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Releases: mui/material-ui-pickers


13 May 18:00
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We are mostly on the way to the first long-term supported (1.0.0) release 🎉

Thanks to 2 contributors, supporting this release ❤️

Here what's changed:

Breaking changes

N / A


  • Auto selection of closest enabled date, if selected date is disabled in current calendar #392 @dmtrKovalenko

Fixes / Improvements

  • Fix not disabled datepicker icon button in keyboard mode if whole input is disabled #392 @lolJS
  • Fix not including year of maxDate in date-fns utils #399
  • Disable scrolling on touch on Android
  • Disable text selection on dragging over time clock
  • Add cursor type when dragging clock pointer on desktop browsers
  • [typescript] Fix missing isNull & parse in utils inteface #381
  • [typescript] Improved utils typing overall. Utils are now a generic class instead of one reused.


01 May 19:52
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First of all thanks to 3 contributors, that make this release possible ❤️

Breaking changes

N / A


N / A



14 Apr 09:21
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First of all thanks to 4 contributors that makes this release possible 👍

Release highlights ✨

  • Fix displaying of clocks one by one for material ui > beta.39
  • Support luxon utils 🎉
  • Fix issues with today button

Breaking changes




  • Fix issue with 2 clocks one by one @alex-fournier
  • Fix issues with today button @Loktor
  • Fix missing arguments in utils typings @lookapanda
  • Fix missing pickerRef prop in ts defenitions @Le-Lutin


05 Apr 07:23
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Entirely thanks to 5 contributors, that makes this release possible ❤️
Here are release hightlights ✨

  • Add Today button for pickers
  • Continue support of persian calendar system
  • New animations 🎉

Breaking changes



Fixes / Enhancements

  • Fix dispatching error on clearing date in keyboard mode @dmtrKovalenko
  • [typescript] Fix error on trying to inherit utils @dmtrKovalenko
  • [typescript] Add lib-specific typed definitions for utils @dmtrKovalenko
  • [docs] New navigation system @cherniavskii
  • [docs] Document opening pickers progrmatically @dmtrKovalenko
  • Make MuiPickerUtilsProvider plain Component instead of pure to make it work with React Router Hoc @dmtrKovalenko


26 Mar 12:21
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Entirely thanks to 4 contributors and our bakers and sponsors - they makes this release possible ❤️


  • Add circle pin to the clock center to match material design guidelines @tkachenko-tatiana


  • Prop-types autogenerations
  • Add descriptions for CSS overrides
  • Add global formats sections

Fixes / Enhancements

  • Fix missing locale and moment props in typings @tstaehli
  • Make value nullable for typescript
  • Fix keyboard input parsing with moment utils


  • Fix responsive design issues
  • Add displaying of patrons on landing page


16 Mar 13:12
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First of all thanks to all contributors :)
Here are release highlights ✨

🎉 Check out our new documentation website

Breaking changes

Utils class have been redone from static class to the instance-based, so now override utils via extends.

import DateFnsUtils from 'material-ui-pickers/utils/date-fns-utils';

export class CustomUtils extends DateFnsUtils {


  • Localization - checkout out documentation for date-fns and moment
  • Disabling month navigation buttons depends on disabled days in the next/prev month #236
  • Add onOpen and onClose callbacks #234
  • Add ability to get the ref of rendered picker wrapper with pickerRef prop #265


  • Fix DialogActions align when clearable is set to true in IE11 #267
  • [Typescript] Remove importing moment, add missing props definitions. #257
  • [Moment] Fix incorrectly working parsing keyboard input #274
  • [Moment] Fix mutation of moment object with startOfDay, endOfDay #266


06 Mar 09:28
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Fix all critical bugs, that was caused by 1.0.0-rc.1 version

Here are release highlights ✨

Breaking changes


Fixes / Enhancements

  • Fix importing utils from core module that caused errors that moment/date-fns is not defined
  • Move from es imports in the direct components. Now importing from files will not caused jest tests fails.
  • Fix passing null as value displays 01.01.1970 with date-fns utils
  • Fix not updating displaying value if emptyLabel was changed


02 Mar 14:15
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🎉 Its a release candidate!

And we have added an ability to replace moment
First of all thanks to all contributors that work for this project, you are awesome ❤️

Breaking changes

Firstly we have moved all moment usages to the separate utils interface and have make it replaceable. So from now you are able to decide which library would be used by pickers to work with date.
We are providing interfaces for moment and date-fns 2.0. And if you are not already using moment for date management we suggest using date-fns, because its much more lightweight and will be correctly tree-shaked from the bundle.

You can teach the pickers which library to use with MuiPickersUtilsProvider. Add this to the root of your component tree

import MomentUtils from 'material-ui-pickers/utils/moment-utils';
import DateFnsUtils from 'material-ui-pickers/utils/date-fns-utils'
import MuiPickersUtilsProvider from 'material-ui-pickers/utils/MuiPickersUtilsProvider';

function App() {
  return ( 
    <MuiPickersUtilsProvider utils={DateFnsUtils}>
      <Root />

render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));

returnMoment property was deleted, now if you are using moment utils - you will get moment object anyway in the onChange callback.

-  returnMoment={false}
-  onChange={(date: Date) => this.setState({ date })}
+  onChange={(date:Moment) => this.setState({ date })


  • Improved importing system. Now its possible to import components by direct component name instead of src and Wrappers. We are tree-shaking friendly!
- import TimePicker from 'material-ui-pickers/src/TimePicker/TimePickerWrapper
+ import TimePicker from 'material-ui-pickers/TimePicker
  • Remove moment-range dependency (No more need to Array.from pollyfill)
  • Support of replaceable date management lib #219
  • Support of date-fns as date management lib #219
  • Add InputAdornmentProps and inputAdornmentPosition to keyboard adornment customization #223


  • Fix not reapplying validation when minDate or maxDate was changed #226
  • Fix not dispatching onChange when seconds changed in keyboard mode #206


12 Feb 13:09
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Thanks to our awesome contributors! ❤️

Release highlights ✨

Fixes / Enhancements

  • Support of material-ui vbeta.33
  • Fix not incorrect displaying of keyboard button if label provided
  • Fix not applying toolbar colors in Firefox for some scenarios
  • Fix not applying min/max validation rules for DateTime Pickers @LastDreamer
  • Improve typescript defenitions


31 Jan 13:32
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Firstly big thanks to 3 contributors, that makes this release possible
Release highlights ✨

We have update to material-ui beta.31!


  • Fix displaying error if value is null @cherniavskii
  • Fix not updating displaying value if format has been changed @cherniavskii
  • [Typescript] Fix error related to passed icons props @AlexAnthony