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File metadata and controls

104 lines (94 loc) · 4.19 KB

global variables

* msg
    .sender - external address from where function call came from
* tx
* block

collection of values (array)

* fixed - `uint[2] arrayName;`
* dynamic - `uint[] arrayName;`
    * array of structs - `Person[] people;`

passing argument to function

* by value
    - solidity creates a fresh copy of the property and passes
        it to the function
* by reference
    - solidity passes as the argument to the function a reference
        to the property
    - string, array, struct and mappings
    - add keyword 'memory' when declaring reference type as argument


* split code logic between contracts
´´contract subcontractname is maincontractname´´
* more organized code
* reusability 


 - talk to your front-end that something happened on the blockchain
 - declare 'event' with needed args
 - call event through 'emit' within the desired function, add parameters too.

Structure of a contract

state variables

        * stored in 'contract storage' (etherium blockchain)
value types
            * copied when passed as a param
            * int, bool, string, address, enums
                * has no string comparison, compare string's keccak256 hashes
                * keccak256(abi.encodedPacked(_string))                
                * address
                * address payable - extra: transfer and send, address you can send Ether to                
reference types
            * referenced when passed as a param
            * array, struct, mapping
                    * store key-value data (can be different types)                
Data location
                * memory - external function call
                * storage - same as state variables
                * calldata - contains function args


        * defined inside/outside of contracts
        * called internally or externally
        * define visibility
        * accept params and return value
            * public: default, visible to everyone, adds getter function
            * private: only calls within the contract
            * internal: like private but accepting inheritance calls from outside contract
            * external: only called outisde the contract

function modifiers

        * view: read-only, no modify to state variables
        * pure: no read app's state, return value depends on its function parameters


        * concerts like, me the singer (the contract), will define a concert date (define an event), when the date is today me the singer will announce it (contract emit signal) and the public will listen (the UI application will listen)


        * add descriptive names and data for failure situations.
        * use with 'revert' statement

struct types

        * custom data type
        * group several variables

enum types

        * custom data type
        * define finite set of related constants

Data localtion

storage (i.e: hdd)
* stored permanently on the blockchain
* default for state variables (declared outside of functions)
memory (i.e: ram)
* stored temporary, erased between external function calls to your contract
* variables declared inside functions


- use underscore for args in functions
- use underscore for private function's name

key-value concepts

- require: throw error and stop executing if some condition is not true
- import: import another file to use its contract, 'import'
    * way to interact with another contract
    * declare a contract, declare the function header you want to call, including params and returns add ; to the end


- access modifiers, types, how to use them
    - public, external, private
- 'memory', 'storage', what are these?