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The Everything is Connected Engine (EiCE)

This repository contains the code to the Everything is Connected Engine, the server behind the application. EIC is a Linked Data application for automatically generating a story between two concepts in the Web of Data, based on formally described links. A path between two concepts is obtained by browsing linked open datasets; the path is then enriched with multimedia presentation material for each node in order to obtain a full multimedia presentation of the found path. An �efficient technique combining pre-processing and indexing of RDF datasets is used, which is able to find paths in a couple of seconds.


Copyright 2012, Multimedia Lab - Ghent University - iMinds

Licensed under AGPL Version 3 license .


The Everything Is Connected client was released under the same license and can be found here:

Additional documentation and publications

Install guide

This document will guide you through all the necessary steps to install the Everything is Connected Engine 1.0. All sources for Section 1 of this document are Open Source and can be found on the Web. The sources for Section 2,3,4, except for some, are copyrighted by iMinds - Multimedia Lab and are available under AGPLv3 license.


1. Install SIREn

The engine uses the indexer SIREn, an extension of SOLR for RDF, originally made for the Semantic Web index Sindice.

1.0 Preparation

Install Ubuntu 12.10 or higher. If you need to do an upgrade of an existing version, run the following command.

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

Fix efi with the boot-repair tool for ubuntu if you cannot boot.

Get the sources at

git clone

Install Maven

sudo apt-get install maven2

Install Tomcat 6 (or 7)

sudo apt-get install tomcat6

Export the catalina folder, this is default

export CATALINA_BASE=/var/lib/tomcat6

1.1 Stop Tomcat

Stop your tomcat instance before performing the following steps.

/etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop

1.2 Clean Previously Installed Siren

In order to avoid unexpected conflict with previously deployed Solr webapp,
remove siren webapp directory

rm -rf $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/siren

1.3 Copying Context File

Create the folder $CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/

sudo mkdir -p $CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost

Copy siren.xml to:

cp siren-solr/example/siren.xml $CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/siren.xml

1.4 Configure Solr/SIREn Webapp

Set an environment variable SOLR_HOME pointing to the folder /your/local/path/siren-solr/example/solr

export SOLR_HOME=/your/local/path/siren-solr/example/solr

Edit siren.xml to both set the path of the war file and SOLR_HOME correctly

<Context docBase="/your/local/path/siren-solr/example/apache-solr-3.5.0.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
	<Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/your/local/path/siren-solr/example/solr" override="true" />

1.5 Copying SIREn libs

You can build SIREn using Maven in the main folder. First, make sure the JAVA_HOME is set correctly to the right JDK.

Next, the "caliper" dependency is no longer available. Change the pom.xml to the prior 0.5-rc1 version:


Then you can build using the command

mvn package

Copy siren-core-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar, siren-qparser-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar and siren-solr-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar in SOLR_HOME/lib.

sudo cp siren-core/target/siren-core-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar $SOLR_HOME/lib
sudo cp siren-qparser/target/siren-qparser-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar $SOLR_HOME/lib
sudo cp siren-solr/target/siren-solr-0.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar $SOLR_HOME/lib

1.6 Change File Permissions

Ensure that tomcat has full file permissions on SOLR_HOME:

chown -R tomcat6:tomcat6 $SOLR_HOME chown -R tomcat6:tomcat6 $SOLR_HOME

1.7 Start Tomcat

Start tomcat

/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start

You should be able to access the Solr admin page at http://localhost:8080/siren/

If problems would occur, see $CATALINA_BASE/logs/catalina.out

2 Configuring the indexing

Unpack indexer.tar, supplied in the home directory of these sources.

tar xvzf indexer.tar

In the folder "indexer", make sure you will find, amongst others, the following files:


These are possible index configurations for SIREn. They need to be modified if specific search functionality is required.

Replace the schema.xml in $SOLR_HOME/conf/ with the configuration file of your choosing.

cp required_siren_schema.xml $SOLR_HOME/conf/schema.xml

Restart tomcat after this.

/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start	

3 Ingesting RDF

To run the ingesting scripts, NodeJS 8.25 is required on your system. If this is not yet case, go ahead and install it.

tar zxf node-v0.8.25-linux-x64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:<location_of_node_dir>/node-v0.8.25-linux-x64/bin

For the next steps, you'll needs several scripts from the "indexer" folder:


It is very important to keep your files organized throughout the process, so make sure you have a good strategy.

3.1 Convert Quads or Triples to SIREn docs

To index triples or quads, we need to convert them to SIREn docs first. This can be done with the nodejs scripts nquads-to-sirendocor nquads_or_triples-to-sirendoc.

You can run the script as follows, with <nquad_source> as the triple file that needs to be ingested and <siren_docs_folder> as the folder where the files need to be stored. Make sure you use full paths!!

./nquads-to-sirendoc <nquad source> <siren_docs_folder>

This will create an archive in the destination folder.



The script dataset_preparation.pyhas the same functionality as mentioned above. However, it is capable to handle multiple folders and files, and convert RDF/XML automatically. Also, it merges triples with the same subjects across different files, which improves efficiency when sorting and avoids indexing doubles.

3.2 Load the SIREn docs

When the docs are created, they need to be loaded into SIREn. This is done by running the python script

python <siren_docs_folder>

Make sure the jar-file siren-eostool-0.2.2-SNAPSHOT-assembly.jar is present in the same folder as the script.

In case the above jar is incompatible with the system it's running on, a custom build might be required. This application is a customized version of the SIREn Entity Tool. The source code is made available on github:

git clone

4. Running the pathfinding service

4.1 Install python 3 and the required dependencies

Install python 3 and the necessary libraries.

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-tornado python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-setuptools python3-mako python3-dev python3-lxml

Build and install ujson from source.

git clone
cd ultrajson
sudo python3 install

Build and install cython from source.

sudo apt-get install cython
git cone
cd gevent
sudo python3 install

Build and install requests from source.

git clone git://
cd requests
sudo python3 install

Build and install SPARQLWrapper from source, install Subversion first to get it.

sudo apt-get install subversion
svn checkout svn:// sparql-wrapper-code
cd sparql-wrapper-code/src
sudo python3 install

Build and install networkx from source.

git clone
cd networkx
sudo python3 install

Build and install matplotlib and some of its dependencies from source.

sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev

tar xzvf python-dateutil-2.0.tar.gz
cd python-dateutil-2.0
sudo python3 install

git clone
cd matplotlib
sudo python3 install

Build and install graphtool. You'll need to install some extra repositories in your system with the following commands.

deb DISTRIBUTION universe
deb-src DISTRIBUTION universe

where DISTRIBUTION can be raring, quantal, or precise

Next, add a public key to prevent the authentication error message to pop up everytime you use apt-get. Finally, install the package.

gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x04DC461EF36FE35D && gpg --export --armor 0x04DC461EF36FE35D | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-graph-tool

4.2 Running the pathfinding server

Make a copy of EiCGraphAlgo/core/config.ini and call it config_local.ini . Set the different parameters accordingly.

cp config.ini config_local.ini

Run the server.pyscript. Your server should be available under http://localhost:8888/


The search algorithm uses a blacklist and a list of valid domains. The blacklist contains all predicates that need to be ignored while looking for a path. The list of valid domains contains all the 'namespaces' to search in. This can be useful, for example, to avoid dead ends caused by unindexed resources.

You can configure the black list and valid domains in