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94 lines (55 loc) · 9.99 KB

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94 lines (55 loc) · 9.99 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.


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🏡 Chore

  • release: V1.0.2 (6c1e3f0)
  • package.json: Update repository field to include type and url for better clarity and compatibility (4b4a892)

❤️ Contributors


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📖 Documentation

  • Update README with information about the Rive integration in Nuxt application (4c42375)
  • Update links formatting for Release Notes, Online playground, and Documentation sections to improve readability and consistency (bf2745e)
  • Remove commented out template code and update README with correct image link and formatting (87d06b6)

🏡 Chore

  • .eslintignore): update ignore patterns to exclude additional directories and files 🔧 chore(.npmrc): add new line at the end of the file 🔧 chore(build.config.ts): add build configuration file to disable treeshaking and handle a specific issue with unbuild 🔥 refactor(playground/app.config.ts): remove unused app configuration file 🔧 chore(playground/nuxt.config.ts): comment out devtools option in nuxt configuration 🔧 chore(playground/package.json): remove unused dependency and devDependency 🔧 chore(playground/pages/index.vue): remove unused class from div element 🔥 refactor(playground/tailwind.config.ts): remove unused tailwind configuration file 🔧 chore(pnpm-workspace.yaml: Add pnpm workspace configuration file to include additional packages in the workspace (ee975a7)
  • NuxtRive.client.vue: Remove unnecessary import statement and add newline at the end of the file for consistency (707f798)

🎨 Styles

  • Update image link in the README to display the correct image (24cfd61)

❤️ Contributors


🩹 Fixes

  • useStateMachineInput.ts): export StateMachineInput type from '@rive-app/webgl' to fix import error in index.vue 🔧 fix(index.vue): update import path for StateMachineInput type to fix import error 🔧 fix(module.ts): add import for addImportsDir from '@nuxt/kit' to fix missing import error 🔧 fix(Rive.client.vue): update import path for types to fix import error ✨ feat(composables/useStateMachineInput.ts): add useStateMachineInput composable to fetch stateMachine input from a rive file 🔧 chore(types/index.ts: Add types for UseRiveParameters, UseRiveOptions, and Dimensions to improve type safety (d70b63c)
  • index.vue): comment out unused imports and variables to improve code readability and maintainability 🔧 fix(index.vue): update useStateMachineInput function call to use rive instead of rive.value to fix runtime error 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue): update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable 🔧 fix(index.vue: Update clickHandler function to remove unused agreeInput variable (4313b9b)

💅 Refactors

  • index.vue: Remove unused import of StateMachineInput from '../composables/useStateMachineInput' to improve code cleanliness and reduce potential confusion (2cf35b3)
  • module.ts: Comment out unused code to improve code readability and maintainability (804922d)

📖 Documentation

  • Update module name from "My Module" to "Nuxt-Rive" for clarity and consistency (534ab92)
  • Add initial changelog file to document notable changes in the project (9cf4584)
  • Update online playground link to point to the correct URL (ff6896f)
  • update package name from 'my-module' to 'nuxt-rive' for consistency and clarity 📝 docs( update package name in installation instructions to 'nuxt-rive' to reflect the correct package name 📝 docs( update module name in 'modules' section of 'nuxt.config.ts' to 'nuxt-rive' for accurate configuration 📝 docs( update npm badge URLs to point to 'nuxt-rive' package instead of 'my-module' for correct information 📝 docs( Update license badge URLs to point to 'nuxt-rive' package instead of 'my-module' for accurate licensing information (0a243bf)

🏡 Chore

  • .release-it.json): add release-it configuration file to enable automated releases with conventional commit messages 📝 docs(.vscode/snippet.code-snippets): add code snippets for Vue 3 and Nuxt 3 development 📦 chore(package.json): add dependencies for @rive-app/webgl and @vueuse/core 🔨 refactor(playground/app.vue): update app.vue to use NuxtLayout and NuxtPage components ✨ feat(playground/pages/index.vue): add index.vue page with Rive component and its parameters 🔨 refactor(src/module.ts): update module.ts to add Rive component and import necessary files 📝 docs(src/runtime/Rive..vue.d.ts): add type definitions for Rive component 📝 docs(src/runtime/Rive.client.vue): add Rive client component with props definition 📝 docs(src/runtime/Rive.server.vue): add Rive server component 📝 docs(src/runtime/plugin.ts: Update plugin.ts to reflect module name change (6bc3d2f)
  • package.json: Add @nuxt/ui as a dependency to support UI components in the project (7ca7f6e)
  • useStateMachineInput.ts: Comment out console.log statement for better code readability and remove unnecessary log statements (5678967)
  • package.json: Update package name, description, and repository URL (91252a9)
  • app.vue: Add script setup tag with lang="ts" to enable TypeScript support in the Vue component (1266f4d)
  • tsconfig.json): update tsconfig.json to fix path for extending tsconfig file ✨ feat(module.ts: Add custom tab for Nuxt Rive in devtools with name, title, icon, and view configuration (251a92d)
  • package.json): add release-it package as a dev dependency to enable automated releases 📦 chore(package.json: Update vitest package version to ^1.2.2 for compatibility (2fce6fb)
  • package.json): add stackblitz start command to simplify running the app on StackBlitz 🚀 feat(package.json: Update dependencies to latest versions for @nuxt/kit and @rive-app/webgl (e29985c)

❤️ Contributors