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Releases: musnows/Kook-Valorant-Bot


01 Sep 13:54
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What's Changed?

  • using global value for auth_object, making auto_reauthorize possible. Thanks to floxay/python-riot-auth. Most of the time, bot will auto_reauthorize to reflash token without login again.
  • make iters_search locally.
  • change reply for update_spb command
  • move /point command to /uinfo,cancel search to player's contract.
  • add notify-a/-l/-dcommand to notify user when the skin is avaible in their daily shop

New Contributer


30 Aug 04:49
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What's Changed?

  • add /bundle command to search bundles,bot will return bundle_icon/all_skin includes in bundle/price
  • add /update_spb command to update skin/bundle/price in LOCAL Files. All desciption will get in local files,which is way faster than requesting API [For exp,it will takes 0.7s to fetch_all_skin through API. But only 0.0005sthrough local files]
  • update README & screenshots


23 Aug 01:56
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Breaking Changed!

The frist version of shop command has been published!

  • add /login to get auth_token, this is from floxay/python-riot-auth
  • add many fetch def to get daily_shop/point/all_skins/all_item_price/item_level
  • update README

For more command update, just checkout README


21 Aug 05:21
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What's Changed?

  • add def to ignore (met)&(rol) while translating sentence
  • change all log_files from txt to json, which can better handler command
  • add more aliases to /val command,update err code val 1067
  • delte useless code and reference


07 Aug 12:47
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What's Changed?

  • delete /hs command to fit the policy
  • add online/total users update of the server
  • add str2int def to better control /val command,in case user input /val van9001
  • add aliases /阿狸 to help command
  • add *arg for /saveid, now u don't need to use /saveid 'test #1234' to control the value

Add default value & try/except to most of the command


21 Jul 15:12
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What's Changed?

  • add /we city command to cheack weather of the city
  • add /hs command to show history of today
  • add status.pyto control bot_status gaming/listening to music
  • fix the bug that bot will turn on real-time translation twice at same channel
  • update wiki
  • update README


13 Jul 12:43
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What's Changed?

  • now you can use /TLON & /TLOFFto turn on/off real time translation at current channel
  • update README
  • update /Ahricommand


10 Jul 15:13
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What's Changed?

  • add /TL command to translate context,using youdao & caiyun
  • add wiki pages for repo
  • update README


09 Jul 04:33
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What's Changed?

  • now the bot will send a thanks message on the notification channel when someone sponsor the server
  • update README
  • add more screenshots


07 Jul 07:26
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What's Changed?

  • now the bot can grant roles for users by checking the reaction_emoji
  • new files code/log/color_emoji.txt to stroe the emoji_ID
  • update README