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Takatoshi Kondo edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 18 revisions

msgpack-c C version users guide

How to use

Include msgpack.hpp header file.

#include <msgpack.hpp>

Link msgpack library. When you use UNIX, the library name is libmsgpack.a. When you use Windows, the library name is msgpack.lib for static link and msgpack_import.lib for dynamic link.


When you pack your data, use buffers and a packer.

msgpack_sbuffer sbuf; /* buffer */
msgpack_packer pk;    /* packer */

msgpack_sbuffer_init(&sbuf); /* initialize buffer */
msgpack_packer_init(&pk, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write); /* initialize packer */


The buffers store packed byte data. The buffers are used by packer. msgpack-c provides four buffers. sbuffer, fbuffer, zbuffer, and vrefbuffer.

Initialize, Destroy, and Write

All buffers have at least three functions. Initialize, Destroy, and Write.

Buffer Initialize Destroy Write
sbuffer msgpack_sbuffer_init msgpack_sbuffer_destroy msgpack_sbuffer_write
zbuffer msgpack_zbuffer_init msgpack_zbuffer_destroy msgpack_zbuffer_write
vrefbuffer msgpack_vrefbuffer_init msgpack_vrefbuffer_destroy msgpack_vrefbuffer_write
fbuffer fopen fclose msgpack_fbuffer_write

When you initialize packer, you pass a pointer to the buffer as the second argument, and pass write function pointer as the third argument. Packer calls the write function through the pointer internally.