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103 lines (67 loc) · 2.71 KB


The simplest way to use KnowYourData is to pass it a numpy array:

import numpy as np
from knowyourdata import kyd

# setting x as a numpy array
x = np.random.randn(200)

| Basic Statistics                                          | Array Structure                   |
|                                                           |                                   |
|    Mean:         Min:  -2.313       -99 CI:  -2.189       | Number of Dimensions:   1         |
|   0.04288         1Q:  -0.6402      -95 CI:  -1.969       | Shape of Dimensions:    (200,)    |
|               Median:   0.009476    -68 CI:  -0.8657      | Array Data Type:        float64   |
|   Std Dev:        3Q:   0.633       +68 CI:   1.041       | Memory Size:            1.7KiB    |
|    0.9815        Max:   3.276       +95 CI:   2.075       |                                   |
|                                     +99 CI:   3.195       | Number of NaN:  0                 |
|                                                           | Number of Inf:  0                 |

or if you are in a jupyter notebook, an HTML version.

The kyd function returns a structure that contains the information extracted from the data array. You can access this information through:

info_x = kyd(x)

# The Third Quartile of x:

Returned Parameters

Basic Statistics

All statistics are calculated on a data array filtered for all non-finite elements.

The arithmetic mean as determined by numpy.mean:
\bar{x} = \frac{1}{N} \sum x
Std Dev
The standard deviation as determined by numpy.std. As is customary in numpy:
\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum (x - \bar{x})^2}
The minimum of the data array as determined by numpy.min.
The first quartile of the data.
The median of the data as determined by numpy.median.
The third quartile of the data.
The maximum of the data as determined by numpy.max.
-99 CI, +99 CI
The location of the 99% confidence interval.
-95 CI, +95 CI
The location of the 95% confidence interval.
-68 CI, +68 CI
The location of the 68% confidence interval.

Array Structure

Number of Dimensions
The number of dimensions of the data array numpy.ndim(x)
Shape of Dimensions
The length of each of dimension as determined by numpy.shape(x)
Array Data Type
The Data Type populating the array.
Memory Size
The total size of the array in memory.
Number of NaN
The number of Not a Number values in the data array
Number of Inf
The number of Infinity values in the data array