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SMADI is a workflow designed to compute climate normals and detect anomalies for satellite soil moisture data, with a primary focus on ASCAT surface soil moisture (SSM) products.


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Soil Moisture Anomaly Detection Indicators

This repository contributes to a visiting research activity within the framework of `EUMETSAT HSAF<>`_, hosted by TU Wien, on the subject "development of workflows for climate normal and anomaly calculation for satellite soil moisture products".

SMADI is a comprehensive workflow designed to compute climate normals and detect anomalies in satellite soil moisture data. The primary focus is on ASCAT surface soil moisture (SSM) products. By establishing the distribution of SSM for each period and location, SMADI computes climatology, or climate normals, and subsequently identifies anomalies.

The core objective of SMADI is to leverage these anomaly indicators to identify and highlight extreme events such as droughts and floods, providing valuable insights for environmental monitoring and management. Furthermore, the methods used apply to other meteorological variables, such as precipitation, temperature, and more.


Case Studies

Romania Drought Event 2007

Romania ASCAT SSM Anomaly Maps of the 2007 Drought Event

Senegal Drought Event 2014

Senegal ASCAT SSM Anomaly Maps of the 2014 Drought Event

Germany Flood Event 2021

Germany ASCAT SSM Anomaly Maps of the 2021 Flood Event

Nigeria Flood Event 2022

Nigeria ASCAT SSM Anomaly Maps of the 2022 Flood Event

Anomaly Indicators

The climatology is computed using a moving average window and averaging through multiple years with various time scales: monthly, bimonthly, decadal, and weekly. Anomalies are then detected using one or more of the following indices:

Z-score: The Standardized Z-score

The Z-score is calculated using the formula:

z\_score = \frac{(x - \mu)}{\sigma}


  • x: The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • μ (mu): The long-term mean of the variable (the climate normal).
  • σ (sigma): The long-term standard deviation of the variable.

SMAD: Standardized Median Anomaly Deviation

The SMAD is calculated using the formula:

SMAD = \frac{(x - \eta)}{IQR}


  • x: The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • η (eta): The long-term median of the variable (the climate normal).
  • IQR: The interquartile range of the variable. It is the difference between the 75th and 25th percentiles of the variable.

Beta Distribution

The beta distribution is implemented using the scipy.stats module in Python. The probability density function (PDF) of a Beta distribution is given by:

f(x; \alpha, \beta) = \frac{x^{\alpha-1} (1-x)^{\beta-1}}{B(\alpha, \beta)}


  • ( B(alpha, beta) ) is the Beta function, which normalizes the distribution.

In scipy.stats, the Beta distribution is implemented as scipy.stats.beta(a, b) where a and b correspond to the shape parameters α and β, respectively.

Gamma Distribution

The gamma distribution is implemented using the scipy.stats module in Python. The PDF of a Gamma distribution is given by:

f(x; k, \theta) = \frac{x^{k-1} e^{-x/\theta}}{\theta^k \Gamma(k)}

where ( Gamma(k) ) is the Gamma function.

In scipy.stats, the Gamma distribution is implemented as scipy.stats.gamma(a, scale=θ) where a corresponds to the shape parameter k, and scale corresponds to θ.

ESSMI: Empirical Standardized Soil Moisture Index

The index is computed by fitting the nonparametric empirical probability density function (ePDF) using the kernel density estimator (KDE):

\hat{f}_h = \frac{1}{nh} \sum_{i=1}^{n} K\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right)

where the kernel function ( K ) is given by:

K(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \exp\left(-\frac{x^2}{2}\right)


  • (hat{f}_h): the ePDF
  • ( K ): the Gaussian kernel function
  • ( h ): the bandwidth of the kernel function as a smoothing parameter (Scott's rule)
  • ( n ): the number of observations
  • ( x ): The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • ( x_i ): the ( i )-th observation

The ESSMI is then computed by transforming the ePDF to the standard normal distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one using the inverse of the standard normal distribution function:

ESSMI = \Phi^{-1}(\hat{F}_h(x))


  • (Phi^{-1}): the inverse of the standard normal distribution function
  • (hat{F}_h): the ePDF

The kernel density estimator and the inverse of the standard normal distribution function can be implemented using the scipy.stats module in Python. The KDE can be computed using scipy.stats.gaussian_kde, and the inverse standard normal distribution can be obtained using scipy.stats.norm.ppf.

SMDS: Soil Moisture Drought Severity

The SMDS is calculated using the formula:

SMDS = 1 - SMP

where the Soil Moisture Percentile (SMP) is given by:

SMP = \frac{\text{rank}(x)}{n + 1}


  • SMP: Soil Moisture Percentile. It is the percentile of the average value of the variable in the time series data.
  • SMDS: Soil Moisture Drought Severity. It represents the severity of the drought based on the percentile of the average value of the variable in the time series data.
  • rank(x): The rank of the average value of the variable in the time series data.
  • n: The number of years in the time series data.
  • x: The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.

SMCI: Soil Moisture Condition Index

The SMCI is calculated using the formula:

SMCI = \frac{(x - \text{min})}{(\text{max} - \text{min})}


  • x: The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • min: The long-term minimum of the variable.
  • max: The long-term maximum of the variable.

SMCA: Soil Moisture Content Anomaly

The SMCA is calculated using the formula:

SMCA = \frac{(x - \text{ref})}{(\text{max} - \text{ref})}


  • x: The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • ref: The long-term mean (( mu )) or median (( eta )) of the variable (the climate normal).
  • max: The long-term maximum of the variable.

SMAPI: Soil Moisture Anomaly Percentage Index

A method for detecting anomalies in time series data based on the Soil Moisture Anomaly Percent Index (SMAPI) method.

The SMAPI is calculated using the formula:

SMAPI = \left( \frac{(x - \text{ref})}{\text{ref}} \right) \times 100


  • x: The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • ref: The long-term mean (( mu )) or median (( eta )) of the variable (the climate normal).

SMDI: Soil Moisture Deficit Index

The SMDI is calculated recursively using the formula:

SMDI(t) = 0.5 \times SMDI(t-1) + \left( \frac{SD(t)}{50} \right)


  • ( SD(t) ) is the Soil Moisture Deficit at time ( t ), defined as follows:
SD(t) =
  \frac{(x - \eta)}{(\eta - \text{min})} \times 100 & \text{if } x \leq \eta \\
  \frac{(x - \eta)}{(\text{max} - \eta)} \times 100 & \text{if } x > \eta \\
  • ( x ) The average (aggregated) value of the variable in the time series data based on the specified time step.
  • ( eta ) is the long-term median of the variable (the climate normal).
  • ( text{min} ) is the long-term minimum of the variable.
  • ( text{max} ) is the long-term maximum of the variable.
  • ( t ) is the time step of the time series data.

Workflow Processing

The package installation through pip will enable a command-line entry point for calculating anomalies using one or more of the available methods across various dates. The command, named 'smadi_run', is designed to compute indices for the ASCAT gridded NetCDF datasets. This Python entry point is intended to be executed through a bash shell command:

smadi_run <positional arguments> <options>

For more information about the positional and optional arguments of this command, run:

smadi_run -h


User Installation

For users who simply want to use smadi, you can install it via pip:

pip install smadi
Developer Installation

If you're a developer or contributor, follow these steps to set up smadi:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd smadi
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment using Conda or virtualenv:

For Conda:

conda create --name smadi_env python=3.8
conda activate smadi_env

For virtualenv:

virtualenv smadi_env
source smadi_env/bin/activate  # On Unix or MacOS
.\smadi_env\Scripts\activate    # On Windows
  1. Install dependencies from requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Usage

To use the Docker image for SMADI, follow these steps:

  1. Pull the Docker Image:

    Open your terminal and run the following command to pull the Docker image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull muhammedabdelaal/smadi:latest
  2. Run the Docker Image:

    After pulling the image, you can run it with the following command:

    docker run -it muhammedabdelaal/smadi:latest

    This will start a container with the SMADI application.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see


SMADI is a workflow designed to compute climate normals and detect anomalies for satellite soil moisture data, with a primary focus on ASCAT surface soil moisture (SSM) products.







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