09:02 |tot 1.379s (1.137s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [77/486]|Tot: 0:01:29 |ETA: 0:09:21 |tot 1.376s (1.140s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [78/486]|Tot: 0:01:30 |ETA: 0:09:19 |tot 1.250s (1.142s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [79/486]|Tot: 0:01:31 |ETA: 0:09:16 |tot 1.422s (1.145s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [80/486]|Tot: 0:01:32 |ETA: 0:09:16 |tot 1.068s (1.144s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [81/486]|Tot: 0:01:34 |ETA: 0:09:00 |tot 1.326s (1.146s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [82/486]|Tot: 0:01:35 |ETA: 0:09:00 |tot 1.251s (1.148s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [83/486]|Tot: 0:01:36 |ETA: 0:08:52 |tot 1.296s (1.149s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [84/486]|Tot: 0:01:38 |ETA: 0:08:50 |tot 1.304s (1.151s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [85/486]|Tot: 0:01:39 |ETA: 0:08:43 |tot 1.309s (1.153s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [86/486]|Tot: 0:01:40 |ETA: 0:08:40 |tot 1.245s (1.154s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [87/486]|Tot: 0:01:41 |ETA: 0:08:33 |tot 1.160s (1.154s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [88/486]|Tot: 0:01:42 |ETA: 0:08:23 |tot 1.180s (1.154s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [89/486]|Tot: 0:01:44 |ETA: 0:08:19 |tot 1.206s (1.155s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |#####                           | [90/486]|Tot: 0:01:45 |ETA: 0:08:09 |tot 1.171s (1.155s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [91/486]|Tot: 0:01:46 |ETA: 0:08:12 |tot 1.299s (1.157s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [92/486]|Tot: 0:01:47 |ETA: 0:08:10 |tot 1.152s (1.157s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [93/486]|Tot: 0:01:49 |ETA: 0:08:05 |tot 1.237s (1.158s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [94/486]|Tot: 0:01:50 |ETA: 0:08:01 |tot 1.111s (1.157s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [95/486]|Tot: 0:01:51 |ETA: 0:07:53 |tot 1.054s (1.156s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [96/486]|Tot: 0:01:52 |ETA: 0:07:41 |tot 0.794s (1.152s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [97/486]|Tot: 0:01:52 |ETA: 0:07:40 |tot 0.760s (1.148s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [98/486]|Tot: 0:01:53 |ETA: 0:07:06 |tot 0.767s (1.144s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [99/486]|Tot: 0:01:54 |ETA: 0:07:05 |tot 0.773s (1.141s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0centerfusion |######                          | [100/486]|Tot: 0:01:55 |ETA: 0:06:31 |tot 0.753s (1.137s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######                          | [101/486]|Tot: 0:01:55 |ETA: 0:06:30 |tot 0.765s (1.133s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######                          | [102/486]|Tot: 0:01:56 |ETA: 0:05:53 |tot 0.830s (1.130s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######                          | [103/486]|Tot: 0:01:57 |ETA: 0:05:52 |tot 0.789s (1.127s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######                          | [104/486]|Tot: 0:01:58 |ETA: 0:05:21 |tot 0.810s (1.124s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######                          | [105/486]|Tot: 0:01:59 |ETA: 0:05:20 |tot 0.806s (1.121s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [106/486]|Tot: 0:01:59 |ETA: 0:04:59 |tot 0.793s (1.118s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [107/486]|Tot: 0:02:00 |ETA: 0:04:58 |tot 0.776s (1.115s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [108/486]|Tot: 0:02:01 |ETA: 0:04:58 |tot 0.807s (1.112s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [109/486]|Tot: 0:02:02 |ETA: 0:04:57 |tot 0.772s (1.109s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [110/486]|Tot: 0:02:02 |ETA: 0:04:58 |tot 0.784s (1.106s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [111/486]|Tot: 0:02:03 |ETA: 0:04:57 |tot 0.815s (1.103s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [112/486]|Tot: 0:02:04 |ETA: 0:04:59 |tot 0.968s (1.102s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [113/486]|Tot: 0:02:05 |ETA: 0:04:58 |tot 0.854s (1.100s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |#######                         | [114/486]|Tot: 0:02:06 |ETA: 0:05:05 |tot 0.799s (1.097s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [115/486]|Tot: 0:02:07 |ETA: 0:05:04 |tot 0.813s (1.095s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [116/486]|Tot: 0:02:08 |ETA: 0:05:03 |tot 0.807s (1.092s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [117/486]|Tot: 0:02:08 |ETA: 0:05:02 |tot 0.781s (1.090s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [118/486]|Tot: 0:02:09 |ETA: 0:05:02 |tot 0.781s (1.087s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [119/486]|Tot: 0:02:10 |ETA: 0:05:02 |tot 0.809s (1.085s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######                         | [120/486]|Tot: 0:02:11 |ETA: 0:05:01 |tot 0.777s (1.082s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [121/486]|Tot: 0:02:11 |ETA: 0:05:00 |tot 0.772s (1.080s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [122/486]|Tot: 0:02:12 |ETA: 0:04:58 |tot 0.792s (1.077s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [123/486]|Tot: 0:02:13 |ETA: 0:04:57 |tot 0.774s (1.075s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [124/486]|Tot: 0:02:14 |ETA: 0:04:47 |tot 0.779s (1.073s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [125/486]|Tot: 0:02:15 |ETA: 0:04:46 |tot 0.767s (1.070s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [126/486]|Tot: 0:02:15 |ETA: 0:04:43 |tot 0.775s (1.068s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [127/486]|Tot: 0:02:16 |ETA: 0:04:42 |tot 0.781s (1.066s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [128/486]|Tot: 0:02:17 |ETA: 0:04:40 |tot 0.786s (1.063s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [129/486]|Tot: 0:02:18 |ETA: 0:04:39 |tot 0.797s (1.061s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [130/486]|Tot: 0:02:19 |ETA: 0:04:38 |tot 0.815s (1.059s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [131/486]|Tot: 0:02:19 |ETA: 0:04:37 |tot 0.794s (1.057s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [132/486]|Tot: 0:02:20 |ETA: 0:04:39 |tot 0.830s (1.056s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [133/486]|Tot: 0:02:21 |ETA: 0:04:38 |tot 0.786s (1.054s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [134/486]|Tot: 0:02:22 |ETA: 0:04:39 |tot 0.788s (1.052s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########                        | [135/486]|Tot: 0:02:23 |ETA: 0:04:38 |tot 0.844s (1.050s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [136/486]|Tot: 0:02:23 |ETA: 0:04:40 |tot 0.839s (1.049s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [137/486]|Tot: 0:02:24 |ETA: 0:04:40 |tot 0.845s (1.047s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [138/486]|Tot: 0:02:25 |ETA: 0:04:43 |tot 0.915s (1.046s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [139/486]|Tot: 0:02:26 |ETA: 0:04:42 |tot 0.954s (1.046s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [140/486]|Tot: 0:02:27 |ETA: 0:04:52 |tot 0.868s (1.044s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [141/486]|Tot: 0:02:28 |ETA: 0:04:51 |tot 0.864s (1.043s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [142/486]|Tot: 0:02:29 |ETA: 0:04:54 |tot 0.831s (1.042s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [143/486]|Tot: 0:02:30 |ETA: 0:04:53 |tot 0.853s (1.040s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [144/486]|Tot: 0:02:30 |ETA: 0:04:55 |tot 0.848s (1.039s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [145/486]|Tot: 0:02:31 |ETA: 0:04:54 |tot 0.832s (1.038s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [146/486]|Tot: 0:02:32 |ETA: 0:04:55 |tot 0.877s (1.036s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [147/486]|Tot: 0:02:33 |ETA: 0:04:54 |tot 0.839s (1.035s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [148/486]|Tot: 0:02:34 |ETA: 0:04:54 |tot 0.838s (1.034s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [149/486]|Tot: 0:02:35 |ETA: 0:04:53 |tot 0.884s (1.033s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########                       | [150/486]|Tot: 0:02:36 |ETA: 0:04:47 |tot 0.834s (1.032s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [151/486]|Tot: 0:02:36 |ETA: 0:04:46 |tot 0.866s (1.030s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [152/486]|Tot: 0:02:37 |ETA: 0:04:45 |tot 0.858s (1.029s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [153/486]|Tot: 0:02:38 |ETA: 0:04:44 |tot 0.819s (1.028s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [154/486]|Tot: 0:02:39 |ETA: 0:04:43 |tot 0.866s (1.027s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [155/486]|Tot: 0:02:40 |ETA: 0:04:42 |tot 0.828s (1.026s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |##########                      | [156/486]|Tot: 0:02:41 |ETA: 0:04:41 |tot 0.873s (1.025s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [157/486]|Tot: 0:02:41 |ETA: 0:04:41 |tot 0.858s (1.024s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [158/486]|Tot: 0:02:42 |ETA: 0:04:40 |tot 0.841s (1.022s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [159/486]|Tot: 0:02:43 |ETA: 0:04:39 |tot 0.876s (1.022s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [160/486]|Tot: 0:02:44 |ETA: 0:04:38 |tot 0.786s (1.020s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [161/486]|Tot: 0:02:45 |ETA: 0:04:37 |tot 0.807s (1.019s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [162/486]|Tot: 0:02:46 |ETA: 0:04:33 |tot 0.769s (1.017s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [163/486]|Tot: 0:02:46 |ETA: 0:04:32 |tot 0.778s (1.016s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [164/486]|Tot: 0:02:47 |ETA: 0:04:27 |tot 0.810s (1.015s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [165/486]|Tot: 0:02:48 |ETA: 0:04:26 |tot 0.805s (1.013s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########                      | [166/486]|Tot: 0:02:49 |ETA: 0:04:23 |tot 0.799s (1.012s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [167/486]|Tot: 0:02:50 |ETA: 0:04:22 |tot 0.798s (1.011s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [168/486]|Tot: 0:02:50 |ETA: 0:04:17 |tot 0.794s (1.009s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [169/486]|Tot: 0:02:51 |ETA: 0:04:16 |tot 0.791s (1.008s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [170/486]|Tot: 0:02:52 |ETA: 0:04:11 |tot 0.816s (1.007s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [171/486]|Tot: 0:02:53 |ETA: 0:04:11 |tot 0.932s (1.007s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [172/486]|Tot: 0:02:54 |ETA: 0:04:15 |tot 0.971s (1.006s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [173/486]|Tot: 0:02:55 |ETA: 0:04:14 |tot 0.829s (1.005s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [174/486]|Tot: 0:02:56 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.885s (1.005s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [175/486]|Tot: 0:02:56 |ETA: 0:04:20 |tot 0.819s (1.004s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [176/486]|Tot: 0:02:57 |ETA: 0:04:22 |tot 0.833s (1.003s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [177/486]|Tot: 0:02:58 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.844s (1.002s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [178/486]|Tot: 0:02:59 |ETA: 0:04:23 |tot 0.805s (1.001s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [179/486]|Tot: 0:03:00 |ETA: 0:04:22 |tot 0.803s (1.000s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [180/486]|Tot: 0:03:01 |ETA: 0:04:22 |tot 0.825s (0.999s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########                     | [181/486]|Tot: 0:03:01 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.813s (0.998s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [182/486]|Tot: 0:03:02 |ETA: 0:04:17 |tot 0.801s (0.996s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [183/486]|Tot: 0:03:03 |ETA: 0:04:16 |tot 0.931s (0.996s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [184/486]|Tot: 0:03:04 |ETA: 0:04:13 |tot 0.975s (0.996s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [185/486]|Tot: 0:03:05 |ETA: 0:04:12 |tot 0.854s (0.995s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [186/486]|Tot: 0:03:06 |ETA: 0:04:15 |tot 0.948s (0.995s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [187/486]|Tot: 0:03:07 |ETA: 0:04:14 |tot 0.944s (0.995s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [188/486]|Tot: 0:03:08 |ETA: 0:04:20 |tot 0.839s (0.994s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [189/486]|Tot: 0:03:08 |ETA: 0:04:19 |tot 0.883s (0.993s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [190/486]|Tot: 0:03:09 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.852s (0.993s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [191/486]|Tot: 0:03:10 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.843s (0.992s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [192/486]|Tot: 0:03:11 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.911s (0.991s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [193/486]|Tot: 0:03:12 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.870s (0.991s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [194/486]|Tot: 0:03:13 |ETA: 0:04:21 |tot 0.826s (0.990s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [195/486]|Tot: 0:03:14 |ETA: 0:04:20 |tot 0.857s (0.989s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############                    | [196/486]|Tot: 0:03:15 |ETA: 0:04:15 |tot 0.871s (0.989s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [197/486]|Tot: 0:03:15 |ETA: 0:04:14 |tot 0.822s (0.988s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [198/486]|Tot: 0:03:16 |ETA: 0:04:08 |tot 0.874s (0.987s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [199/486]|Tot: 0:03:17 |ETA: 0:04:07 |tot 0.803s (0.986s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [200/486]|Tot: 0:03:18 |ETA: 0:04:04 |tot 0.796s (0.985s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [201/486]|Tot: 0:03:19 |ETA: 0:04:04 |tot 0.849s (0.985s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [202/486]|Tot: 0:03:20 |ETA: 0:04:01 |tot 0.855s (0.984s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [203/486]|Tot: 0:03:20 |ETA: 0:04:01 |tot 0.874s (0.983s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [204/486]|Tot: 0:03:21 |ETA: 0:03:58 |tot 0.850s (0.983s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [205/486]|Tot: 0:03:22 |ETA: 0:03:57 |tot 0.870s (0.982s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [206/486]|Tot: 0:03:23 |ETA: 0:03:58 |tot 0.929s (0.982s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [207/486]|Tot: 0:03:24 |ETA: 0:03:57 |tot 0.894s (0.982s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [208/486]|Tot: 0:03:25 |ETA: 0:04:00 |tot 0.798s (0.981s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [209/486]|Tot: 0:03:26 |ETA: 0:03:59 |tot 0.829s (0.980s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [210/486]|Tot: 0:03:26 |ETA: 0:03:56 |tot 0.820s (0.979s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############                   | [211/486]|Tot: 0:03:27 |ETA: 0:03:56 |tot 0.815s (0.978s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [212/486]|Tot: 0:03:28 |ETA: 0:03:54 |tot 0.820s (0.978s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [213/486]|Tot: 0:03:29 |ETA: 0:03:54 |tot 0.802s (0.977s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [214/486]|Tot: 0:03:30 |ETA: 0:03:50 |tot 0.824s (0.976s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [215/486]|Tot: 0:03:30 |ETA: 0:03:49 |tot 0.799s (0.975s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [216/486]|Tot: 0:03:31 |ETA: 0:03:45 |tot 0.796s (0.975s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [217/486]|Tot: 0:03:32 |ETA: 0:03:45 |tot 0.820s (0.974s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [218/486]|Tot: 0:03:33 |ETA: 0:03:38 |tot 0.807s (0.973s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [219/486]|Tot: 0:03:34 |ETA: 0:03:37 |tot 0.810s (0.972s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [220/486]|Tot: 0:03:34 |ETA: 0:03:36 |tot 0.804s (0.972s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [221/486]|Tot: 0:03:35 |ETA: 0:03:36 |tot 0.804s (0.971s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [222/486]|Tot: 0:03:36 |ETA: 0:03:34 |tot 0.856s (0.970s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [223/486]|Tot: 0:03:37 |ETA: 0:03:33 |tot 0.823s (0.970s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [224/486]|Tot: 0:03:38 |ETA: 0:03:34 |tot 0.811s (0.969s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [225/486]|Tot: 0:03:39 |ETA: 0:03:33 |tot 0.873s (0.969s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############                  | [226/486]|Tot: 0:03:40 |ETA: 0:03:34 |tot 0.878s (0.968s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [227/486]|Tot: 0:03:40 |ETA: 0:03:33 |tot 0.825s (0.968s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [228/486]|Tot: 0:03:41 |ETA: 0:03:35 |tot 0.861s (0.967s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [229/486]|Tot: 0:03:42 |ETA: 0:03:34 |tot 0.849s (0.967s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [230/486]|Tot: 0:03:43 |ETA: 0:03:35 |tot 0.859s (0.966s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [231/486]|Tot: 0:03:44 |ETA: 0:03:34 |tot 0.797s (0.965s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [232/486]|Tot: 0:03:45 |ETA: 0:03:35 |tot 0.823s (0.965s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [233/486]|Tot: 0:03:45 |ETA: 0:03:34 |tot 0.872s (0.964s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [234/486]|Tot: 0:03:46 |ETA: 0:03:33 |tot 0.837s (0.964s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [235/486]|Tot: 0:03:47 |ETA: 0:03:33 |tot 0.861s (0.963s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [236/486]|Tot: 0:03:48 |ETA: 0:03:32 |tot 0.842s (0.963s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [237/486]|Tot: 0:03:49 |ETA: 0:03:31 |tot 0.860s (0.962s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [238/486]|Tot: 0:03:50 |ETA: 0:03:30 |tot 0.898s (0.962s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [239/486]|Tot: 0:03:51 |ETA: 0:03:30 |tot 0.849s (0.962s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [240/486]|Tot: 0:03:51 |ETA: 0:03:30 |tot 0.799s (0.961s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###############                 | [241/486]|Tot: 0:03:52 |ETA: 0:03:29 |tot 0.816s (0.960s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [242/486]|Tot: 0:03:53 |ETA: 0:03:27 |tot 0.810s (0.960s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [243/486]|Tot: 0:03:54 |ETA: 0:03:26 |tot 0.884s (0.959s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [244/486]|Tot: 0:03:55 |ETA: 0:03:25 |tot 0.883s (0.959s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [245/486]|Tot: 0:03:56 |ETA: 0:03:24 |tot 0.857s (0.959s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [246/486]|Tot: 0:03:56 |ETA: 0:03:25 |tot 0.869s (0.958s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [247/486]|Tot: 0:03:57 |ETA: 0:03:24 |tot 0.840s (0.958s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [248/486]|Tot: 0:03:58 |ETA: 0:03:23 |tot 0.880s (0.958s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [249/486]|Tot: 0:03:59 |ETA: 0:03:22 |tot 0.842s (0.957s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [250/486]|Tot: 0:04:00 |ETA: 0:03:21 |tot 0.875s (0.957s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [251/486]|Tot: 0:04:01 |ETA: 0:03:20 |tot 0.857s (0.956s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [252/486]|Tot: 0:04:02 |ETA: 0:03:22 |tot 1.031s (0.957s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [253/486]|Tot: 0:04:03 |ETA: 0:03:26 |tot 0.912s (0.957s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [254/486]|Tot: 0:04:04 |ETA: 0:03:25 |tot 0.986s (0.957s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [255/486]|Tot: 0:04:05 |ETA: 0:03:27 |tot 0.883s (0.956s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [256/486]|Tot: 0:04:06 |ETA: 0:03:26 |tot 0.943s (0.956s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################                | [257/486]|Tot: 0:04:06 |ETA: 0:03:28 |tot 0.904s (0.956s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [258/486]|Tot: 0:04:07 |ETA: 0:03:27 |tot 0.890s (0.956s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [259/486]|Tot: 0:04:08 |ETA: 0:03:28 |tot 0.941s (0.956s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [260/486]|Tot: 0:04:09 |ETA: 0:03:27 |tot 0.868s (0.955s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [261/486]|Tot: 0:04:10 |ETA: 0:03:28 |tot 0.891s (0.955s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [262/486]|Tot: 0:04:11 |ETA: 0:03:27 |tot 0.910s (0.955s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [263/486]|Tot: 0:04:12 |ETA: 0:03:24 |tot 0.888s (0.955s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [264/486]|Tot: 0:04:13 |ETA: 0:03:23 |tot 0.927s (0.955s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [265/486]|Tot: 0:04:14 |ETA: 0:03:20 |tot 0.908s (0.954s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [266/486]|Tot: 0:04:15 |ETA: 0:03:20 |tot 0.851s (0.954s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [267/486]|Tot: 0:04:15 |ETA: 0:03:17 |tot 0.883s (0.954s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [268/486]|Tot: 0:04:16 |ETA: 0:03:16 |tot 0.863s (0.953s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [269/486]|Tot: 0:04:17 |ETA: 0:03:14 |tot 0.892s (0.953s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [270/486]|Tot: 0:04:18 |ETA: 0:03:13 |tot 0.876s (0.953s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [271/486]|Tot: 0:04:19 |ETA: 0:03:12 |tot 0.898s (0.953s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#################               | [272/486]|Tot: 0:04:20 |ETA: 0:03:11 |tot 0.897s (0.953s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [273/486]|Tot: 0:04:21 |ETA: 0:03:10 |tot 0.903s (0.952s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [274/486]|Tot: 0:04:22 |ETA: 0:03:09 |tot 0.848s (0.952s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [275/486]|Tot: 0:04:23 |ETA: 0:03:07 |tot 0.966s (0.952s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [276/486]|Tot: 0:04:23 |ETA: 0:03:06 |tot 0.846s (0.952s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [277/486]|Tot: 0:04:24 |ETA: 0:03:06 |tot 0.899s (0.951s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [278/486]|Tot: 0:04:25 |ETA: 0:03:05 |tot 0.902s (0.951s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [279/486]|Tot: 0:04:26 |ETA: 0:03:05 |tot 0.863s (0.951s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [280/486]|Tot: 0:04:27 |ETA: 0:03:04 |tot 0.807s (0.950s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [281/486]|Tot: 0:04:28 |ETA: 0:03:02 |tot 0.874s (0.950s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |##################              | [282/486]|Tot: 0:04:29 |ETA: 0:03:01 |tot 0.866s (0.950s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [283/486]|Tot: 0:04:29 |ETA: 0:02:59 |tot 0.866s (0.950s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [284/486]|Tot: 0:04:30 |ETA: 0:02:58 |tot 0.898s (0.949s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [285/486]|Tot: 0:04:31 |ETA: 0:02:57 |tot 0.908s (0.949s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [286/486]|Tot: 0:04:32 |ETA: 0:02:56 |tot 0.949s (0.949s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##################              | [287/486]|Tot: 0:04:33 |ETA: 0:02:56 |tot 0.855s (0.949s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [288/486]|Tot: 0:04:34 |ETA: 0:02:55 |tot 0.903s (0.949s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [289/486]|Tot: 0:04:35 |ETA: 0:02:54 |tot 0.866s (0.949s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [290/486]|Tot: 0:04:36 |ETA: 0:02:53 |tot 0.916s (0.948s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [291/486]|Tot: 0:04:37 |ETA: 0:02:54 |tot 0.864s (0.948s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [292/486]|Tot: 0:04:38 |ETA: 0:02:53 |tot 0.876s (0.948s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [293/486]|Tot: 0:04:38 |ETA: 0:02:52 |tot 0.893s (0.948s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [294/486]|Tot: 0:04:39 |ETA: 0:02:51 |tot 0.852s (0.947s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [295/486]|Tot: 0:04:40 |ETA: 0:02:50 |tot 0.900s (0.947s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [296/486]|Tot: 0:04:41 |ETA: 0:02:49 |tot 0.869s (0.947s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [297/486]|Tot: 0:04:42 |ETA: 0:02:47 |tot 0.865s (0.947s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [298/486]|Tot: 0:04:43 |ETA: 0:02:46 |tot 0.871s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [299/486]|Tot: 0:04:44 |ETA: 0:02:45 |tot 0.892s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [300/486]|Tot: 0:04:45 |ETA: 0:02:44 |tot 0.865s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |###################             | [301/486]|Tot: 0:04:46 |ETA: 0:02:42 |tot 1.036s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###################             | [302/486]|Tot: 0:04:47 |ETA: 0:02:45 |tot 1.005s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [303/486]|Tot: 0:04:47 |ETA: 0:02:46 |tot 0.811s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [304/486]|Tot: 0:04:48 |ETA: 0:02:45 |tot 0.842s (0.946s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [305/486]|Tot: 0:04:49 |ETA: 0:02:43 |tot 0.836s (0.945s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [306/486]|Tot: 0:04:50 |ETA: 0:02:42 |tot 0.888s (0.945s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [307/486]|Tot: 0:04:51 |ETA: 0:02:40 |tot 0.844s (0.945s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [308/486]|Tot: 0:04:52 |ETA: 0:02:39 |tot 0.785s (0.944s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [309/486]|Tot: 0:04:52 |ETA: 0:02:36 |tot 0.813s (0.944s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [310/486]|Tot: 0:04:53 |ETA: 0:02:36 |tot 0.848s (0.944s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [311/486]|Tot: 0:04:54 |ETA: 0:02:33 |tot 0.807s (0.943s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [312/486]|Tot: 0:04:55 |ETA: 0:02:32 |tot 0.831s (0.943s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [313/486]|Tot: 0:04:56 |ETA: 0:02:24 |tot 0.820s (0.942s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [314/486]|Tot: 0:04:57 |ETA: 0:02:23 |tot 0.823s (0.942s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [315/486]|Tot: 0:04:57 |ETA: 0:02:22 |tot 0.797s (0.942s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [316/486]|Tot: 0:04:58 |ETA: 0:02:22 |tot 0.802s (0.941s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |####################            | [317/486]|Tot: 0:04:59 |ETA: 0:02:19 |tot 0.831s (0.941s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [318/486]|Tot: 0:05:00 |ETA: 0:02:18 |tot 0.835s (0.940s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [319/486]|Tot: 0:05:01 |ETA: 0:02:18 |tot 0.760s (0.940s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [320/486]|Tot: 0:05:01 |ETA: 0:02:17 |tot 0.792s (0.939s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [321/486]|Tot: 0:05:02 |ETA: 0:02:14 |tot 0.846s (0.939s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [322/486]|Tot: 0:05:03 |ETA: 0:02:13 |tot 0.832s (0.939s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [323/486]|Tot: 0:05:04 |ETA: 0:02:13 |tot 0.826s (0.938s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [324/486]|Tot: 0:05:05 |ETA: 0:02:12 |tot 0.844s (0.938s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [325/486]|Tot: 0:05:06 |ETA: 0:02:12 |tot 0.824s (0.938s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [326/486]|Tot: 0:05:06 |ETA: 0:02:11 |tot 0.931s (0.938s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [327/486]|Tot: 0:05:07 |ETA: 0:02:13 |tot 0.834s (0.937s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [328/486]|Tot: 0:05:08 |ETA: 0:02:12 |tot 0.844s (0.937s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [329/486]|Tot: 0:05:09 |ETA: 0:02:11 |tot 0.836s (0.937s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [330/486]|Tot: 0:05:10 |ETA: 0:02:11 |tot 0.840s (0.937s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [331/486]|Tot: 0:05:11 |ETA: 0:02:12 |tot 0.820s (0.936s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [332/486]|Tot: 0:05:11 |ETA: 0:02:11 |tot 0.809s (0.936s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#####################           | [333/486]|Tot: 0:05:12 |ETA: 0:02:09 |tot 0.927s (0.936s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [334/486]|Tot: 0:05:13 |ETA: 0:02:08 |tot 0.816s (0.935s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [335/486]|Tot: 0:05:14 |ETA: 0:02:09 |tot 0.848s (0.935s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [336/486]|Tot: 0:05:15 |ETA: 0:02:08 |tot 0.796s (0.935s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [337/486]|Tot: 0:05:16 |ETA: 0:02:05 |tot 0.774s (0.934s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [338/486]|Tot: 0:05:16 |ETA: 0:02:04 |tot 0.760s (0.934s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [339/486]|Tot: 0:05:17 |ETA: 0:02:01 |tot 0.804s (0.933s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [340/486]|Tot: 0:05:18 |ETA: 0:02:01 |tot 0.775s (0.933s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [341/486]|Tot: 0:05:19 |ETA: 0:01:58 |tot 0.813s (0.933s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [342/486]|Tot: 0:05:20 |ETA: 0:01:58 |tot 0.788s (0.932s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [343/486]|Tot: 0:05:20 |ETA: 0:01:56 |tot 0.774s (0.932s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [344/486]|Tot: 0:05:21 |ETA: 0:01:56 |tot 0.804s (0.931s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [345/486]|Tot: 0:05:22 |ETA: 0:01:52 |tot 0.801s (0.931s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [346/486]|Tot: 0:05:23 |ETA: 0:01:52 |tot 0.834s (0.931s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [347/486]|Tot: 0:05:24 |ETA: 0:01:51 |tot 0.799s (0.930s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |######################          | [348/486]|Tot: 0:05:24 |ETA: 0:01:50 |tot 0.836s (0.930s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [349/486]|Tot: 0:05:25 |ETA: 0:01:51 |tot 0.796s (0.930s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [350/486]|Tot: 0:05:26 |ETA: 0:01:50 |tot 0.781s (0.929s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [351/486]|Tot: 0:05:27 |ETA: 0:01:49 |tot 0.857s (0.929s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [352/486]|Tot: 0:05:28 |ETA: 0:01:48 |tot 0.792s (0.929s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [353/486]|Tot: 0:05:28 |ETA: 0:01:48 |tot 0.801s (0.928s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [354/486]|Tot: 0:05:29 |ETA: 0:01:47 |tot 0.801s (0.928s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [355/486]|Tot: 0:05:30 |ETA: 0:01:47 |tot 1.001s (0.928s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [356/486]|Tot: 0:05:31 |ETA: 0:01:48 |tot 0.840s (0.928s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [357/486]|Tot: 0:05:32 |ETA: 0:01:48 |tot 0.790s (0.927s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [358/486]|Tot: 0:05:33 |ETA: 0:01:47 |tot 0.999s (0.928s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [359/486]|Tot: 0:05:34 |ETA: 0:01:46 |tot 0.788s (0.927s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [360/486]|Tot: 0:05:34 |ETA: 0:01:47 |tot 0.802s (0.927s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [361/486]|Tot: 0:05:35 |ETA: 0:01:46 |tot 0.794s (0.927s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [362/486]|Tot: 0:05:36 |ETA: 0:01:45 |tot 0.777s (0.926s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#######################         | [363/486]|Tot: 0:05:37 |ETA: 0:01:44 |tot 0.849s (0.926s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [364/486]|Tot: 0:05:38 |ETA: 0:01:44 |tot 0.850s (0.926s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [365/486]|Tot: 0:05:38 |ETA: 0:01:43 |tot 0.789s (0.925s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |########################        | [366/486]|Tot: 0:05:39 |ETA: 0:01:40 |tot 0.791s (0.925s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [367/486]|Tot: 0:05:40 |ETA: 0:01:39 |tot 0.788s (0.925s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [368/486]|Tot: 0:05:41 |ETA: 0:01:38 |tot 0.799s (0.924s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [369/486]|Tot: 0:05:42 |ETA: 0:01:37 |tot 0.804s (0.924s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [370/486]|Tot: 0:05:43 |ETA: 0:01:34 |tot 0.819s (0.924s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [371/486]|Tot: 0:05:43 |ETA: 0:01:33 |tot 0.794s (0.923s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [372/486]|Tot: 0:05:44 |ETA: 0:01:32 |tot 0.859s (0.923s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [373/486]|Tot: 0:05:45 |ETA: 0:01:32 |tot 0.800s (0.923s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [374/486]|Tot: 0:05:46 |ETA: 0:01:31 |tot 0.806s (0.923s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [375/486]|Tot: 0:05:47 |ETA: 0:01:30 |tot 0.833s (0.922s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [376/486]|Tot: 0:05:47 |ETA: 0:01:30 |tot 0.809s (0.922s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [377/486]|Tot: 0:05:48 |ETA: 0:01:29 |tot 0.836s (0.922s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |########################        | [378/486]|Tot: 0:05:49 |ETA: 0:01:29 |tot 0.831s (0.922s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [379/486]|Tot: 0:05:50 |ETA: 0:01:28 |tot 0.810s (0.921s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [380/486]|Tot: 0:05:51 |ETA: 0:01:27 |tot 0.817s (0.921s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [381/486]|Tot: 0:05:52 |ETA: 0:01:27 |tot 0.843s (0.921s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [382/486]|Tot: 0:05:52 |ETA: 0:01:26 |tot 0.847s (0.921s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [383/486]|Tot: 0:05:53 |ETA: 0:01:25 |tot 0.853s (0.920s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [384/486]|Tot: 0:05:54 |ETA: 0:01:25 |tot 0.796s (0.920s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [385/486]|Tot: 0:05:55 |ETA: 0:01:24 |tot 0.800s (0.920s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |#########################       | [386/486]|Tot: 0:05:56 |ETA: 0:01:23 |tot 0.841s (0.920s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |#########################       | [387/486]|Tot: 0:05:56 |ETA: 0:01:22 |tot 0.815s (0.919s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [388/486]|Tot: 0:05:57 |ETA: 0:01:21 |tot 0.892s (0.919s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [389/486]|Tot: 0:05:58 |ETA: 0:01:21 |tot 0.867s (0.919s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [390/486]|Tot: 0:05:59 |ETA: 0:01:21 |tot 0.845s (0.919s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [391/486]|Tot: 0:06:00 |ETA: 0:01:20 |tot 0.877s (0.919s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [392/486]|Tot: 0:06:01 |ETA: 0:01:20 |tot 0.869s (0.919s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#########################       | [393/486]|Tot: 0:06:02 |ETA: 0:01:19 |tot 0.859s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [394/486]|Tot: 0:06:03 |ETA: 0:01:18 |tot 0.865s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [395/486]|Tot: 0:06:03 |ETA: 0:01:18 |tot 0.862s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [396/486]|Tot: 0:06:04 |ETA: 0:01:18 |tot 0.853s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [397/486]|Tot: 0:06:05 |ETA: 0:01:17 |tot 0.904s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [398/486]|Tot: 0:06:06 |ETA: 0:01:17 |tot 0.830s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [399/486]|Tot: 0:06:07 |ETA: 0:01:16 |tot 0.844s (0.918s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [400/486]|Tot: 0:06:08 |ETA: 0:01:15 |tot 0.866s (0.917s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [401/486]|Tot: 0:06:09 |ETA: 0:01:14 |tot 0.871s (0.917s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [402/486]|Tot: 0:06:09 |ETA: 0:01:13 |tot 0.886s (0.917s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [403/486]|Tot: 0:06:10 |ETA: 0:01:12 |tot 0.827s (0.917s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [404/486]|Tot: 0:06:11 |ETA: 0:01:11 |tot 0.769s (0.917s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [405/486]|Tot: 0:06:12 |ETA: 0:01:10 |tot 0.834s (0.916s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [406/486]|Tot: 0:06:13 |ETA: 0:01:08 |tot 0.829s (0.916s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [407/486]|Tot: 0:06:14 |ETA: 0:01:08 |tot 0.828s (0.916s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [408/486]|Tot: 0:06:14 |ETA: 0:01:06 |tot 0.788s (0.916s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##########################      | [409/486]|Tot: 0:06:15 |ETA: 0:01:05 |tot 0.809s (0.915s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [410/486]|Tot: 0:06:16 |ETA: 0:01:04 |tot 0.802s (0.915s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [411/486]|Tot: 0:06:17 |ETA: 0:01:03 |tot 0.805s (0.915s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |###########################     | [412/486]|Tot: 0:06:18 |ETA: 0:01:01 |tot 0.805s (0.915s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [413/486]|Tot: 0:06:18 |ETA: 0:01:00 |tot 0.818s (0.914s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [414/486]|Tot: 0:06:19 |ETA: 0:00:59 |tot 0.772s (0.914s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [415/486]|Tot: 0:06:20 |ETA: 0:00:58 |tot 0.796s (0.914s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [416/486]|Tot: 0:06:21 |ETA: 0:00:57 |tot 0.770s (0.913s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [417/486]|Tot: 0:06:22 |ETA: 0:00:56 |tot 0.767s (0.913s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [418/486]|Tot: 0:06:22 |ETA: 0:00:54 |tot 0.798s (0.913s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [419/486]|Tot: 0:06:23 |ETA: 0:00:54 |tot 0.773s (0.912s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [420/486]|Tot: 0:06:24 |ETA: 0:00:53 |tot 0.827s (0.912s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [421/486]|Tot: 0:06:25 |ETA: 0:00:52 |tot 0.812s (0.912s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [422/486]|Tot: 0:06:25 |ETA: 0:00:51 |tot 0.772s (0.912s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [423/486]|Tot: 0:06:26 |ETA: 0:00:51 |tot 0.823s (0.912s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |###########################     | [424/486]|Tot: 0:06:27 |ETA: 0:00:50 |tot 0.836s (0.911s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [425/486]|Tot: 0:06:28 |ETA: 0:00:49 |tot 0.834s (0.911s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [426/486]|Tot: 0:06:29 |ETA: 0:00:49 |tot 0.812s (0.911s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [427/486]|Tot: 0:06:30 |ETA: 0:00:48 |tot 0.837s (0.911s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [428/486]|Tot: 0:06:30 |ETA: 0:00:48 |tot 0.845s (0.911s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [429/486]|Tot: 0:06:31 |ETA: 0:00:47 |tot 0.761s (0.910s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [430/486]|Tot: 0:06:32 |ETA: 0:00:46 |tot 0.837s (0.910s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [431/486]|Tot: 0:06:33 |ETA: 0:00:45 |tot 0.827s (0.910s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [432/486]|Tot: 0:06:34 |ETA: 0:00:45 |tot 0.808s (0.910s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [433/486]|Tot: 0:06:34 |ETA: 0:00:44 |tot 0.762s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [434/486]|Tot: 0:06:35 |ETA: 0:00:43 |tot 0.831s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [435/486]|Tot: 0:06:36 |ETA: 0:00:42 |tot 0.848s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [436/486]|Tot: 0:06:37 |ETA: 0:00:41 |tot 0.799s (0.909s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [437/486]|Tot: 0:06:38 |ETA: 0:00:41 |tot 0.827s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [438/486]|Tot: 0:06:39 |ETA: 0:00:40 |tot 0.853s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################    | [439/486]|Tot: 0:06:40 |ETA: 0:00:39 |tot 0.869s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [440/486]|Tot: 0:06:40 |ETA: 0:00:39 |tot 0.828s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [441/486]|Tot: 0:06:41 |ETA: 0:00:38 |tot 0.828s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [442/486]|Tot: 0:06:42 |ETA: 0:00:37 |tot 0.820s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [443/486]|Tot: 0:06:43 |ETA: 0:00:36 |tot 0.891s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [444/486]|Tot: 0:06:44 |ETA: 0:00:36 |tot 0.832s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [445/486]|Tot: 0:06:44 |ETA: 0:00:35 |tot 0.741s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [446/486]|Tot: 0:06:45 |ETA: 0:00:34 |tot 0.807s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [447/486]|Tot: 0:06:46 |ETA: 0:00:33 |tot 0.833s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [448/486]|Tot: 0:06:47 |ETA: 0:00:32 |tot 0.797s (0.907s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [449/486]|Tot: 0:06:48 |ETA: 0:00:31 |tot 0.763s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [450/486]|Tot: 0:06:49 |ETA: 0:00:30 |tot 0.917s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [451/486]|Tot: 0:06:49 |ETA: 0:00:29 |tot 0.839s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [452/486]|Tot: 0:06:50 |ETA: 0:00:29 |tot 0.820s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [453/486]|Tot: 0:06:51 |ETA: 0:00:28 |tot 1.235s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |#############################   | [454/486]|Tot: 0:06:53 |ETA: 0:00:28 |tot 1.090s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [455/486]|Tot: 0:06:54 |ETA: 0:00:28 |tot 1.164s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [456/486]|Tot: 0:06:55 |ETA: 0:00:28 |tot 1.158s (0.908s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [457/486]|Tot: 0:06:56 |ETA: 0:00:28 |tot 1.075s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.002s (centerfusion |##############################  | [458/486]|Tot: 0:06:57 |ETA: 0:00:28 |tot 0.988s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [459/486]|Tot: 0:06:58 |ETA: 0:00:27 |tot 0.922s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [460/486]|Tot: 0:06:59 |ETA: 0:00:27 |tot 0.822s (0.909s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [461/486]|Tot: 0:07:00 |ETA: 0:00:26 |tot 0.831s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [462/486]|Tot: 0:07:00 |ETA: 0:00:25 |tot 0.840s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [463/486]|Tot: 0:07:01 |ETA: 0:00:24 |tot 0.903s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [464/486]|Tot: 0:07:02 |ETA: 0:00:22 |tot 0.890s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [465/486]|Tot: 0:07:03 |ETA: 0:00:21 |tot 0.979s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [466/486]|Tot: 0:07:04 |ETA: 0:00:19 |tot 0.966s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [467/486]|Tot: 0:07:05 |ETA: 0:00:18 |tot 0.816s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [468/486]|Tot: 0:07:06 |ETA: 0:00:17 |tot 0.796s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |##############################  | [469/486]|Tot: 0:07:06 |ETA: 0:00:16 |tot 0.766s (0.908s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [470/486]|Tot: 0:07:07 |ETA: 0:00:14 |tot 0.790s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [471/486]|Tot: 0:07:08 |ETA: 0:00:13 |tot 0.795s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [472/486]|Tot: 0:07:09 |ETA: 0:00:12 |tot 0.772s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [473/486]|Tot: 0:07:10 |ETA: 0:00:12 |tot 0.769s (0.907s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [474/486]|Tot: 0:07:10 |ETA: 0:00:11 |tot 0.810s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [475/486]|Tot: 0:07:11 |ETA: 0:00:10 |tot 0.806s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [476/486]|Tot: 0:07:12 |ETA: 0:00:09 |tot 0.728s (0.906s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [477/486]|Tot: 0:07:13 |ETA: 0:00:08 |tot 0.744s (0.906s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [478/486]|Tot: 0:07:13 |ETA: 0:00:07 |tot 0.721s (0.905s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [479/486]|Tot: 0:07:14 |ETA: 0:00:06 |tot 0.712s (0.905s) |load 0.000s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [480/486]|Tot: 0:07:15 |ETA: 0:00:05 |tot 0.699s (0.904s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [481/486]|Tot: 0:07:16 |ETA: 0:00:04 |tot 0.716s (0.904s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [482/486]|Tot: 0:07:16 |ETA: 0:00:03 |tot 0.694s (0.903s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [483/486]|Tot: 0:07:17 |ETA: 0:00:03 |tot 0.710s (0.903s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |############################### | [484/486]|Tot: 0:07:18 |ETA: 0:00:02 |tot 0.674s (0.903s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (centerfusion |################################| [485/486]|Tot: 0:07:18 |ETA: 0:00:01 |tot 0.693s (0.902s) |load 0.001s (0.001s) |pre 0.001s (0.001s) |net 0.679s (0.887s) |dec 0.001s (0.002s) |post 0.010s (0.011s) |merge 0.000s (0.000s) |track 0.000s (0.000s) 
Converting nuscenes format...
Loading NuScenes tables for version v1.0-mini...
23 category,
8 attribute,
4 visibility,
911 instance,
12 sensor,
120 calibrated_sensor,
31206 ego_pose,
8 log,
10 scene,
404 sample,
31206 sample_data,
18538 sample_annotation,
4 map,
Done loading in 0.316 seconds.
Reverse indexing ...
Done reverse indexing in 0.1 seconds.
Initializing nuScenes detection evaluation
Loaded results from /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion/results_nuscenes_det_mini_val.json. Found detections for 81 samples.
Loading annotations for mini_val split from nuScenes version: v1.0-mini
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 81/81 [00:00<00:00, 360.56it/s]
Loaded ground truth annotations for 81 samples.
Filtering predictions
=> Original number of boxes: 40500
=> After distance based filtering: 32179
=> After LIDAR and RADAR points based filtering: 32179
=> After bike rack filtering: 32105
Filtering ground truth annotations
=> Original number of boxes: 4441
=> After distance based filtering: 3785
=> After LIDAR and RADAR points based filtering: 3393
=> After bike rack filtering: 3393
Accumulating metric data...
Calculating metrics...
Saving metrics to: /home/fabrizioschiano/repositories/CenterFusion/src/lib/../../exp/ddd/centerfusion/nuscenes_eval_det_output_mini_val/
mAP: 0.3129
mATE: 0.6590
mASE: 0.4630
mAOE: 0.6008
mAVE: 0.7622
mAAE: 0.3084
NDS: 0.3771
Eval time: 5.4s

Per-class results:
car	0.542	0.418	0.159	0.120	0.152	0.073
truck	0.442	0.542	0.168	0.133	0.141	0.122
bus	0.549	0.484	0.081	0.079	1.400	0.090
trailer	0.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000
construction_vehicle	0.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	1.000
pedestrian	0.468	0.561	0.262	0.491	0.512	0.118
motorcycle	0.318	0.689	0.342	1.167	0.061	0.016
bicycle	0.187	0.448	0.299	0.417	1.832	0.048
traffic_cone	0.624	0.447	0.319	nan	nan	nan
barrier	0.000	1.000	1.000	1.000	nan	nan
[log -] End __main__

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LeopoldACC commented Jul 14, 2022

The val_split is mini_val,which is a part of the whole val dataset, so you should test the pretrained model on the whole val dataset.

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