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File metadata and controls

386 lines (272 loc) · 15.9 KB

PixTable object

In the reduction approach of the MUSE pipeline, data need to be kept un-resampled until the very last step. The pixel tables used for this purpose can be saved at each intermediate reduction step and hence contain lists of pixels together with output coordinates and values. The pixel tables values and units change according to the reduction step. Please consult the data reduction user manual for further informations.

The ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable object is used to handle the MUSE pixel tables created by the data reduction system. The PixTable object can be read and write to disk and a few functions can be performed on the object. Note that pixel tables are saved as FITS binary tables or as multi-extension FITS images (data reduction software version 0.08 or above). A PixTable object detects the file format and acts accordingly. But by default PixTable object writes to disk using the multi-extension FITS images option because it's faster. A 8.2 GB pixel table can be saved 3x faster as FITS images and loaded 5x faster compared to saving and loading as FITS table.

Also pixtable can be very large and then used a lot of RAM. To use efficiently the memory, the file is open in memory mapping mode when a PixTable object is created from an input FITS file: i.e. the arrays are not in memory unless they are used by the script.

PixTable format

Array Type Description Units
xpos float x position of the pixel within the field of view pixel, rad, deg
ypos float y position of the pixel within the field of view pixel, red, deg
lambda float wavelength assigned to the pixel Angstrom
data float data value count, 10**-20 erg/s/cm**2/A
dq int 32bit bad pixel status (in Euro3D convention)  
stat float data variance estimation count**2, (10**-20 erg/s/cm**2/A)**2
origin int pixel location on detector, slice and channel number  

The origin column is composed of the IFU and slice numbers and the x and y coordinates on the originating CCD. Using bit shifting and information in the FITS headers these four numbers are encoded in a single 32bit integer. Note that the ~mpdaf.MUSE package provides a ~mpdaf.MUSE.Slicer class to convert the slicer number between various numbering schemes.

Read a pixtable, display informations and extract a smaller pixtable centered around an object

Preliminary imports:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]: from mpdaf.drs import PixTable

We read the ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable from the disk and check its basic informations ( and FITS header content:

In [4]: pix = PixTable('PIXTABLE-MUSE.2014-07-26T04:37:08.541.fits')

In [5]:
[INFO] 24 merged IFUs went into this pixel table
[INFO] This pixel table was flux-calibrated
[INFO] projected (intermediate) (Gnomonic proje)
Filename: PIXTABLE-MUSE.2014-07-26T04:37:08.541.fits
No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU    2232   ()
1    xpos        ImageHDU         9   (1, 323885723)   float32
2    ypos        ImageHDU         9   (1, 323885723)   float32
3    lambda      ImageHDU         9   (1, 323885723)   float32
4    data        ImageHDU         9   (1, 323885723)   float32
5    dq          ImageHDU         8   (1, 323885723)   int32
6    stat        ImageHDU         9   (1, 323885723)   float32
7    origin      ImageHDU         8   (1, 323885723)   int32
[INFO] None

In [6]: print(pix.nrows)

This is a pixtable containing a MUSE exposure of HDFS. Note that the current table has 323885723 pixels. It corresponds to the full MUSE field for a single exposure. Let's look to the corresponding reconstructed image from the associated datacube:

In [7]: from mpdaf.obj import Image

In [8]: rec = Image('IMAGE-HDFS-v1.11.fits')

In [9]:
[INFO] 331 x 326 Image (/muse/HDFS/public/dataproducts/HDFS-DataProducts-v1.11/IMAGE-HDFS-v1.11.fits)
[INFO] .data(331 x 326) (1e-20 ct), .var(331 x 326)
[INFO] center:(-60:33:49.0427,22:32:55.53) size in arcsec:(66.139,65.126) step in arcsec:(0.200,0.200) rot:0.1 deg

In [10]: plt.figure()
Out[10]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff6d7b3a550>

In [11]: rec.plot(scale='arcsinh')
Out[11]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff6d7935910>

We are interested in the brightest object. Let's find its position by using ~mpdaf.obj.Image.peak:

In [12]: peak = rec.peak()

Now we will use ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.extract to extract a circular region of the pixtable centered around the object and we will restrict the wavelength to the 6000:6100 Angstrom range:

In [13]: objpix = pix.extract(filename='Star_pixtable.fits',sky=(peak['y'], peak['x'], 2., 'C'), lbda=(6000,6100))

In [14]: objpix.nrows
Out[14]: 24441

Note that we have extracted a circular ('C') region of 2 arcseconds around the object. The new pixtable (objpix) is much smaller, only 24441 pixels. The pixtable has been saved as a FITS file (Star_pixtable.fits).

The method ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.extract can extract a subset of a pixtable using the following criteria:

  • aperture on the sky (center, size and shape),
  • wavelength range,
  • IFU numbers,
  • slice numbers,
  • detector pixels,
  • exposure numbers,
  • stack numbers.

~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.extract creates a mask columns for all criteria, merges the masks and returns a new pixtable extracted with the final mask. These methods are also available to do the extraction step par step:

  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_lambda returns a mask corresponding to the given wavelength range,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_stacks returns a mask corresponding to given stacks,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_slices returns a mask corresponding to given slices,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_ifus returns a mask corresponding to given ifus,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_exp returns a mask corresponding to given exposures,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_xpix and ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_ypix return a mask corresponding to detector pixels,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.select_sky returns a mask corresponding to the given aperture on the sky,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.extract_from_mask returns a new pixtable extracted with the given mask.

Let's investigate this pixtable. ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.get_xpos and ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.get_ypos return the relative x/y position of the pixel to the center of the field of view. We start by plotting the sky positions:

In [15]: x = objpix.get_xpos()

In [16]: y = objpix.get_ypos()

In [17]: plt.figure()
Out[17]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff495869fd0>

In [18]: plt.plot(y, x, '.')
Out[18]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff495a8bfd0>]

Ok, we have a circular location of pixels as expected. Note that the plotted points seems to be 'thick'. We can check this by zooming. For example if we zoom to the two points on the left side, this what we obtain.


This is typical of the pixel table. Because of distortion each pixel on the detector has not exactly the same location on the sky for the various wavelength. Let's see if we have some bad pixel identified. ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.get_dq gets the dq column.:

In [19]: dq = objpix.get_dq()

In [20]: k = np.where(dq > 0)

In [21]: k
(array([ 9363, 13049, 14485, 14611, 14738, 15074, 15158, 15199, 15704,
      15830, 21261, 21279]),)

In [22]: plt.plot(y[k], x[k], 'r.')
Out[22]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff495ab68d0>]

Indeed there are 12 bad pixels localised in 6 areas of the detectors. We can see their location as the red points in the plot. Let's now investigate how this object is mapped on the detector. We start to get the origin array with ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.get_origin:

In [23]: origin = objpix.get_origin()

Several methods exists to decode it:

  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.origin2ifu returns the ifu number of each pixel,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.origin2slice returns the slice number of each pixel,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.origin2xpix returns the x coordinates of the pixels on the detector,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.origin2ypix returns the y coordinates of the pixels on the detector,
  • ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.origin2coords returns (ifu, slice, ypix, xpix).

For example we decode the origin array to get the IFU number:

In [24]: ifu = objpix.origin2ifu(origin)

In [25]: np.unique(ifu)
Out[25]: array([5, 6, 7], dtype=uint8)

In [26]: k = np.where(ifu == 5)

In [27]: plt.plot(y[k],x[k],'ob')
Out[27]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff4957c0c50>]

In [28]: k = np.where(ifu == 6)

In [29]: plt.plot(y[k],x[k],'or')
Out[29]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff495854850>]

In [30]: k = np.where(ifu == 7)

In [31]: plt.plot(y[k],x[k],'oc')
Out[31]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff495854f10>]

We can see that the star is split into three IFUs (5, 6 and 7). We plot the sky location according to the IFU number.


Now we are going to display the data as located on the original exposure. Firs we have to compute separately the corresponding pixtable for each IFU (~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.extract) and then we use the sub-pixtable to reconstruct the originating CCD image (~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.reconstruct_det_image):

In [32]: objpix5 = pix.extract(filename='Star_pixtable.fits',sky=(peak['y'], peak['x'], 2., 'C'), lbda=(6000,6100), ifu=5)

In [33]: ima5 = objpix5.reconstruct_det_image()

In [34]: plt.figure()
Out[34]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff495a670d0>

In [35]: ima5.plot(vmin=0, vmax=200)
Out[35]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff495712410>

In [36]: objpix6 = pix.extract(filename='Star_pixtable.fits',sky=(peak['y'], peak['x'], 2., 'C'), lbda=(6000,6100), ifu=6)

In [37]: ima6 = objpix6.reconstruct_det_image()

In [38]: plt.figure()
Out[38]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff495854e90>

In [39]: ima6.plot(vmin=0, vmax=200)
Out[39]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff6d72dd090>

In [40]: objpix7 = pix.extract(filename='Star_pixtable.fits',sky=(peak['y'], peak['x'], 2., 'C'), lbda=(6000,6100), ifu=7)

In [41]: ima7 = objpix7.reconstruct_det_image()

In [42]: plt.figure()
Out[42]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff49576b0d0>

In [43]: ima7.plot(vmin=0, vmax=200)
Out[43]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff4953c2cd0>




This give a good view of the pixels that comes into the object for the wavelength 6000:6100 Angstrom. Note that we restricted the wavelength range in the ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.extract method. It would be also possible to used ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.reconstruct_det_waveimage that reconstructs the image of wavelength values on the detector from the pixtable.

Use the pixtable's data

We will see how to use the pixel table to fit a 2D gaussian for a restricted wavelength range. We start to define a function that fit a 2D gaussian to a set of points (x, y, data):

In [44]: from scipy.optimize import leastsq

In [45]: def fitgauss(x, y, data, peak, center, fwhm):
   ....:     p0 = np.array([peak, center[0], center[1], fwhm/2.355])
   ....:     res = leastsq(gauss2D, p0, args=[x, y, data])
   ....:     return res

In [46]: def gauss2D(p, arglist):
   ....:     x, y, data = arglist
   ....:     peak, x0, y0, sigma = p
   ....:     g = peak*np.exp(-((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)/(2*sigma**2))
   ....:     residual = data - g
   ....:     return residual

Let's check if it works:

In [47]: y, x = np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), np.arange(10))

In [48]: g = 2.0*np.exp(-((x-5)**2+(y-5)**2)/(2*1.7**2))

In [49]: gn = np.random.normal(g, 0.1*np.sqrt(g))

In [50]: xp = x.ravel()

In [51]: yp = y.ravel()

In [52]: gnp = gn.ravel()

In [53]: fitgauss(xp, yp, gnp, 1.0, (4.9,5.1), 2*2.355)
Out[53]: (array([ 1.97698318,  4.98185621,  4.94862697,  1.70022846]), 1)

OK, so now we can test it on our object pixtable:

In [54]: x = objpix.get_xpos()

In [55]: y = objpix.get_ypos()

In [56]: data = objpix.get_data()

In [57]: center = (0,0)

In [58]: res = fitgauss(y, x, data, data.max(), center, 0.7/3600.)

In [59]: print('Peak:',res[0][0], 'Center:',res[0][1:3], 'Fwhm:',res[0][3]*2.355*3600)
Peak: 1465.94006348 Center: [ 0.  0.] Fwhm: 0.7

We have used ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.get_data to have the data column. It exists a getter and a setter for each column of the pixtable. We recommend that you use these setters to update a pixtable because they preserve the consistency of the file by updating the FITS header.

In place of the relative coordinates, we can use the absolute position on the sky given by ~mpdaf.drs.PixTable.get_pos_sky:

In [60]: y, x = objpix.get_pos_sky()

In [61]: center = (peak['y'], peak['x'])

In [62]: res = fitgauss(y, x, data, data.max(), center, 0.7/3600.)

In [63]: print('Peak:',res[0][0], 'Center:',res[0][1:3], 'Fwhm:',res[0][3]*2.355*3600)
Peak: 1465.94006348 Center: [ -60.56826963  338.23752675] Fwhm: 0.7

Self-calibration method for empty fields


The self-calibration method is available in the DRS since version 2.4, with the autocalib="deepfield" parameter. This should be prefered as it is more efficient (no need to save the Pixtable to read it in MPDAF), includes a few bug fixes, and allows to use the DRS sky-subtraction after the autocalib. New DRS versions may also include more features.

The implementation in MPDAF has been removed in v3.2.

The self-calibration method works on a pixel table and allows to bring all slices to the same median value. This is useful to remove residual IFU and slice mean level variations. It was designed to work on sparse fields, where objects are small compared to the size of a slice. This is because it needs to mask the sources, in order to extract reliably the mean sky value. And the correction for a slice cannot be computed if all its pixels are masked.

The figure below gives an example on an HDFS exposure, showing the white-light image before an after the correction. Note that this correction varies with the wavelength as it is computed on wavelength bins of 200 to 300 Angstroms.
