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To install from PyPI run:

pip install pyprotolinc

Install for Development

Alternatively, or for delevoplement clone (or download) the repository from and run:

pip install -e .

from the root directory of the repository.

Building the Documentation

To build the docs locally the first step is to build the xml output for the C++ documentation. To do that doxygen needs to be installed and in the path. Change into the C++ root directory and build the docs:

cd src\pyprotolinc\actuarial\c_src

The second step is to cd into the docs subdirectory of the root folder and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
make html

On windows I needed to install pandoc as well and this worked using the conda package manager.


Python test are configured and can be run by running pytest from the root directory.

Some tests of the C++ code using the gtest are provided. To run those one needs to install cMake (e.g. from here) and gtest. On Windows I got gtest to run by first installing vcpkg and then intsalling it via:

vcpkg.exe install gtest:x64-windows

(when leaving the x64-windows out I got the x86 version installed at first). On Linux I was able to download gtest using conan (pip install conan and then conan install gtest) - I did not manage to do that on Windows so that now the configurations are a bit different. To build and run the C++ tests proceed as follows:

cd src\pyprotolinc\actuarial\c_src

When running for the first time configure the build as follows:

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="D:\programming\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake"

Then to build and run the tests:

cmake --build build --target tests & build\tests\Debug\tests.exe

Uploading a new Version to PyPI

Building a distribution locally works via:

python -m build
twine upload dist/*

if build and twine are also installed.