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288 lines (181 loc) · 8.08 KB
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React Table component
component: table


Tables display sets of data organized in rows and columns.

{{"component": "modules/components/ComponentLinkHeader.js"}}


The Joy UI Table component lets you use plain HTML structure to assemble a table in JSX.

{{"demo": "TableUsage.js", "hideToolbar": true, "bg": "gradient"}}


Joy UI Table will apply the styles based on a table structure using <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> elements.

import Table from '@mui/joy/Table';

{{"demo": "BasicTable.js"}}

:::info By default, header cells (<th>) contain the surface background color, whereas data cells (<td>) have no background. :::


Column width

Use the sx prop to target the header and provide the width as a number or percentage.

Columns that don't have an explicit width will spread equally to fill the rest of the area.

{{"demo": "TableColumnWidth.js"}}

:::info The Table component uses a fixed layout to let you control the width of each column.

To learn more about why we take this approach, check out this article from Chris Coyier on Fixed Table Layouts. :::

Inline style

An alternative way of controlling the column's width is to use inline styles on the <th> element:

    <th style={{ width: '40%' }}>Column 1</th>
    <th style={{ width: '64px' }}>Column 2</th>


Use the sx prop to target columns with the appropriate CSS selector and apply the text-align property.

// target cells that are not the first in their respective rows.
<Table sx={{ '& tr > *:not(:first-child)': { textAlign: 'right' } }}>

{{"demo": "TableAlignment.js"}}


Table supports Joy UI's four global variants: plain (default), outlined, soft, and solid.

{{"demo": "TableVariants.js"}}

:::info To learn how to add your own variants, check out Themed components—Extend variants. Note that you lose the global variants when you add custom variants. :::


The component comes in three sizes: sm, md (default), and lg.

{{"demo": "TableSizes.js"}}

:::info To learn how to add custom sizes to the component, check out Themed components—Extend sizes. :::


To create contrast between rows, use the stripe prop with odd or even values.

{{"demo": "TableStripe.js"}}


The stripe prop supports complex arguments with the :nth-child() CSS selector.

For example, you can use 3n as a value to create stripes on row numbers three, six, nine, and so on:

<Table stripe="3n">



To highlight a row of the table body when hovering over it, set the hoverRow prop to true.

{{"demo": "TableHover.js"}}


Use the borderAxis prop to control the border appearance.

{{"demo": "TableBorder.js"}}

Adding custom borders

Customize the table theme based on borderAxis prop using the extendTheme() function.

import { CssVarsProvider, extendTheme } from '@mui/joy/styles';

const theme = extendTheme({
  components: {
    JoyTable: {
      styleOverrides: {
        root: ({ ownerState }) => ({
          ...(ownerState.borderAxis === 'header' && {
            // this example applies borders between <thead> and <tbody>
            '& thead th:not([colspan])': {
              borderBottom: '2px solid var(--TableCell-borderColor)',

<CssVarsProvider theme={theme}></CssVarsProvider>

For TypeScript, you have to add the new values via module augmentation:

// this could be any file that's included in your tsconfig.json
declare module '@mui/joy/Table' {
  interface TablePropsBorderAxisOverrides {
    header: true;

Sticky header and footer

Set the stickyHeader to true to always stick the header at the top as users scroll the table.

Set the stickyFooter to true to always stick the footer at the bottom of the table.

:::success For stickyHeader and stickyFooter to work correctly, the Table must be a child of a fixed-height element with overflow auto (or scroll). We recommend wrapping your Table with Sheet for this purpose. See usage with Sheet to learn more. :::

{{"demo": "TableStickyHeader.js"}}


Add a caption to summarize the contents of a Table by inserting a <caption> element as the Table's first child.

{{"demo": "TableCaption.js"}}

:::success To display a caption at the bottom of the Table, set the caption side to bottom:

<Table sx={{ captionSide: 'bottom' }}>



Use <tfoot> to add a footer to the Table.

{{"demo": "TableFooter.js"}}

Row head

Set scope="row" to <th> elements inside <tbody> to apply the same style as column headers. The demo below illustrates a common use case: setting the first column to match the header styles.

{{"demo": "TableRowHead.js"}}

Row and column span

Use rowSpan and columnSpan to expand a cell across multiple rows or columns.

{{"demo": "TableRowColumnSpan.js"}}

:::warning Note that the CSS cannot figure out how apply borders on every corner without duplicating some.

There are two workarounds:

  1. Manually remove the right border for a specific cell:

    // In this example, we remove the border from
    // the right side of the header cell to avoid duplication.
    <th style={{ borderRightWidth: 0 }}>Canceled</th>
  2. Set Table's the border collapse to collapse:

    <Table sx={{ borderCollapse: 'collapse' }}>
    // Note that this will change the behavior when `stickyHeader` is true:
    // the bottom border of the sticky header will not "stick".


Text ellipsis

To truncate the text, set noWrap to true. The header cells always truncate the text to keep the header's height predictable.

{{"demo": "TableTextEllipsis.js"}}

CSS variables playground

Play around with the CSS variables available to the Table component to see how the design changes. You can use these to customize the components with both the sx prop and the theme.

{{"demo": "TableVariables.js", "hideToolbar": true, "bg": "gradient"}}

Usage with Sheet

import Sheet from @mui/joy/Sheet When Table becomes a child of Sheet component, the table header background is inherited from the Sheet.

{{"demo": "TableSheet.js"}}

Color inversion

When color inversion is enabled, the Table's styles will adapt based on its variant.

{{"demo": "TableSheetColorInversion.js"}}

Common examples

Sort and selection

Use form components such as Button, Select and Switch to create sort and selection features.

{{"demo": "TableSortAndSelection.js"}}

First and last column pinning

{{"demo": "TableColumnPinning.js"}}

Collapsible row

{{"demo": "TableCollapsibleRow.js"}}

Applying global variants

Use theme.variants.* to apply global variant styles to the Table.

{{"demo": "TableGlobalVariant.js"}}

Scrolling shadows

Inspired by this article from Lea Verou on CSS scrolling shadows, the shadows appear and hide when scrolling on the Table.

{{"demo": "TableScrollingShadows.js"}}